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Message added by Zeeuss,

Version 0.2.3
  Fixed issue
   - config causing NRE for item pick/drop spam detection

  Changed 'Vending machines'
    - NPC Vendor and Vending Machines to one hook
    - Now you can get name & amount of item that you need to sell to get item from vendor/machine

PS. Forgot to remove 1 debug message for the vending, that's why I've pushed one more 🤷‍♂️

8 Screenshots

  • 19.1k
  • 213
  • 217.56 kB

About ZLogs

What is it?
This is a logger for multiple categories with nice gui.

If you want to know what's going on your server this logger will surely help you achieve that.

zlogs.use -- Gives you permission to use the command
zlogs.heli.spawn -- Gives player a permission to get notified in chat when heli spawns(must be set in config)
zlogs.heli.down -- Gives player a permission to get notified in chat when heli gets shot down(must be set in config)

Chat Command
/zlogs  --  Opens the GUI

Discord Logging:
In config you can set a webhook for each category to have the important info right on your discord 🙂 Screenshot2023-10-06234252.png.8a70cb827d42da5fe00ea9dc673a88d0.png

All the datas are being saved into data folders and each category has it's data file
Path to data files: Your_Server\oxide\data\ZLogs


Features & some info:
I've been trying to aim for the most important data logging, but this definitelly isn't FINAL version of plugin
in future I am planning on making the GUI better - by clicking on log displaying menu, ability to wipe category from in-game etc...
Every category can be disabled in config and plugin won't display the logs in menu and won't log for the disabled category anymore.

By clicking on a certain log it teleports you to the position where it happend(admin permissions needed to use teleport command!),
by using the log teleport it also writes it into command category where you can see it was ZLog teleport.

I've been testing any performance issues and tried to fix most of them, also by distributing this plugin to other server owners,
and with maximum about 4,5k+ logs in 1 category everything seemed fine.

I am also OPEN to any suggestions for more categories! 😁


  "NoPerms": "You don't have permission to use this!",
  "pdataSucc": "Successfully loaded playerDeaths.json",
  "pdataFail": "Failed to load playerDeaths.json. Creating new playerDeaths.json",
  "itemSucc": "Successfully loaded itemDropsPicks.json",
  "itemFail": "Failed to load itemDropsPicks.json. Creating new itemDropsPicks.json",
  "connSucc": "Successfully loaded playerConns.json",
  "connFail": "Failed to load playerConns.json. Creating new playerConns.json",
  "commandSucc": "Successfully loaded commands.json",
  "commandFail": "Failed to load commands.json. Creating new commands.json",
  "animalSucc": "Successfully loaded animalKills.json",
  "animalFail": "Failed to load animalKills.json. Creating new animalKills.json",
  "exploSucc": "Successfully loaded explosives.json",
  "exploFail": "Failed to load explosives.json. Creating new explosives.json",
  "chatSucc": "Successfully loaded chat.json",
  "chatFail": "Failed to load chat.json. Creating new chat.json",
  "heliSucc": "Successfully loaded heli.json",
  "heliFail": "Failed to load heli.json. Creating new heli.json",
  "tcSucc": "Successfully loaded tc.json",
  "tcFail": "Failed to load tc.json. Creating new tc.json",
  "npcSucc": "Successfully loaded npc.json",
  "npcFail": "Failed to load npc.json. Creating new npc.json",
  "triggerSucc": "Successfully loaded triggers.json",
  "triggerFail": "Failed to load triggers.json. Creating new triggers.json",
  "vendingSucc": "Successfully loaded vending.json",
  "vendingFail": "Failed to load vending.json. Creating new vending.json",
  "newJson": "New .json was created recently, please wait few seconds.",
  "logsDisabled": "These logs are disabled in the config!",
  "noLogs": "There are no logs to be displayed yet!",
  "labelPAGES": "Page {0} / {1}",
  "bttnPDATA": "Player Deaths",
  "bttnITEMS": "Items Picks & Drops",
  "bttnCONNS": "Connections & Disconnections",
  "bttnCOMMANDS": "Commands",
  "bttnANIMALS": "Animal Kills",
  "bttnEXPLO": "Explosives",
  "bttnCHAT": "Chat",
  "bttnHELI": "Heli",
  "bttnTC": "Tool Cupboard",
  "bttnNPC": "NPC Kills",
  "bttnTriggers": "Triggers/Warnings",
  "bttnVending": "Vending Machines",
  "pdeaths": "{0}    {1} was killed by {2} - {3}",
  "pdeaths2": "{0}    {1} was killed by {2}",
  "itemPickup": "{0}    {1} picked up {2}(x{3})",
  "itemCollect": "{0}    {1} collected up {2}({3} x{4})",
  "itemDrop": "{0}    {1} dropped {2}(x{3})",
  "playerConn": "{0}    {1} has connected",
  "playerDis": "{0}    {1} has disconnected({2})",
  "playerCommand": "{0}    {1} has used {2}",
  "playerKillAnimal": "{0}    {1} has killed a {2} with {3}",
  "exploUse": "{0}    {1} has thrown {2}",
  "playerChat": "{0}    [{1} Chat]  {2} said: {3}",
  "heliSpawn": "{0}    a patrol heli has spawned at: {1}",
  "heliDown": "{0}    a patrol heli has been shot down at: {1} by {3}",
  "tcSpawn": "{0}    {1} has placed TC at: {2}",
  "tcDestroyed": "{0}    {1} has destroyed TC at: {2}",
  "tcAuth": "{0}    {1} has authorized TC at: {2}",
  "tcClear": "{0}    {1} has cleared TC authorizations at: {2}",
  "tcDeAuth": "{0}    {1} has deauthorized TC at: {2}",
  "npckill": "{0}    {1} has killed {2}",
  "itemSpam": "{0}    {1} has dropped {2} items in less than {3} seconds",
  "itemPickSpam": "{0}    {1} has picked {2} items in less than {3} seconds",
  "vendingBuy": "{0}    {1} has bought {2}(x{3}) for {4}(x{5})"


  "Player Deaths logs?": {
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Enabled?": true
  "Item Picks & Drops logs?": {
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Enabled?": true
  "Connection and Disconnection logs?": {
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Enabled?": true
  "Command logs?": {
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Enabled?": true
  "Animal Kills logs?": {
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Enabled?": true
  "Explosives logs?": {
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Enabled?": true
  "Chat logs?": {
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Enabled?": true
  "Heli Logs?": {
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Enabled?": true,
    "NotifyOnHeliSpawn?": true,
    "NotifyOnHeliDown?": true
  "Tool Cupboard logs?": {
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Enabled?": true
  "NPC Kills logs?": {
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Enabled?": true
  "Vending Machine logs?": {
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Enabled?": true
  "Item drop spam detection:": {
    "Enabled?": true,
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Items needed to detect:": 5,
    "Time(seconds)": 8.0,
    "Ignored items(shortnames like: ammo.rifle etc..):": [
  "Item pick spam detection:": {
    "Enabled?": true,
    "WebhookURL": "",
    "Items needed to detect:": 5,
    "Time(seconds)": 8.0,
    "Ignored items(shortnames like: ammo.rifle etc..):": [


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