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Found 10 results

  1. Zeeuss


    Version 1.0.4


    What is it? ZLogs is a comprehensive logging solution for Rust servers, designed to keep admins informed and in control. With a sleek GUI, extensive category coverage, and advanced customization, ZLogs ensures you never miss a crucial server event. Whether it’s player interactions, combat logs, or tool cupboard activity, ZLogs provides detailed insights to maintain transparency and order. Usage Keep your server operations smooth and well-documented with ZLogs. Monitor every key activity with categorized logs, from player connections to combat events. Stay informed with Discord notifications for critical actions like heli spawns or team changes. Effortlessly browse logs with a user-friendly interface featuring search functionality, light/dark mode, and auto-deletion options for old logs. ZLogs puts powerful server management tools right at your fingertips. Permission zlogs.use -- Gives you permission to use the command zlogs.resetall -- Gives you permission to wipe all data files zlogs.heli.spawn -- Gives player a permission to get notified in chat when heli spawns(must be set in config) zlogs.heli.down -- Gives player a permission to get notified in chat when heli gets shot down(must be set in config) Chat Command /zlogs -- Opens the GUI /zlogs.resetall -- Completely wipes all ZLogs datafile (zlogs.resetall permission required) Discord Logging: In config you can set a webhook for each category to have the important info right on your discord Data All the datas are being saved into data folders and each category has it's data file Path to data files: Your_Server\oxide\data\ZLogs Features & some info: I've decided to completely rewrite ZLogs because of some performance mistake I've made and also to add more features and generally make the plugin better. New version brings you also new features like Auto log deletion which can be set in config, more detailed logging, nicer UI, dark and light mode for the UI, search option and more.. Localization: { "Log Explosive": "{0} has used {1}!", "Log Animal": "{0} has killed a {1}", "Log Connect": "{0} has connected to the server", "Log Disconnect": "{0} has disconnected from the server", "Log Command": "{0} has used command: {1}", "Log Chat": "{0} wrote: {1}", "Log Combat": "{0} has killed {1}", "Log Vending": "{0} has bought: {1} for: {2}", "Log HeliSpawn": "Patrol heli has spawned", "Log HeliDeath": "Patrol heli has been destroyed by: {0}", "Log ItemPick": "{0} has picked up a {1}", "Log ItemDrop": "{0} has dropped a {1}", "Log TCPlace": "{0} has placed a TC", "Log TCDestroy": "{0} has destroyed a TC", "Log TCAuth": "{0} has authed a TC", "Log TCDeAuth": "{0} has deauthed from TC", "Log TCClear": "{0} has cleared a TC", "Log TeamCreate": "{0} has created a team", "Log TeamInvite": "{0} has invited {1} to team", "Log TeamReject": "{0} has rejected invite", "Log TeamPromote": "{0} has been promoted to leader", "Log TeamLeave": "{0} has left the team", "Log TeamKick": "{0} has kicked {1} from the team", "Log TeamAccept": "{0} has accepted team invite", "Log TeamDisband": "{0} has disbanded team", "Log TriggerPick": "{0} has picked up {1}+ items over {2} seconds", "Log TriggerDrop": "{0} has dropped {1}+ items over {2} seconds", "Notify HeliSpawn": "A patrol heli has spawned at: {0}", "Notify HeliDown": "A patrol heli has been shot down at: {0} by {1}", "CUI Categories": "Categories", "CUI Settings": "Settings", "CUI Animal": "Animal Logs", "CUI Chat": "Chat Logs", "CUI Combat": "Combat Logs", "CUI Command": "Command Logs", "CUI Connection": "Connection Logs", "CUI Explosive": "Explosive Logs", "CUI