About The Fun Gun
Unleash chaos and fun by shooting vehicles out of the snowball gun!
A snowball gun in hand (no ammo required).
- TheFunGun.CarGun.Use
- TheFunGun.RhibGun.Use
- TheFunGun.BoatGun.Use
- TheFunGun.SnowGun.Use
- TheFunGun.RandGun.Use
- TheFunGun.SharkGun.Use
- TheFunGun.TugGun.Use
- TheFunGun.MiniGun.Use
- TheFunGun.SideCar.Use
- TheFunGun.Pedal.Use
- TheFunGun.Motor.Use
- TheFunGun.BypassCooldown
Chat Commands
- /cargun - Enables the car gun (sedan).
- /rhibgun - Enables the RHIB gun.
- /boatgun - Enables the rowboat gun.
- /snowgun - Enables the snowmobile gun.
- /sharkgun - Enables the shark gun (shoots shark corpses).
- /minigun - Enables the minicopter gun.
- /sidecar - Enables the motorbike with a sidecar.
- /motor - Enables the motorbike without a sidecar.
- /tuggun - Enables the tugboat gun.
- /pedalgun - Enables the pedal bike gun.
- /randgun - Enables the random gun (spawns random vehicles).
Be cautious when setting the despawn timer in the configuration. High values may result in vehicles staying on the server longer, which can lead to spam or server lag. A low despawn timer is recommended.
"Despawn Timer": 5.0,
"Velocity": 75.0,
{ "randGunEnable": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: Random Gun <color=#36802d>Enabled</color>", "randGunDisable": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: Random Gun <color=#ff6666>Disabled</color>", "noPermission": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: You do not have permission to use this command", "Cooldown": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: You are on a {0} second cooldown." }
Customizable localization entries for each gun are available in the config file.
Special Thanks
A huge thank you to unboxingman for assisting in the development of this plugin!