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Version 1.0.4
Overview The Quarry Notification plugin for Rust is a plugin designed to enhance the gameplay experience by providing detailed notifications and map markers for specific quarry activities. This plugin is ideal for server administrators looking to keep players informed about quarry statuses and activities in real-time. Features Real-Time Notifications Activation Alerts: Receive notifications when a quarry is activated. Player Identification: Identify the last player who toggled the quarry. Grid Positioning: Get precise grid positions of activated quarries. Customizable Markers Individual Quarry Settings: Configure markers for Sulfur, Stone, and High-Quality Metal quarries independently. Marker Attributes: Adjust alpha, radius, center color, ring color, and duration for each quarry type. Configurable Advice Messages Interval Settings: Set the interval for periodic advice messages. Custom Message Formats: Personalize the format of notification messages. Configurable Options General Settings Permission for Chat Commands: Control access to chat commands (quarrynotification.use). Permission for Admin Commands: Restrict access to admin commands (quarrynotification.admin). SteamID Icon: Set the SteamID icon for chat messages. Enable Advice Messages: Toggle periodic advice messages. Advice Timer: Configure the interval for advice messages (in seconds). Notification Format: Customize the format of activation notification messages. Quarry-Specific Marker Configurations Sulfur Quarry Enable Markers: Toggle markers for Sulfur quarries. Alpha: Set marker transparency (0.0 - 1.0). Radius: Define marker radius. Center Color: Choose the center color of the marker (hex code). Ring Color: Set the ring color of the marker (hex code). Duration: Determine how long the marker stays on the map (in seconds). Stone Quarry Enable Markers: Toggle markers for Stone quarries. Alpha: Set marker transparency (0.0 - 1.0). Radius: Define marker radius. Center Color: Choose the center color of the marker (hex code). Ring Color: Set the ring color of the marker (hex code). Duration: Determine how long the marker stays on the map (in seconds). High-Quality Metal Quarry Enable Markers: Toggle markers for HQM quarries. Alpha: Set marker transparency (0.0 - 1.0). Radius: Define marker radius. Center Color: Choose the center color of the marker (hex code). Ring Color: Set the ring color of the marker (hex code). Duration: Determine how long the marker stays on the map (in seconds). What's New and Improved New Features Spam Prevention: Added protections to avoid chat spam, including limits on how often notifications can be sent and cooldown periods. Quarry Status Tracking: The plugin now tracks whether a quarry is active or inactive, with notifications for when a quarry is turned on or off. You can also check the status using commands. Discord Notifications: You can now send notifications to a Discord channel with detailed quarry activity updates, including visually enhanced messages with color coding. General Enhancements Better Notifications: Cleaner and more informative messages for users, with improved formatting. Easier Configuration: Simplified settings with more options for customizing marker visuals and notification behaviors. Improved Performance: The plugin runs smoother and uses less memory, making it more efficient on your server. Enhanced Stability: Reduced errors and crashes by improving how the plugin handles unexpected situations and invalid inputs. Quality of Life Improvements More Control for Admins: Improved permissions for commands and more detailed logs to help admins monitor quarry usage. Customizable Settings: Added new options for adjusting how notifications and markers work to better suit your needs. Better Cleanup: Ensures that resources like markers are removed properly when not needed, keeping the server clean. Summary The Quarry Notification plugin is now more reliable, user-friendly, and packed with features to help you monitor quarry activity efficiently while preventing unnecessary spam. Discord integration and better customization options make it a powerful tool for managing your server. Sample Configuration { "Permission required to use chat commands": "quarrynotification.use", "Permission required for admin commands": "quarrynotification.admin", "SteamID icon for chat messages": 0, "Enable advice messages": true, "Interval for advice messages in seconds": 1800, "Notification message format": "{0} has activated a {1} Quarry at {2}!", "Anti-spam cooldown in seconds": 30.0, "Maximum toggles per minute before spam protection": 3, "Spam protection duration in minutes": 5, "Quarry marker configurations": { "SulfurQuarry": { "Enabled": true, "Alpha": 0.5, "Radius": 0.6, "Center Color": "#FF0000", "Ring Color": "#FFFFFF", "Duration": 30.0 }, "StoneQuarry": { "Enabled": true, "Alpha": 0.5, "Radius": 0.6, "Center Color": "#FFA07A", "Ring Color": "#20B2AA", "Duration": 30.0 }, "HQMQuarry": { "Enabled": true, "Alpha": 