Heli": "Heli Logs", "CUI Item": "Item Logs", "CUI Team": "Team Logs", "CUI TC": "Tool Cupboard Logs", "CUI Trigger": "Trigger Logs", "CUI Vending": "Vending Logs", "CUI TargetPlayerInfo": "Target Player Information", "CUI PlayerName": "Player name: {0}", "CUI SteamID": "SteamID: {0}", "CUI Status": "Status: {0}", "CUI StatusAlive": "Alive", "CUI StatusDead": "Dead", "CUI StatusNull": "?", "CUI Ping": "Ping: {0}", "CUI NotConnected": "Not connected", "CUI TPto": "Teleport to", "CUI TPhere": "Teleport here", "CUI AnimalInfo": "Animal Information", "CUI AnimalName": "Animal name: {0}", "CUI AnimalDeathPos": "Animal death pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI LogInfo": "Log Information", "CUI LogID": "Log ID: {0}", "CUI LogDate": "Log Date: {0}", "CUI LogRemoveIn": "Log will be removed in: {0}", "CUI ChatInfo": "Chat Information", "CUI ChatType": "Channel type: {0}", "CUI Initiator": "Initiator Information", "CUI Victim": "Victim Information", "CUI Distance": "Distance: {0}m", "CUI Weapon": "Weapon: {0}", "CUI ConnectionInfo": "Connection Information", "CUI ConnectionIp": "IP: {0}", "CUI ConnectionType": "Type: {0}", "CUI ExplosiveInfo": "Explosive Information", "CUI ExplosivePos": "Explosive pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI ExplosiveName": "Explosive name: {0}", "CUI HeliInfo": "Heli Information", "CUI HeliPos": "Heli pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI HeliAttacker": "Destroyed by: {0}", "CUI ItemInfo": "Item Information", "CUI ItemName": "Item name: {0} x{1}", "CUI ItemPos": "Item pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI ItemType": "Type: {0}", "CUI TeamInfo": "Team Information", "CUI TeamType": "Type: {0}", "CUI TeamKicked": "Kicked player: {0}", "CUI TcInfo": "Tool Cupboard Information", "CUI TcType": "Type: {0}", "CUI TcAttacker": "Attacker: {0}", "CUI TcPos": "TC pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI TriggerType": "Type: {0}", "CUI DetectTime": "Detect time: {0} seconds", "CUI DetectAmount": "Detect amount: {0} items", "CUI TriggerInfo": "Trigger Information", "CUI VendingItem": "Bought item: {0} x{1}", "CUI VendingPrice": "Price: {0} x{1}", "CUI VendingPos": "Vending pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI VendingInfo": "Vending Information", "CUI Search": "Search:", "CUI ColorMode": "Color Mode: {0}" } Configuration: { "Combat logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Item Picks & Drops logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Connection and Disconnection logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Command logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Animal Kills logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Explosives logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Chat logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Heli Logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true, "NotifyOnHeliSpawn?": true, "NotifyOnHeliDown?": true }, "Tool Cupboard logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Vending Machine logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Item drop spam detection:": { "Enabled?": true, "WebhookURL": "", "Items needed to detect:": 15, "Time(seconds)": 8.0, "Ignored items(shortnames like: ammo.rifle etc..):": [ "item_shortname", "item_shortname" ] }, "Item pick spam detection:": { "Enabled?": true, "WebhookURL": "", "Items needed to detect:": 15, "Time(seconds)": 8.0, "Ignored items(shortnames like: ammo.rifle etc..):": [ "item_shortname", "item_shortname" ] }, "Team logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Auto-Delete logs after x amount of hours(0 will disable this feature)": 0.0 }
  2. Wrecks


