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Papa Bear

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Everything posted by Papa Bear

  1. // config/json file { "Maximal Titles": 4, "Maximal Characters Per Message": 128, "Reverse Title Order": false } // data/json file "GroupName": "Moderator", "Priority": 1, "Title": { "Text": "[Moderator]", "Color": "Red", "Size": 15, "Hidden": false, "HiddenIfNotPrimary": false }, "Username": { "Color": "Red", "Size": 15 }, "Message": { "Color": "#ff6b6b", "Size": 15 }, "Format": { "Chat": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}", "Console": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}" } My Players only show up to Two Ranks. Even though it's set to 4. But, in Betterchat, I have their Rankings called GROUPNAME which is their current Ranking, weather it's assigned by me via better chat, or by Player Rankings when they hit their hours.
  2. Papa Bear


    Do you manually spawn this event, Triangulation? If so, you could swap out an alternative Huntsman config file with zero animals. Or, if your Triangulation plugin uses certain types of animals, then omit those same types in the HuntsMan plugin. Myself, I don't have every animal trip him and I do adjust the percentage chance of him arriving so he's not predictable. One week, chickens will trigger him, the next week stags. Keep the players guessing. Especially since I use a plugin that spawns animals from barrels, to scare the bejeeshis out of them (Plugin called Barreless) But, I'm assuming if you are using the same animal with a high to 100% chance of spawning the HuntsMan, that you're using for this other plugin, you may get some frustrated players.
  3. Papa Bear

    Heavy Rig

    CONFLICTS: Key Card Notify Had a conflict with a plugin. Thought I would report it here for anyone that couldn't get this working. Still seems a bit buggy for me. Going to do some more testing. I did get an extra 2 crates (Large Oil Rig) and I did get extra guards, but the guards decided to come in all at the same time. It was Total Chaos, but a ton of fun. A real lag fest. How far out are they supposed to come in (waves) because 55 at one time is a bit much for most players. And in my hurry to test, I hadn't even thinned out the NPCs first ... so, had them added to the mix, made for a real Shit Show! LOL ... I know my players are going to love this, because we often spawn extras in from time to time when they least expect it. Not at these numbers, but for a PvE server, my players are quite the Bot Killers.
  4. Papa Bear


    I too Admin on a server where I have added bots to Arctic, Silo, Abandoned Military Base with superior AI to Rust Bots and they are configured to through Flash Bangs/Grenades/Smoke, Choose weapon Type on Distance and will run you down, 160 meters away from the monument. There is no escape. There is no attacking from a distance. It's brutal and my players love it. We are a PvE Server that is very fun and nobody has hard feelings (because, after all, it's AI) We also added 6 Heavy Scientist (dressed as Heavies) parachute down with a Heli and they are much harder than anything that you will fight on Oil Rig. Added Para-Zombies (dressed as Frankenstein) to Air Drops, making even this a challenge. On top of this, all monuments have about 10 kitted bots at most monuments in Peacekeeper Mode, that leave you alone unless you shoot off your gun, say at a barrel or an animal. And yes, if you shoot at one of them, their buddies come to find you and find you they will! I even use it for HuntsMan Plugin, making him choose between an LR and an L96, depending how far you are. Also, make custom bots (Bosses). BotReSpawn is the best plugin this game has going for it and I have only scratched the surface in how you can use it. I think Malkizid said all that needed to be said, but I just wanted others to know he's not the only one out there that thinks as highly of this plugin and its ability to make a Great game, Fantastic..
  5. Papa Bear


    After discovering I can change the kits of my normal NPCs through "NPCKits" on Oil, G E and Desert Base ... I added a bit of more excitement by adding some BotReSpawns and with their superior AI, and Protect the Group mentality, and Grenade tossing abilities ... it does keep people their toes. I've also dressed up a bot (his name is Matt Damon) and I put him in a gillie suit in the open and edittool some bushes around him. He's got a 360 Degree Advantage (Set his movements to "0") and health around 2000. Hand him a silenced L92 and five rotating spawn points. Keeping him in Peacekeeper so he only fires when they're firing. Really mess with the players. Made a 6K boss, we call Big Daddy ... has a 10% Chance to drop his M249 and he's deadly with F1 Grenades. Also set up so Frankenstein's Monsters with the Murderer sound and handed them some smoke grenades. Our server wouldn't be the same, with all the the things you can dream up. - One issue I'm having though, is I used to be able to set my Sniper, Matt Damon up on a tower in Airfield. Now, he won't spawn unless he's on the ground. If anyone knows the secret of what I forgot, please let me know. Otherwise, best plugin, worth the money!
  6. Papa Bear