0.5, "Radius": 0.6, "Center Color": "#9370DB", "Ring Color": "#FF69B4", "Duration": 30.0 } }, "Enable Discord notifications": false, "Discord webhook URL": "" } Language Customization Easily customize the in-game messages to suit your server's style and language preferences. Default Messages { "QuarryStatusHeader": "<size=18><color=#4A90E2>Quarry Status Monitor</color></size>", "QuarryNameFormat": "<color=#F6C177>{0}</color>", "QuarryActivatedFormat": "<color=#4A90E2>│</color> Status: {0}", "QuarryLastPlayerFormat": "<color=#4A90E2>│</color> Last User: <color=#9ECBFF>{0}</color>", "QuarryGridPositionFormat": "<color=#4A90E2>│</color> Location: <color=#9ECBFF>{0}</color>", "QuarryNoActivationInfo": "<color=#4A90E2>│</color> <color=#E06C75>No activity recorded</color>", "QuarryLastActivated": "<color=#4A90E2>│</color> Last active: <color=#98C379>{0} {1}</color> ago at <color=#9ECBFF>{2}</color>", "QuarryOn": "<color=#98C379>✓</color> <color=#9ECBFF>{0}</color> activated the <color=#F6C177>{1}</color> quarry at <color=#9ECBFF>{2}</color>", "QuarryOff": "<color=#E06C75></color> <color=#9ECBFF>{0}</color> deactivated the <color=#F6C177>{1}</color> quarry at <color=#9ECBFF>{2}</color>", "PermissionError": "<color=#E06C75>Access denied: Insufficient permissions</color>", "QuarryAdded": "<color=#98C379>✓ Added {0} quarry at {1}</color>", "QuarryRemoved": "<color=#E06C75>Removed {0} quarry</color>", "NoQuarriesFound": "<color=#E06C75>No quarries found in the system</color>", "Minutes": "minutes", "Minute": "minute", "Seconds": "seconds", "Second": "second", "Hours": "hours", "Hour": "hour", "Days": "days", "Day": "day", "SulfurQuarry": "Sulfur", "StoneQuarry": "Stone", "HQMQuarry": "HQM", "QuarryNotFound": "<color=#E06C75>Quarry not found at specified location</color>", "InvalidCoordinates": "<color=#E06C75>Invalid coordinates format. Use: <x> <y> <z></color>", "InvalidType": "<color=#E06C75>Invalid quarry type. Available: SulfurQuarry, StoneQuarry, HQMQuarry</color>", "AddQuarryUsage": "<color=#4A90E2>Usage: /addquarry <type> <x> <y> <z></color>", "RemoveQuarryUsage": "<color=#4A90E2>Usage: /removequarry <type></color>", "NotificationHeader": "<size=18><color=#4A90E2>Quarry Activity Report</color></size>", "NotificationQuarryName": "<color=#F6C177>{0} Quarry</color>", "NotificationActivated": "<color=#4A90E2>│</color> Active: <color=#98C379>{0}</color> ago", "NotificationLastPlayer": "<color=#4A90E2>│</color> Operator: <color=#9ECBFF>{0}</color>", "NotificationGridPosition": "<color=#4A90E2>│</color> Grid: <color=#9ECBFF>{0}</color>", "NotificationSeparator": "<color=#4A90E2>└────────────────</color>", "InvalidPermissions": "<color=#E06C75>Access denied: Insufficient permissions</color>", "QuarryClearSuccess": "<color=#98C379>✓ All quarries cleared successfully</color>", "QuarryUpdateSuccess": "<color=#98C379>✓ Quarry information updated</color>", "SpamProtection": "<color=#E06C75>Anti-spam protection active. Please wait...</color>", "QuarryStatus": "<color=#4A90E2>│</color> Status: {0}", "StatusActive": "<color=#98C379>Active</color>", "StatusInactive": "<color=#E06C75>Inactive</color>" } Commands /quarry: Displays the current status of all quarries. /addquarry <type> <x> <y> <z>: Adds a new quarry at the specified coordinates. /removequarry <type>: Removes the specified type of quarry. /listquarries: Lists all configured quarries. /clearquarries: Clears all quarries from the configuration.$8.00-
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Version 2.1.7
Say goodbye to configuration and data files. This plugin lets yo edit the loot of (almost) every lootable object directly over a custom UI. It also includes a graphical stack size editor thus making it ideal for anyone who is not familiar with editing config files. Do not use in combination with any other stack size controller or loot plugin. NEW with version 2.1.7: Direct Loot Refresh Players with the permission loottable.test can use a button to directly refresh the loot in the crate they are currently looting. Features: User friendly GUI - no need to edit config files Loot configuration for every prefab in the game Stack size controller supports individual stack sizes for every prefab Support for custom items Support for third party plugins Fully backwards compatible with version 1.x.x Default config included for every prefab Configuration for Smelting Speed, Recycler Speed and Efficiency Supply Drop configuration Supported prefabs: Crates, Barrels NPCs Trees, Ores, Animal corpses Excavator, Quarries Christmas Presents, Eggs, Loot Bags Collectables like Hemp, Corn, etc. Additional Configuration: Smelting Speed Supply Drop Recycler Speed / Efficiency Commands: loottable - Open the Loottable UI loottable reload - Manually refresh loot Permission: loottable.edit - Required to use the Loottable UI Required Dependencies (Oxide only): Image Library: Translations: This plugin fully supports translation. Out of the box only english is included. For item names to be translated, the plugin is required. English translations are