    Version 1.0.6


    This is a Simple plugin I made when I needed to determine a SkinID of an item, so I could search through a config file and Remove the Outdated Skin. The info also logs to Console for copying of case sensitive or quick view of case sensitive info. I added the Name, Shortname, SkinID, ItemID & Text Field, to be sent to a Note for Debug or Development Purpose, or maybe there is a pesky custom item and you need to pinpoint its origin. Maybe it can be handy to you as well. Command - /check - Admin Only, Sends Note of Active Item Properties to your Inventory. If there is no Item, it will attempt to check your raycast for properties. Config { "Note SkinID": 3341490454 }
  3. Zeeuss


    Version 0.1.3


    What is it? A simple and nice utility for admins to punish players. Usage Punish minges and bad player's behaviour with this simple plugin! Command /jail (playerName/playerID) (duration in seconds) -- Jail specified player for the amount of time /unjail (playerName/playerID) -- Unjail specified player /jail.save -- Force save Jail data Permission jail.use - Gives player permission for all Jail commands Features Once a player gets jailed a cage appears around him, player cannot even avoid it by reconnecting, when the player disconnects the cage automatically disappears and when he connects back, it appears again. (Configurable) You can choose if the player can take damage or not while jailed (Configurable) You can set if the cage can take damage or not (Configurable) You can set if the player is allowed to use commands while jailed (Configurable) You can set if player should be teleported back into cage whenever he escapes it API API Calls public bool IsJailed(ulong playerId) // Returns true if the player is jailed, else returns false API Hooks private void OnPlayerJail(ulong playerId, double time) // Gets called when player gets jailed private void OnPlayerUnjail(ulong playerId) // Gets called when player gets unjailed Config: { "Should player take dmg if jailed?": false, "Should jail cage take dmg?": false, "Should block player's commands when jailed?": true, "Ensure player stays in cage? (Teleports him back if he's outside)": true } Localization: { "Syntax": "Syntax: /jail (playerName/steamID) (timeInSeconds)", "NoPlayer": "Couldn't find that player", "AlreadyJailed": "{0} is already jailed ({1}sec left)", "Unjail": "You have been unjailed", "CantDoJail": "You can't do this while jailed", "SyntaxUnjail": "Syntax: /unjail (playerName/steamID)", "JailCmd": "You have jailed {0} for {1}secs", "UnjailCmd": "You have unjailed {0}", "NotJailed": "{0} is not jailed", "Jail": "You have been jailed for {0}secs" }
  4. Zeeuss


    Version 0.1.4


    What is it? A utility that gives you ability to view sent or received emails and of course gives you ability to send EMAILS with simple GUI! Usage Just use the command and click on a category depending if you want to view something or send a new email. Permissions zmail.use -- Gives player ability to use the command zmail.send -- Gives player ability to send new emails zmail.view -- Gives player ability to view sent and received emails Chat Command /zmail -- Opens the GUI Localization { "NoPerms": "You don't have permission to use this!", "noPlayerFound": "No player found!", "foundPlayerToSend": "Recipient {0}", "newEmailButton": "NEW Email", "receivedEmailsButton": "Received", "sentEmailsButton": "Sent", "clearAllButton": "Clear All", "succussfullySend": "Message succussfully sent!", "selectedFieldID": "ID:", "selectedFieldFrom": "From:", "selectedFieldTo": "Sent to:", "selectedFieldMessage": "Message:", "defaultInputUser": ".....Set player username or id.....", "defaultInputMessage": "Type your message here.....", "noEmails": "You have not received any emails yet!", "noSentEmails": "You have not sent any emails yet!", "receivedEmails": "You have received {0} emails({1} Unread emails)", "sentEmails": "You have sent {0} emails", "pageOfMaxPages": "Page: {0} / {1}", "previous": "Previous", "next": "Next", "findOnline": "Find Online Players", "receivedNew": "[<color=#13ad0f>Z</color>Mail]\nYou have just received new mail from <color=#05ba00>{0}</color>\nYou have total amount of <color=#a10800>{1}</color> unread emails", "conMails": "[<color=#13ad0f>Z</color>Mail]\nYou have total amount of <color=#a10800>{0}</color> unread emails" } Configuration { "Get message on connection?": true, "Real time notification?": true }
  5. Lincoln

