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Everything posted by rfizzle

  1. rfizzle

    Armored Train

    To use custom loot tables with a plugin such as AlphaLoot, do we just flip the option `Allow the AlphaLoot plugin to spawn items in this crate` to true and then add a loot profile matching the preset name (ex. `crateelite_default`)?
  2. rfizzle


    Would love to see two features: * Ability to downgrade * Ability to all upgrade/downgrade all for a specific type of structure (specifically would like to set things like roofs to a specific type, such as stone/metal, for peaks)
  3. rfizzle

    Images blocked!

    Yea, I have a server out of Singapore and it is being blocked as well.
  4. rfizzle


    Would love to be able to pass a variable to the `simplepve` command to force a state of PVE, like `simplepve on` and `simplepve off` or `simplepve pve` and `simplepve pvp`
  5. Carbon's bundled StackManager module with the following config: { "Enabled": true, "Config": { "GlobalMultiplier": 1.0, "GlobalItemsMultiplier": 1.0, "ProhibitItemContainerStacking": false, "ProhibitItemConsumableContainerStacking": true, "ProhibitItemFishableStacking": false, "Categories": { "Ammunition": 20.0, "Attire": 1.0, "Component": 20.0, "Construction": 20.0, "Electrical": 20.0, "Food": 20.0, "Fun": 1.0, "Items": 20.0, "Medical": 20.0, "Misc": 20.0, "Resources": 20.0, "Tool": 1.0, "Traps": 1.0, "Weapon": 1.0 }, "Items": { "tarp": 200.0, "propanetank": 50.0, "grenade.f1": 50.0, "grenade.smoke": 30.0, "grenade.flashbang": 50.0, "grenade.beancan": 50.0, "ammo.rocket.basic": 200.0, "ammo.rocket.hv": 200.0, "explosive.timed": 100.0, "explosive.satchel": 100.0 }, "Blacklist": [ "water", "water.salt", "hmlmg", "lmg.m249", "pistol.m92", "pistol.nailgun", "pistol.prototype17", "pistol.python", "pistol.revolver", "pistol.semiauto", "rocket.launcher", "rifle.ak", "rifle.ak.ice", "rifle.bolt", "rifle.m39", "rifle.l96", "rifle.lr300", "rifle.semiauto", "shotgun.double", "shotgun.pump", "shotgun.spas12", "shotgun.waterpipe", "smg.2", "smg.mp5", "smg.thompson", "snowballgun" ] }, "Version": "1523036649" }
  6. rfizzle

    No images loaded.

    I also have not been able to render images in many days and after many reboots. You should migrate the images to a local data path.
  7. Some more info: I am running Carbon with its native stack size multiplier (stack size adjusted to 10x) Carbon [production] [production_build] on Rust 674/2548.251.1 (06/11/2024 10:23:15) The amount I tested was 500 of 556 ammo.
  8. Any amount of ammo.
  9. I've noted the turrets lose all ammo after a server restart. I have the following config: { "Turret Settings": { "Require gun": false, "Require Ammunition": true, "Make Turret Work With No Power To Switch": false, "Required Amount Of Power To Switch": 10.0, "Turret Gun Scan Distance": 50.0, "Turret Start Health": 1500.0, "Allowed To Also Be A SamSite": true, "Sam Allowed To Target PatrolHelicopter": true, "Max Turret Placement In Range": 12, "Max Turret Scan Range": 40.0, "Turret AimCone": 4.0 }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 3, "Patch": 6 } } My assumption would be that it has to do with not requiring a gun for the turret, but that is only a hunch due to how Rust does not allow ammo on an empty turret and that this is a skin on the native turret object. Is this a known issue?
  10. Has anyone else reported Ammo disappearing from the turrets after a server restart?
    Works great, looks good, easy to setup and integrate with everything. Have the plugin running on a server with TeleportUI and SimplePVE, integrated smoothly and haven't had any issues with it. Running both DezLife's RaidBlock + CombatBlock
  11. rfizzle


    Works great, looks good, easy to setup and integrate with everything. Have the plugin running on a server with TeleportUI and SimplePVE, integrated smoothly and haven't had any issues with it.
  12. rfizzle


    Like others, this replaced BetterChat, BetterFilter, BetterMute, GUI Annoucment, and a few settings in other plugins like Clans that just didn't integrate too well. Love the notice feature and the ability for players to choose their title/message colors.
    Very intuitive and visually appealing plugin! Replaced building grades on my server with it and expose single removal of entities to my players. It uses the correct upgrade hooks to integrate with plugins like SkillTree. Just be careful of the REMOVE + ALL workflow, it can be tricky to notice and it has messed me up a few times.
    One of the more visually appealing Outpost's I've come across. Works great on my servers.
  13. rfizzle

