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  1. Zoreeno


    Legend has it that he is still typing the revised description to this very day.
  2. Zoreeno

    Place Anything

    Are you allowing players to receive recyclers from 2 sources intentionally? Through Extended Recyclers and Place Anything? Both plugins are probably using the same logic/method to convert the recycler to an item when a player picks one up, so it's adding an item from each plugin. You could probably remove the recycler entry from the PlaceAnything data file so that the only plugin that allows picking up a placed recycler is Extended Recyclers. or vice versa if your intention is to allow players to obtain/pick up recyclers through PlaceAnything. I wouldn't recommend using both for recycler sources. Choose one or the other.
  3. Zoreeno

    Raidable Bases

    Ah yeah you're right. I think they recently posted a new (new) oxide update that hopefully fixes.
  4. Zoreeno

    Raidable Bases

    They fixed issues for the OnEntityBuild hook with the newest oxide patch. Update your oxide and the error should go away.
  5. Zoreeno

    Commands Item

    Yes. It can run any command from the the item.
    A decent little plugin to use for the holiday season. A great way to gift players on your server with custom items as well as vanilla items.
  6. I think i figured it out. It was only happening at the custom spawn locations. Seems that it's auto adding some strange rotation values on them when the /addcustomlocation command is used. If you go back into the config after it's added and change all the rotation values to 0.0 it seems to resolve it. Here is an example of one before i edited it to 0.0, that z rotation seems to be the cause. "Static box spawns on a map that can access global storage": [ { "pos": { "x": -103.16449, "y": 21.6726513, "z": -251.50322 }, "rot": { "x": 74.2019348, "y": 226.752243, "z": -6.27202826E-06 }, "enabled": true }
  7. Zoreeno

    Gifts from Santa

    Sure. But it will be tomorrow before i can do that. Are you testing with custom items names? It seems to have the problem when there are items set with custom names.
  8. Zoreeno

    Gifts from Santa

    Edited post. The issues were my own mistake. The plugin is working normally.
  9. Zoreeno

    Gifts from Santa

    Edited post. The issues were my own mistake. The plugin is working normally.
  10. Zoreeno

    Craft Menu

    What kind of fuel are you putting in?
  11. Zoreeno

    Gifts from Santa

    I would buy this if it supported custom item names but it looks like it doesn't. { "Shortname": "coal", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 },
  12. Zoreeno

    Craft Menu

    Are you using the Place Anything plugin along with this one? For the recycler to work you need to have a second plugins that knows how to place it in the world, just Craft Menu alone won't work.
  13. Zoreeno

    Language file

    I fixed it in the .cs file by removing the "Trade" in the language call for incoming trades and changing it to trade_nopermission so that it links up with the lang file properly. But i'll leave this up because ya might want to fix that up for a future release.
  14. Zoreeno

    Language file

    Hey. Maybe just a small oversight here, but it doesn't appear that the plugin is talking to the language file correctly. If someone tries to initatiate a trade with someone that does not have the use permission it's not translating to the language file, intead it's printing to chat Trade_help_nopermission I can see a trade_nopermission entry in the language file that states : "{0} does not have the permission to trade." but the plugin isn't calling to it Obviously not the biggest problem in the world, but i'm trying to make my server be all fancy pancy so i want to be able to edit the message that it shows.


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