    The Fun Gun

    Version 1.1.0


    About The Fun Gun Unleash chaos and fun by shooting vehicles out of the snowball gun! Prerequisites A snowball gun in hand (no ammo required). Permissions TheFunGun.CarGun.Use TheFunGun.RhibGun.Use TheFunGun.BoatGun.Use TheFunGun.SnowGun.Use TheFunGun.RandGun.Use TheFunGun.SharkGun.Use TheFunGun.TugGun.Use TheFunGun.MiniGun.Use TheFunGun.SideCar.Use TheFunGun.Pedal.Use TheFunGun.Motor.Use TheFunGun.BypassCooldown Chat Commands /cargun - Enables the car gun (sedan). /rhibgun - Enables the RHIB gun. /boatgun - Enables the rowboat gun. /snowgun - Enables the snowmobile gun. /sharkgun - Enables the shark gun (shoots shark corpses). /minigun - Enables the minicopter gun. /sidecar - Enables the motorbike with a sidecar. /motor - Enables the motorbike without a sidecar. /tuggun - Enables the tugboat gun. /pedalgun - Enables the pedal bike gun. /randgun - Enables the random gun (spawns random vehicles). Caveats Be cautious when setting the despawn timer in the configuration. High values may result in vehicles staying on the server longer, which can lead to spam or server lag. A low despawn timer is recommended. Configuration { "Despawn Timer": 5.0, "Velocity": 75.0, "Cooldown": } Localization { "randGunEnable": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: Random Gun <color=#36802d>Enabled</color>", "randGunDisable": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: Random Gun <color=#ff6666>Disabled</color>", "noPermission": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: You do not have permission to use this command", "Cooldown": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: You are on a {0} second cooldown." } Customizable localization entries for each gun are available in the config file. Special Thanks A huge thank you to unboxingman for assisting in the development of this plugin! Support Dark Side Developement
  6. Version 1.0.5