    Console Errors on Last Update

    Getting the following errors in the console: Carbon [production] [production_build] on Rust 668/2548.251.1 (06/06/2024 07:22:20) 06/07 15:50:51 | Failed executing console command 'furnaceupgrades.ui' in 'Furnace Upgrades v2.0.35 by yUN' [callback] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at UIBuilder Oxide.Plugins.FurnaceUpgrades+UIBuilder.AddImage(string parent, string image, string color, string anchor, string offset, string name) in /home/fire/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/FurnaceUpgrades.cs:line 1999 at void Oxide.Plugins.FurnaceUpgrades.ShowModal(BasePlayer player, BaseOven oven) in /home/fire/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/FurnaceUpgrades.cs:line 1889 at void Oxide.Plugins.FurnaceUpgrades.ConsoleCommandUI(Arg arg) in /home/fire/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/FurnaceUpgrades.cs:line 2126 at object System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
  14. rfizzle

    Recent Update

    Some console spam related to recent update: Carbon [production] [production_build] on Rust 668/2548.251.1 (06/06/2024 07:22:20) 06/07 14:56:49 | Failed executing chat command 'grade' in 'IQGradeRemove v2.27.33 by Mercury' [callback] (Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index) at string System.Collections.Generic.List<string>.get_Item(int index) at void Oxide.Plugins.IQGradeRemove.DrawUI_Types(BasePlayer player, int Index, LocalRepositoryUser repositoryUser) in /home/fire/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/IQGradeRemove.cs:line 1774 at void Oxide.Plugins.IQGradeRemove.DrawUI_StaticPanel(BasePlayer player) in /home/fire/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/IQGradeRemove.cs:line 1757 at void Oxide.Plugins.IQGradeRemove+LocalRepositoryUser.ActionAssignment(BasePlayer player, int customType) in /home/fire/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/IQGradeRemove.cs:line 886 at void Oxide.Plugins.IQGradeRemove.ControllerGradeRemove(BasePlayer player, string ArgNumber) in /home/fire/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/IQGradeRemove.cs:line 953 at void Oxide.Plugins.IQGradeRemove.ChatCMDUp(BasePlayer player, string cmd, string[] args) in /home/fire/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/IQGradeRemove.cs:line 1473 at object System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
    Works great with AutoCodeLocks Thanks for this awesome plugin!
  15. Console is being spammed with the error message below Environment info: Carbon: 1.2024.1067.4507 Simple Status: 1.1.3 Plugins utilizing Simple Status: RaidProtection v3.4.3 03/09 11:37:45 | Failed to call internal hook 'OnCollectiblePickup' on plugin 'SimpleStatus v1.1.3' [3835910782] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at void Oxide.Plugins.SimpleStatusExtensionMethods.ExtensionMethods.ForEach<ItemAmount>(IEnumerable<ItemAmount> source, Action<ItemAmount> action) in /home/fire/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/SimpleStatus.cs:line 651 at void Oxide.Plugins.SimpleStatus.OnCollectiblePickup(CollectibleEntity collectible, BasePlayer basePlayer) in /home/fire/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/SimpleStatus.cs:line 234 at object Oxide.Plugins.SimpleStatus.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in SimpleStatus.cs/Internal:line 150
  16. Possible to add in support for an output multiplier blacklist? Specifically in my case for sulfur.
  17. rfizzle

    Incompatibility with Carbon

    Hi, I recently purchases the plugin and have found that the UI methods are not working on Carbon: 10/23 11:02:44 | Failed to execute OnFrame callback (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.SpectatorPlus.UIInterface (BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target) [0x00196] in /home/steam/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/SpectatorPlus.cs:454 at Oxide.Plugins.SpectatorPlus+<>c__DisplayClass35_0.<InitialiseSpec>b__0 () [0x000cd] in /home/steam/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/SpectatorPlus.cs:1049 at Carbon.Managers.CarbonProcessor.Update () [0x00054] in <d61d8fb510bc41db8a593882a1f35f23>:0 10/23 11:02:44 | Failed to execute OnFrame callback (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.SpectatorPlus.UIInterface (BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target) [0x00196] in /home/steam/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/SpectatorPlus.cs:454 at Oxide.Plugins.SpectatorPlus.StartSpec (BasePlayer player) [0x0001b] in /home/steam/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/SpectatorPlus.cs:384 at Oxide.Plugins.SpectatorPlus+<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<OnMessagePlayer>b__0 () [0x00000] in /home/steam/serverfiles/carbon/plugins/SpectatorPlus.cs:371 at Carbon.Managers.CarbonProcessor.Update () [0x00054] in <d61d8fb510bc41db8a593882a1f35f23>:0 Can you please either update to add support, or add another command to exit spectate. Thanks!
  18. rfizzle

    Custom Gather

    Any way to blacklist or set custom gather rate for individual items? I would like to do a default gather rate of 4, except for sulfur where I would like 1.5.


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