located in /oxide/lang/en/Loottable.json For Developers: Loot Api: Developers can use the Loot Api to register loot profiles for custom NPCs or other plugin related loot. It is highly recommended to use one of the provided wrappers to access the api. Both wrappers offer the same functionality. Non-static (with documentation): Static (with documentation): Loot Api Example: // This example uses the non-static version of the Loot Api private LoottableApi loottableApi; void OnServerInitialized() { loottableApi = new LoottableApi(this); timer.In(5f, () => { loottableApi.ClearPresets(); loottableApi.CreatePresetCategory("Crates"); loottableApi.CreatePreset("c_locked", "Locked Crate", "crate_hackable"); loottableApi.CreatePreset("c_elite", "Elite Crate", "crate_elite"); loottableApi.CreatePreset("c_military", "Military Crate", "crate_military"); loottableApi.CreatePreset("c_normal", "Normal Crate", "crate_normal"); loottableApi.CreatePresetCategory("NPCs"); loottableApi.CreatePreset(true, "npc_cargo", "Cargo Ship NPC", "npc_militunnel"); loottableApi.CreatePreset(true, "npc_control", "Control Center NPC", "npc_militunnel"); }); } void SpawnNpc() { // Spawn NPC here ScientistNPC npc; // Assign a loot preset to the NPC loottableApi.AssignPreset(scientist, "npc_control"); } void SpawnCrate() { // Spawn crate here LootContainer crate; // Assign a preset to the crate if (loottableApi.AssignPreset(container, "c_locked")) { // The container has been filled with loot return; } else { // The container is not handled by Loottable // Default loot logic goes here } } The resulting configuration page would look like this: Custom Items API: Developers can use the Custom Items Api to add a custom item to the Loottable item list. If an item is marked as persistent it will remain in the custom item list until it is removed by ClearCustomItems. All non-persistent items will be removed after the plugin that registered them has been unloaded. (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId) (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId, bool persistent) //(v1.0.27 or higher) (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId, string customName) (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId, string customName, bool persistent) //(v1.0.27 or higher) (void) ClearCustomItems(Plugin plugin) //(v1.0.27 or higher) Hooks: (object) OnContainerPopulate(LootContainer container) This hook is called every time a loot container is about to be populated with loot. Returning a non-null value prevents the plugin from spawning loot into that crate. (object) OnCorpsePopulate(LootableCorpse corpse) This hook is called every time an npc corpse is about to be populated with loot. Returning a non-null value prevents the plugin from spawning loot into that corpse. (object) OnCustomAirdrop(SupplySignal signal) This hook is called every time a custom supply drop is about to be delivered. Returning a non-null value will cancel the custom supply drop. Outdated documentation for Version 1: New with version 1.0.27: Custom Items can now be created and edited directly in the GUI. They can be created from any existing item and modified in the Item Select menu You can now create and load backups of your configuration. Commands (F1 or Server Console): loottable.backup load <name> - Load backup with the given name from the backups folder (will wipe your current configuration) loottable.backup create <name> - Create backup of everything with the given name Backups will be created in the data/Loottable/backups folder. To load a backup, the backup file needs to be present in that folder. When creating backups in the in-game console, the permission loottable.debug is required. IMPORTANT: DO NOT LOAD BACKUPS FORM SOURCES YOU DO NOT TRUST, they might cause harm to your server New with version 1.0.16: Custom Items: Now you can add custom items used by other plugins directly to your loot table. Other plugins can can register these items using the api (documentation below). Screenshots: Overview of crates and their current loot table Stacksize Editor Commands: loottable - Open the editor loottable refresh - Manually refresh crate loot loottable flags - List available flags (explained below) loottable flags <name> <1|0> - Enable / disable a certain flag loottable reload_vanilla_profiles - Manually re-download vanilla loot profiles (only for debuging) Permission: loottable.edit - Required to use the editor Flags: There are flags to disable some limits in the editor. Only enable these flags if you really need to as they might cause unexpected behavior of the editor. There are currently 3 flags available: Debug If enabled, the Debug flag provides more detailed information about errors and other actions in the editor. Don't enable this flag unless you want your console full of spam. UnlockGatherMultiplier allows you to use gahter multipliers less than one and higher than 1000. Note that multipliers less than one might lead to unexpected results in some cases. DisableItemLimit Probably the safest flag to use