    RUST AUTO WIPER Rust auto wiper is an advanced but simple-to-set-up Discord bot that makes your server wipes 100% automated! Features: 100% automates the server wipe process. Start map votes for the next wipe automatically. Manage wipes of as many servers as you need. Dynamically update server details on the wipe. (ex: server title, description) Deletes a selection of files and folders on the wipe. (ex: plugin data files) Sends wipe announcements. Updates server on the wipe. Set up wipe reminders. Information: This advanced server wipe system covers 100% of the wipe cycles on all your servers. The real power of this tool is that it's running separately from the server, this makes managing server files much easier when the server is offline. with this tool, you don't need batch files or other crap to get your server(s) wiped. This tool also uses cron intervals to determine the exact wipe dates and times. *Note: This tool must be run on a Windows VPS/Server* Configuration: (This example shows 1 server, but you can set up as many servers as you want) module.exports = { token: '', // Your Discord bot token rustMapsApiKey: '', // the rustmaps.io api key guildId: '984577959648174121', // the id of the discord server you want to use the bot in logChannelId: '1102195648683585616', // the id of the channel where the bot should log all actions dbdAccountId: '', // your dbd account id (get this by typing /license display in the support server) debugMode: true, // if true, the bot will log all actions to the console servers: [ // in this list your can add as many servers as you need { server_identifier: 'server1', // the unique identifier of the server. (used for internal purposes) server_name: 'Test Server', // the name of the server server_ip: '', // the ip of the server server_port: 28015, // the port of the server server_queryPort: 28017, // the query port of the server server_rconPort: 28016, // the rcon port of the server server_rconPassword: '', // the rcon password of the server server_modded: true, // if the server is modded or not (if plugins are used) wipe_Interval: '0 20 19 1/1 * ? *', // the interval of the wipe. (generate interval at http://www.cronmaker.com/) wipe_bpWipe: false, // if the wipe is a bp wipe or not files_serverRootPath: 'C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\rsmtesting', // the path to the main server folder. (where your start.bat is located) files_savesFolderPath: 'C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\rsmtesting\\server\\rsm', // the path to the saves folder. (where your map file is located) files_serverCfgPath: 'C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\rsmtesting\\server\\rsm\\cfg\\server.cfg', // the path to the server.cfg file files_startFilePath: 'C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\rsmtesting\\start.bat', // the path to the start.bat file files_oxideFolderPath: 'C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\rsmtesting\\oxide', // the path to the oxide folder files_excludeSafeFiles: ['logs', 'cfg', 'Log.EAC.txt'], // save files that should not be deleted on wipe. (always exclude cfg) files_deletables: [ // file paths that should be deleted on wipe. (use absolute paths) 'C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\rsmtesting\\oxide\\data\\Shop.json', 'C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\rsmtesting\\oxide\\data\\Referrals.json', 'C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\rsmtesting\\oxide\\data\\StaticLootables_data.json', 'C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\rsmtesting\\oxide\\data\\VanishPlayers.json', 'C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\rsmtesting\\oxide\\data\\Kits', ], vote_autoStart: true, // if the vote should start automatically vote_channelId: '1098325670687416331', // the id of the channel where the vote should be posted vote_StartAt: '0 0 19 1/1 * ? *', // the interval when the vote should start. (generate interval at http://www.cronmaker.com/) vote_endAt: '0 10 19 1/1 * ? *', // the interval when the vote should end. (generate interval at http://www.cronmaker.com/) vote_maps: ['1000_1', '1000_50000', '1000_1000'], // the maps that should be voted for. (always format the map name like this: 'mapSize_mapSeed') vote_mapCount: 3, // the amount of maps that should be voted for. the maps from the list will be randomly selected vote_multiple: true, // if players can vote for multiple maps update_dynamicTitle: true, // if the title should be updated dynamically update_serverTitle: 'Test Server wiped on {wipeDate} test1', // the title of the server. placeholders: {wipeDate} update_dynamicDescription: true, // if the description should be updated dynamically update_serverDescription: 'Test Server wiped on {wipeDate} test1', // the description of the server. placeholders: {wipeDate} // embed placeholders: {serverName} {mapSeed} {mapSize} {mapImage} {mapUrl} {wipeDate} {nextWipeDate} {nextBpWipeDate} {nextVoteDate} announcement_autoAnnounce: true, // if the announcement should be posted automatically after a wipe announcement_channelId: '1098325694930497607', // the id of the channel where the announcement should be posted announcement_content: '@ ping roles', // the content of the announcement. (can be used to ping roles) announcement_embedTitle: '{serverName} just wiped!', // the title of the embed announcement_embedDescription: '**Join Server:**\nSteam: steam://connect/{serverIp}:{serverPort}\nF1: `client.connect {serverIp}:{serverPort}`\n\n**Planned:**\nNext wipe: {nextWipeDate}\nNext BP wipe: {nextBpWipeDate}\nNext vote: {nextVoteDate}\n\n**Map:** [rustmaps.com]({mapUrl})', // the description of the embed announcement_embedColor: '#038CB5', // the color of the embed. (must be a hex color) announcement_embedImage: '{mapImage}', // the image of the embed announcement_embedFooterText: 'Server just wiped!', // the footer text of the embed announcement_embedFooterIcon: '', // the footer icon of the embed announcement_embedThumbnail: '', // the thumbnail of the embed announcement_embedAuthorName: '', // the author name of the embed announcement_embedAuthorIcon: '', // the author icon of the embed announcement_embedUrl: '', // the url of the embed reminder_autoRemind: true, // if the reminder should be posted automatically before a wipe reminder_Interval: '0 15 19 1/1 * ? *', // the interval when the reminder should be posted. (generate interval at http://www.cronmaker.com/) reminder_channelId: '1098325694930497607', // the id of the channel where the reminder should be posted reminder_content: '@ ping roles', // the content of the reminder. (can be used to ping roles) reminder_embedTitle: '{serverName} is about to wipe!', // the title of the embed reminder_embedDescription: 'Make sure to vote for the next map!', // the description of the embed reminder_embedColor: '#038CB5', // the color of the embed. (must be a hex color) reminder_embedImage: '', // the image of the embed reminder_embedFooterText: 'Server is about to wipe!', // the footer text of the embed reminder_embedFooterIcon: '', // the footer icon of the embed reminder_embedThumbnail: '', // the thumbnail of the embed reminder_embedAuthorName: '', // the author name of the embed reminder_embedAuthorIcon: '', // the author icon of the embed reminder_embedUrl: '', // the url of the embed }, ], }; Support: You can get support at my Discord server by clicking HERE!
  7. Zeeuss

