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About ZMail

What is it?
A utility that gives you ability to view sent or received emails and of course gives you ability to send EMAILS with simple GUI!

Just use the command and click on a category depending if you want to view something or send a new email.

zmail.use -- Gives player ability to use the command
zmail.send -- Gives player ability to send new emails
zmail.view -- Gives player ability to view sent and received emails

Chat Command
/zmail -- Opens the GUI


  "NoPerms": "You don't have permission to use this!",
  "noPlayerFound": "No player found!",
  "foundPlayerToSend": "Recipient {0}",
  "newEmailButton": "NEW Email",
  "receivedEmailsButton": "Received",
  "sentEmailsButton": "Sent",
  "clearAllButton": "Clear All",
  "succussfullySend": "Message succussfully sent!",
  "selectedFieldID": "ID:",
  "selectedFieldFrom": "From:",
  "selectedFieldTo": "Sent to:",
  "selectedFieldMessage": "Message:",
  "defaultInputUser": ".....Set player username or id.....",
  "defaultInputMessage": "Type your message here.....",
  "noEmails": "You have not received any emails yet!",
  "noSentEmails": "You have not sent any emails yet!",
  "receivedEmails": "You have received {0} emails({1} Unread emails)",
  "sentEmails": "You have sent {0} emails",
  "pageOfMaxPages": "Page: {0} / {1}",
  "previous": "Previous",
  "next": "Next",
  "findOnline": "Find Online Players",
  "receivedNew": "[<color=#13ad0f>Z</color>Mail]\nYou have just received new mail from <color=#05ba00>{0}</color>\nYou have total amount of <color=#a10800>{1}</color> unread emails",
  "conMails": "[<color=#13ad0f>Z</color>Mail]\nYou have total amount of <color=#a10800>{0}</color> unread emails"



  "Get message on connection?": true,
  "Real time notification?": true


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