Magic Balls
Cast spells and shoot elemental magic balls at your friends or foes!
- 3 unique spell types: Fireball, Waterball, and Earthball
- Each spell has distinct visual effects and damage types
- Customizable UI position for spell display
- Configurable damage values and cooldowns
- Status effects (burning, freezing, radiation)
- Animal damage multiplier
- Spell cycling system
- Permission-based spell access
- /cast - Toggle casting mode
- /mbc - Open UI control menu for spell text positioning.
- magicballs.fireball - Allows use of fireball spell
- magicballs.waterball - Allows use of waterball spell
- magicballs.earthball - Allows use of earthball spell
- magicballs.bypass.cooldown - Bypasses spell cooldown timer
Control Systems
Improved mouse Controls (Default)
- Left Click: Cast selected spell
- Right Click: Cycle through spells
- Empty hands required
Must be in casting mode (/cast)
Legacy Controls (If set to 'false' in config)
- Left Click: Cast selected spell
- R Key: Cycle through spells
- Empty hands required
Must be in casting mode (/cast)
Caveats and Disclaimers
The magic balls DO NOT collide with certain layers of the map.
- Ground terrain
- Rocks
- Water
- Monuments & Monument Buildings
- Power Poles
The magic balls DO collide with these layers of the map.
- NPC's (Animals, Scientists, Patrol Helicopters)
- Players
- Trees
- Loot and misc terrain decor.
- Building Blocks.
- Above ground entities.
Note: The magic ball animations rely on server tick updates. On lower FPS servers, you may notice choppier flight paths due to less frequent position updates. A server fps of 100+ is recommended for smooth animations.
Default Configuration
"Despawn Timer": 5.0,
"Velocity": 100.0,
"Cooldown": 1.0,
"Use Improved Mouse Controls": true,
"Base Damage": {
"fireball": 100000.0,
"waterball": 100000.0,
"earthball": 100000.0
"Effect Duration": {
"fireball": 3.0,
"waterball": 4.0,
"earthball": 15.0
"Heat Amount": 100.0,
"Cold Amount": 100.0,
"Radiation Amount": 100.0,
"Animal Damage Multiplier": 10.0,
"Magic Ball Chat Messages": true,
"Show Spell UI": true,
"Default UI Position": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.014
Default Data
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.014
Default Language
{ "NoPermission": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> You don't have permission to cast {0}!", "Cooldown": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> You must wait {0} seconds between casting spells!", "FireballCast": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> You cast a <color=#FF0000>fireball</color>!", "WaterBallCast": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> You cast a <color=#00BFFF>water ball</color>!", "EarthBallCast": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> You cast a <color=#00FF00>earth ball</color>!", "CastingEnabled": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> Casting Mode: <color=green>ENABLED</color>", "CastingDisabled": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> Casting Mode: <color=red>DISABLED</color>", "SpellSelected": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> Selected spell: <color={0}>{1}</color>" }