    Bradley Drops

    Thanks for the report, will definitely look into this. I will have to write a check that makes sure they can’t call at monuments. I don't see an option to turn this off. My players like to drop it at airfield and launch, but now they can't. For now, I'm going to revert to one of my old saves to get the last version before 1.1.11 - I searched the Config for "Monument" ... but nothing. I did delete my config and reloaded the plugin, same thing. I see this option in Heli Signals and I see in the .CS File that it's there, but I only see the restriction of monuments in the Bradley Plugin .. nothing to allow it. Can you add those lines into a new version. I know you're waiting on the Parachute issue, but this would help a lot. Some players like to add more to the monuments they take, by adding a heli and/or a bradley to the fight. Thank you, Bear
  7. Reder 0 Posted Tuesday at 03:09 AM Hello, how can I set it to count headshots? It counts everything, but it doesn't want to ....................................................................................................... In Options, should look like this if Options": { "IssueRewardsAtWipe": false, "displayClanStats": false, "record_FriendsAPI_Kills": false, "record_ClanMate_Kills": true, "record_RustIO_Friend_Kills": true, "record_Rust_Teams_Kills": true, "blockEvents": true, "statCollection": true, "RequiresPermission": false, "useIntenseOptions": true, "useTimedTopList": false, "deleteOnBan": true, "PVPHeadshotsOnly": false, (Ideal for PvE servers. "true" for PvP Servers) "CountHeadshotsOnlyIfKill": false, (Less Head Shots Tracked if "true") "TimedTopListTimer": 10, "TimedTopListAmount": 3, "TimedTopListSize": 12, "TimedTopListNumbered": true, "saveTimer": 30, "chatCommandAliases": [ In the config file, should look like this. "HeadShots": { "CollectStats": true, "EnabledInPersonal": true, "EnabledInTop1": true, "EnabledInTop30": true, "IncludeInChatBroadcast": true, "Title": "Headshot", "ShowTitleInPlayerChatMessages": true, (Player can have multiple titles) "ChatPriority": 1, "BroadcastTitleChanges": true
  8. @Father Not sure where you get your information from? Do you have receipts? What server ever got "Flagged". You shouldn't spread rumors unless you have something to link to. Skinbox would have had a Cease and Desist a long time ago. And which server should be selling the skins? You mean, as an Admin, I should charge players $ or are you talking about Steam?. SMH Bear
  9. We are patiently waiting for an Update for the new skin. I thought I read somewhere that this was going to be automatically updated, but I must be mistaken. By the way, anyone ... Ubertool has the skin in there plugin (Not for players) so if you want to mess around with it, at least we get to this way. Bear
  10. Papa Bear


    Removed by Papa Bear
  11. bsdinis Posted Friday at 06:23 PM Update oxide. mikebare Posted Saturday at 11:15 AM Last Update: 9-13-2023 - Oxide Update 2.0.6023 Is there another update besides this? I don't see anything posted on OxideMod/UMod Discord Channel? bsdinis 40 Posted Saturday at 11:48 AM Update oxide. ====================== On Last Time ====================== https://github.com/OxideMod/Oxide.Rust/releases/tag/2.0.6023 I am trying to ask you, is there another release of Oxide to update? Because I don't see it. You come back with the same answer? I'm not trying to be rude, just asking? Thank you, Mike
  12. Having this error with yesterday's update, Ver. 0.1.8 Error while compiling NoVehicleCollisionDamage: 'PlayerHelicopter' does not contain a definition for 'crashEffect' and no accessible extension method 'crashEffect' accepting a first argument of type 'PlayerHelicopter' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 33, Pos: 30 Tried to put in Ver. 0.1.7, got this message Error while compiling NoVehicleCollisionDamage: 'PlayerHelicopter' does not contain a definition for 'crashEffect' and no accessible extension method 'crashEffect' accepting a first argument of type 'PlayerHelicopter' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 35, Pos: 26 reverting back to ver. 0.1.6 Last Update: 9-13-2023 - Oxide Update 2.0.6023 Is there another update besides this? I don't see anything posted on OxideMod/UMod Discord Channel?
  13. Having this error with yesterday's update, Ver. 0.1.8 Error while compiling NoVehicleCollisionDamage: 'PlayerHelicopter' does not contain a definition for 'crashEffect' and no accessible extension method 'crashEffect' accepting a first argument of type 'PlayerHelicopter' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 33, Pos: 30 Tried to put in Ver. 0.1.7, got this message Error while compiling NoVehicleCollisionDamage: 'PlayerHelicopter' does not contain a definition for 'crashEffect' and no accessible extension method 'crashEffect' accepting a first argument of type 'PlayerHelicopter' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 35, Pos: 26 reverting back to ver. 0.1.6 Loaded plugin No Vehicle Collision Damage v0.1.6 by bsdinis No issues with that one. Thank you, Mike
  14. Two Issues with on of the three plugins I brought to your attention. This is only about the Airfield Event one, because it wouldn't load. I have fixed this but want you to know about it. Then I noticed, you had named the plugin, "MagicAirEventPanel.cs instead of the original "MagicAirfieldEventPanel.cs. So I loaded it up by the new name (O.Reload MagicAirEventPanel) I got this message. The order is reversed when I reload the plug in. It loads it, then unloads it. (13:24:17) | Loaded plugin Magic Air Event Panel v1.0.1 by MJSU edit MeinRust (13:24:17) | Unloaded plugin Magic Air Event Panel v1.0.1 by MJSU edit MeinRust Then I opened up both versions and compared them and found only two lines that were omitted in the new version. I double checked this with the other two plugins to be sure this was the update change. I edited the original CS file, deleting those two lines as show below, renamed the version 1.01 and reloaded it. It came up right away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.0.0------------------------------------------------ 6 using UnityEngine; 7 #regionInfo (Deleted on ver. 1.0.1) 8 /********************************************************************** 9 * The plugin is still owned by MJSU, we just edited it! 10 * 11 * v1.0.0 : Support for the Airfield Event plugin by Fruster | Paid on "Codefling" 12 * Icon by Freepik 13 * 14 **********************************************************************/ 15 #endregion (Deleted on ver. 1.0.1) 16 namespace Oxide.Plugins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.0.1------------------------------------------------ 6 using UnityEngine; 7 /********************************************************************** 8 * The plugin is still owned by MJSU, we just edited it! 9 * 10 * v1.0.0 : Support for the Airfield Event plugin by Fruster | Paid on "Codefling" 11 * Icon by Freepik 12 * 13 **********************************************************************/ 14 namespace Oxide.Plugins Thank you very much. I don't code, but I'm trying to understand where I can. So, I do appreciate you for helping out. I just did this to help out others like myself that are still trying to understand what is going on here. Mike
  15. Since September Update, several of the Event windows for Magic Panel no longer work. Is there a fix forthcoming? Error while compiling MagicCargoPlaneCrashEventPanel: Preprocessor directive expected | Line: 9, Pos: 2 Error while compiling MagicAirfieldEventPanel: Preprocessor directive expected | Line: 9, Pos: 2 Error while compiling MagicTugboatPiratesEventPanel: Preprocessor directive expected | Line: 9, Pos: 2 Thank you in advance for anything you can do to remedy this. Mike
  16. I use Better Chat and all of our players have titles (unless I opt them out, which is also a permission setting. Better Chat allows up to 4 titles (we limit them to 2) because we also have Player Rankings (Titles by hours played) and Clans (another title). I hope this helps. Players really do like the recognition titles give them. Actually, that's why I'm here today. To pose my own question. Good luck, Mike
  17. Same thing was happening to me. I set it to 1% ... I guess it's either Off or On ... (0 or 100). Working great now.
  18. Papa Bear