    Team Shifter

    Version 0.1.1


    What is it? A simple plugin that gives you ability to shift someone to other's team. Usage Let's say that somebody wants to join their friend's team, but the leader is offline, so they come for your help... what you gonna do? Yeet them into the team with this command Permissions teamshifter.use - Gives player ability to use /tshift teamshifter.bypass - Noone will be able to shift this player into any other team Functions * Bypass permission - Player with this permission cannot be shifted into any other team * Auto team-creator - If you do f.e. /tshift zeeuss someplayer and the "someplayer" is not in any team, this will automatically create one and will make the "someplayer" a leader and then put zeeuss into the team * If the player that will be shifted is in any team, this will remove him from the team and then shift him, if he wasn't in any then it will just shift him to the other team Localization ["NoPerms"] = "You don't have permission to use this!", ["Syntax"] = "Syntax: /tshift (player_to_move) (player_of_new_team)", ["NoPlayerToMove"] = "Couldn't find the player to move", ["NoPlayerOfNewTeam"] = "Couldn't find the player of new team", ["MoveMessage"] = "Moved {0} to {1}'s team", ["AlreadyInThatTeam"] = "{0} already is in {1}'s team", ["NeedsDifferentPlayers"] = "This command needs 2 different players and not the same one", ["CannotBeShifted"] = "{0} cannot be shifted by anyone into other teams",
  8. Version 0.1.0


    What is it? Zone Command Blocker is a tool which prevents using specific commands (in data folder) in specific zones Permissions: zonecommandblocker.bypass - None of your command will be blocked in any zone zonecommandblocker.clear - Access for the /zcb.clear command Commands: /zcb.clear - Clears/wipes the data folder which contains zones with saved permissions etc.. Features: Zone Command Blocker will make your life easy and will on load take all zones and add them into it's data file where you can just add blocked commands Multiple blocked commands - Supports multiple blocked commands for specific zone Data file: Data of all reports and staff's statistics are being saved into a data file. Path: Your_Server\oxide\data\ZoneCommandBlocker\ZoneCommandBlocker.json Localization: { "CommandBlocked": "This command cannot be used in zones!", "DataFileClear": "Cleared data folder" }
  9. Version 2022.03


    Discord Pop Bot+ is the ultimate population display tool for Rust, CS;GO, ARK, and Minecraft servers. Multiple bots, one instance Launch your fleet of bots together with a single command Performance Critical Minimal server impact* by leveraging existing connections Flexible Structure With totals, conditions, and more, make something that truly feels like your own bot *When using information provided by BattleMetrics. Data Collection Methods BattleMetrics Public API - Find your server's public entry, and show your population hassle free BattleMetrics RCON API - Directly query your gameserver using a BattleMetrics RCON Subscription and game-specific command. Steam A2S Queries - Use a commonly-implemented Steam protocol to fetch population data from just an IP + Port. Supported by games such as CS;GO, ARK:SE, CS1.6, TF2 Global Bot - Combine the output of other bots into a single total, with all the same display features. Documentation / Support / More Information Help & Information are available in the support server - https://discord.gg/ZWAr5UuGnx You may need Administrator privileges on the system to setup & run this script depending on your server's setup. Discord Pop Bot+ is not affiliated with or endorsed by BattleMetrics. Legacy Market Purchases If you previously purchased this application through another site, please get in touch with support to have a purchase generated on CodeFling free of charge. CodeFling is the only place you can purchase Discord Pop Bot+.
  10. Version 2.0.0


    A plugin that allow players to optimize the Tool Cupboard resources to an amount of time of protection. How to use it? Access a Tool Cupboard. Choose the amount of hours you would like to protect your base using the discrete CUI. -- / ++ = 10 - / + = 1 Validate by clicking on the chosen duration. DEMO YouTube Config File: { "Plugin Settings": { "Optimization Cooldown in seconds (float)": 1.0 }, "System Settings": { "Show optional logged messages in the console (boolean)": true } } Permission: TCOptimizer.use: user with this permission can use the optimizer. About Mælep: https://maelep.be Warranty and Updates The customers benefits from a 28-day warranty from the date of the last sell of the plugin. This warranty covers bugs related to the script and, as far as possible, bugs related to Rust and uMod updates. Terms of Service of Mælep The Mælep's plugins are in no way affiliated to Facepunch, uMod or Codefling. He should not be considered as a developer endorsed by Facepunch, uMod or Codefling. Any contribution or purchase made on this website is donated to Mælep. For more information, support or a purchase history, please use the support section available on the page of the plugin. Payment to Mælep is payment for the digital items contained in the purchase. This transaction is final and there is no refund. If you are banned for breaking the rules of Codefling, you will not be refunded. Requests for refunds due to delays, Rust and uMod update flaws or any other problems are submitted at the discretion of Mælep.


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