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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Feel like your players have it too easy? Want to make your server more challenging for even the most unemployed zergs? Freak Radiation automatically creates radiation storms in your world; and they crawl around the world, sparing nobody the danger of being irradiated. By default they're visible as an orb moving through the world, but if you really want that Dark Souls experience you can make them fully invisible turning radiation storms into a scary, silent killer. You have total control with a vast array of configuration options; the number of storms, how big they are, their speed, damage, lifespan and respawn duration. You're able to manually add exclusion zones which redirect storms when they get too close for comfort. Performance is important with a plugin like this, so we've allowed you to configure performance to your servers capabilities. What are you waiting for? It's time to make radiation truly terrifying. Preview <I/O> Getting Started <I/O> Permission User is required to be admin in order to configure exclusion zones User is required to be admin in order to teleport to radiation zones Installation Place .cs in Plugins Folder Configure config Once Installed, zones should start spawning according to the config Commands /freakradiation exclude uniquename/id radius - Create new exclusion zone, which prevents and redirects radiation storms. /teleport countNumb - Teleports admins to radiation zone centers, if given a valid number. if 5 storms exist, the teleport range is 0-4. /teleport 1 Config Explained { "General settings": { "Is enabled": true, // if false, plugin will do nothing "Minutes until start": 5 //Delay before storms start. Must exceed an average of 1 minute on my server. If Obj err on serverinit, increase }, "Radiation settings": { "Minimum zones at any time": 0, //min amount of storms per spawn, if zero, it is possible that on respawn, no radiation storm will apear "Maximum zones at any time": 5, //max possible amount of storms per spawn "Minimum zone duration (Minutes)": 10, //min duration of storms natural lifespan "Maximum zone duration (Minutes)": 45, //max duration of storms natural lifespan "Minimum respawn duration (Minutes)": 10, //min duration it can take for storms to respawn after lifespan end "Maximum respawn duration (Minutes)": 45, //max duration it can take for storms to respawn after lifespan end "Minimum zone size": 20.0, //min zone radius, cannot spawn smaller than this | NOTE: if the same as max, will only spawn that size "Maximum zone size": 70.0, //max zone radius, cannot spawn larger than this | NOTE: if the same as min, will only spawn that size "Minimum radiation strength": 0.3, //min possible radiation strength, default minimum | NOTE: if the same as max, will only spawn that strength "Maximum radiation strength": 10.0, //max possible radiation strength, default max | NOTE: if the same as min, will only spawn that strength "Minimum radiation speed": 0.15, //min possible speed zone can move. If zero, can be still. | NOTE: if the same as max, will only spawn that speed "Maximum radiation speed": 0.5//max possible speed zone can move. | NOTE: if the same as min, will only spawn that speed }, "Chat settings": { "Messages enabled": true, //if false, plugin will not announce storms or storm subsided "Chat tag enabled ": true, //if false, Freak Radiation prefix will not show in chat announcements "Chat tag color": "4A95CC", //default tag colour of Freak Radiation Prefix "Chat message color": "C57039" //default message colour of Freak Radiation Messages }, "Performance settings": { "Show radiation domes (may impact performance)": true, //if false, radiation will be invisible "Show exclusion domes (may impact performance)": true, //if false, exclusion zones will be invisible "Storms redirect storms (may impact performance)": false, //if true, storms will redirect other storms "Exclusion dome layers": 10, //more layers, more performance hit, darker domes "Radiation dome layers": 10, //more layers, more performance hit, darker domes "Max possible spawn points": 1000, //Max amount of possible spawn points collected. Leave above atleast 100 "Max spawn point creation attempts (10000 attempts results in around 1000 valid points)": 10000 // Max possible creation attempts }, "Version": { "Major": 1, //Version, if diff from plugin version, will generate default "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } } Exclusion Data Explained "airfield": { // name "Position": { // position "x": -1142.34265, "y": 26.7350559, "z": -1.583567 }, "Radius": 150.0 //radius }, //if changed reload plugin <I/O> Contacting Us <I/O> You can contact us at Our discord: discord.gg/TTb3f3XEhq


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