About ZPunisher
What is it
ZPunisher is a utility for punishing cheaters or bad players a better/funnier way
zpunisher.use -- Gives you access to all commands
zpunisher -- Opens a GUI where you can choose a player and then punish him
zpunisher {playerNameOrID} -- Opens punish menu with already selected player
zpunisher.freeze {playerNameOrID} -- Freezes the player
zpunisher.unfreeze {playerNameOrID} -- Unfreezes the player
zpunisher.lag {playerNameOrID} -- Start lagging the player
zpunisher.stoplag {playerNameOrID} -- Stops lagging the player
zpunisher.kill {playerNameOrID} -- Kills the player
zpunisher.rocket {playerNameOrID} -- Starts rocketing the player
zpunisher.stoprocket {playerNameOrID} -- Stops rocketing the player
zpunisher.ignite {playerNameOrID} -- Ignites the player
zpunisher.extinguish {playerNameOrID} -- Extinguishes the player
zpunisher.stop {playerNameOrID} -- Stops all effects on the player
All these commands except the main one with GUI can be used even in console
Target's info:
Target's Name
Target's ID
Target's IP Address
Target's Ping
Target's Status (Alive/Dead)
Target's XYZ pos with TP button
Refresh button
Once you execute this command on the player he won't be able to move untill you stop the effect
Once you execute this command on the player his game will start lagging soon untill he won't be able to do anything/untill his game crashes
Once you execute this command on the player an hv rockets are gonna start spawning in him
Simple Kill:
Once you execute this command on the player he will die
Once you execute this command a fire will spawn on a player and will follow it untill it disappears
Stop All Effects Button:
You think that the player had enough? Or have you forgot which effects you gave him? No worries just click the button and all the effects are gone!
{ ["noPlayer"] = "There's not such a player", ["stopAllSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.stop player", ["stoppedAll"] = "Stopped all effects on: {0}", ["freezeSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.freeze player", ["startFreeze"] = "Starting to freeze: {0}", ["unfreezeSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.unfreeze player", ["stoppedFreezing"] = "Stopped freezing: {0}", ["lagSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.lag player", ["startLag"] = "Starting to lag: {0}", ["stopLagSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.stoplag player", ["stoppedLag"] = "Stopped lagging: {0}", ["killSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.kill player", ["killMsg"] = "You have killed: {0}", ["rocketSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.rocket player", ["startRocket"] = "Started rocketing: {0}", ["stopRocketSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.stoprocket player", ["stopRocket"] = "Stopped rocketing: {0}", ["igniteSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.ignite player", ["startIgnite"] = "Ignited: {0}", ["extSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.extinguish player", ["startExt"] = "Poured water on: {0}", ["infoTitle"] = "Target's Info:", ["infoName"] = "Name: {0}", ["infoID"] = "ID: {0}", ["infoIP"] = "IP Address: {0}", ["infoPing"] = "Ping: {0}ms", ["infoStatusAlive"] = "Status: <color=#52bd36>Alive</color>", ["infoStatusDead"] = "Status: <color=#c70000>Dead</color>", ["infoPos"] = "XYZ Position: {0},{1},{2}", ["infoTPBttn"] = "TP", ["infoRefresh"] = "Refresh", ["choosePl"] = "Choose a player:", ["dsc"] = "..........Description..........", ["freezer"] = "Freezer", ["freezerDsc"] = "Once you execute this command on the player he won't be able to move untill you stop the effect", ["enable"] = "Enable", ["disable"] = "Disable", ["kill"] = "Kill", ["lagger"] = "Lagger", ["lagDsc"] = "Once you execute this command on the player his game will start lagging soon untill he won't be able to do anything/untill his game crashes", ["lagPS"] = "P.S. If you enable this on yourself you must disable it via console - zpunisher.stoplag {Your nick}", ["rocketer"] = "Rocketboy", ["rocketerDsc"] = "Once you execute this command on the player an hv rockets are gonna start spawning in him", ["ignite"] = "Ignite", ["pw"] = "Pour Water", ["killTitle"] = "Simple Kill", ["killDsc"] = "Once you execute this command on the player he will die", ["igniterTitle"] = "Igniter", ["igniterDsc"] = "Once you execute this command a fire will spawn on a player and will follow it untill it disappears", ["stopAllEffects"] = "Stop All Effects!", ["previous"] = "Previous", ["Next"] = "Next" }