    Potential rare NRE fix - NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn.SelectWeapon. LoL .. I just read this in your last update, then looked for your response. I honestly thought I had the latest update and I don't. (over 175 plugins) and Codefling has never notified me by email as they claim they will. But, still ... my bad, totally. Will d/l and retest today. Sorry to have wasted your time. Oh, and sorry about that comment to the other player .. I had started a new thread about this on another server, but to makers of HuntsMan, and so, I was thinking this was a stand alone thread. Again, my bad. Mike
  19. Papa Bear


    Why hijack my thread and ask about a purchase here? I need help, not comments about a competitors plugin.
  20. Papa Bear


    Yeah, I did. I was just thinking that maybe someone had the same experience, would have an answer. Thanks a lot. I appreciate your reply.
  21. Papa Bear


    Getting the same error as someone in July. I thought it was because my bot had two weapons (which he used flawlessly) ... in my Rust Admin RCON it simply spams NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object over and over again. But in my Server Console it reads as this here below. (Filename: <38001cac836d4f4c8c36c643d202f2e9> Line: 0) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn.SelectWeapon (ScientistNPC npc, Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn+BotData bData, BaseAIBrain brain) [0x00194] in <38001cac836d4f4c8c36c643d202f2e9>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn+BotData.SelectWeapon () [0x00000] in <38001cac836d4f4c8c36c643d202f2e9>:0 I'm using this plugin with HuntsMan. I'm using it on a Hapis Map (Community 2..1.1) and I would like my RCON to be error free so I can see other notifications that I should be watching. Thank you, Mike
  22. Papa Bear


    I also use BotReSpawn and I do get a backpack. There is additional config in Data/BotReSpawn/default-CustomProfiles.json and in there is a setting for backpacks, kits and length of stay for body and backpack. But, I am getting this error. My kit has both an LR300 and L96. This bot will heal itself as well, since I gave it bandages, syringes and a medkit. Close range he shoots full auto and at a distance he will use the L96. Great plugin and I've downloaded many more of Sabby's plugins that compliment this one. But, I am getting this code. I will try replacing the two rifles for a M39 so he doesn't have choice and see if this helps, and if so, I'll update. But in the meantime if anyone can help me, I'm really just grabbing at straws at this point. (Filename: <37987358b6ce423db1c78b7095ef1db1> Line: 0) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn.SelectWeapon (ScientistNPC npc, Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn+BotData bData, BaseAIBrain brain) [0x00194] in <37987358b6ce423db1c78b7095ef1db1>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn+BotData.SelectWeapon () [0x00000] in <37987358b6ce423db1c78b7095ef1db1>:0 Thank you, Mike
  23. Papa Bear


    Player says it's reading as Enabled but pressing Space bar does not initiate flight. There is no config file to mess with. Nothing abnormal in my RCON. Thank you, Bear
  24. Had issues, deleted all files and reloaded and works. (Language, Data, Config and CS folders Thank you!


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