is DisableItemLimit as it simply lets you set stack sizes and every other item amount in the editor as high as 2,147,483,647 which is the biggest possible value of a 32-bit integer. UnlockFurnaceMultiplier lets you use any value as the furnace speed multiplier. Don't enable this flag unless you know what you are doing, since the default value range from 0.1 to 100 should cover most use cases and larger values might impact server performance. UnlockItemMultiplier unlocks the multiplier when multiplying a loot table. DisableStackingHooks will disable all stacking related hooks. Enable if you encounter problems when stacking items. RefreshLootOnExit controls if all crates get refreshed after closing the editor or when reloading the plugin. Enable this only for testing, there might be an increase in entities. Refer to the Commands section for more information about enableing flags. Vanilla Configurations: Since version 1.0.7 there are vanilla loot profiles available for most crates and NPCs. These profiles can be loaded using the "Load default loot table" button at the top center of the editor. DISCLAIMER: The vanilla loot profiles in the editor might not exactly match the vanilla loot distribution of the game as it uses a completely different loot distribution system than Rust. These profiles rather serve as a reference point for custom loot profiles. Important for Carbon users: In order for this plugin to work with carbon, Harmony references need to be enabled. This can be done with the following command: c.harmonyreference 1 Required Dependencies (Oxide only): Image Library: Custom Items API: Add a custom item to the item list. If an item is marked as persistent it will remain in the custom item list until it is removed by ClearCustomItems. All non-persistent items will be removed after the plugin that registered them has been unloaded. (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId) (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId, bool persistent) //(v1.0.27 or higher) (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId, string customName) (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId, string customName, bool persistent) //(v1.0.27 or higher) (void) ClearCustomItems(Plugin plugin) //(v1.0.27 or higher) Example: Its recommended to delay the call a little bit to make sure Loottable is loaded private void Init() { timer.In(1f, () => { Loottable?.Call("AddCustomItem", this, -946369541, 2664651800, "High Quality Fuel"); }); } Hooks: (object) OnContainerPopulate(LootContainer container) This hook is called every time a loot container is about to be populated with loot. Returning a non-null value prevents the plugin from spawning loot into that crate. (object) OnCorpsePopulate(LootableCorpse corpse) This hook is called every time an npc corpse is about to be populated with loot. Returning a non-null value prevents the plugin from spawning loot into that corpse. (object) OnCustomAirdrop(SupplySignal signal) This hook is called every time a custom supply drop is about to be delivered. Returning a non-null value will cancel the custom supply drop.$40.00- 962 comments
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Version 1.5.2
Quarries have evolved into personal computers that can be placed within player bases, providing full customization. Everything, from fuel types to unlimited upgrades, is configurable, including upgrade requirements, mined items, and fuel. Seamlessly integrating with the industrial system. FEATURES Intuitive UI: Simulates old DOS programs for easy use Full Customization: Item output, fuel, and upgrade requirements can be adjusted Unlimited Upgrades: Use items, Economics, and ServerRewards for upgrades Base Placement: Quarry Computers can be placed inside bases Industrial Automation-Ready: With permissions for seamless integration Screen Activation: Easily see if the computer is on, with percentage displays Multi-Language Support: Fully translatable Player Permissions: Control how many quarries a player can own and upgrade Persistent Data: Upgrades and item levels are saved across restarts VIDEO SHOWCASE Here’s how to add the recycler to your shop: Use the Command: gq %steamID% PERMISSIONS "quarrycomputer.give" Grants the player the ability to use the customizable command (/gq <User>) to give themselves or other players a Quarry Computer. "quarrycomputer.industrialinput" AND "quarrycomputer.industrialoutput" Allows players to connect industrial storage adaptors to their quarries, enabling automated resource handling. "" Provides players with additional benefits or features, such as having a higher limit on the number of quarries they can deploy. "quarrycomputer.norequirements" Allows players to upgrade their quarries without needing to meet the usual item or resource requirements. "quarrycomputer.admin" Provides administrative control over players' quarries, such as the ability to manage or interact with any quarry regardless of ownership. CONFIGURATION You can have as many upgrade levels as you want. Use Economics and ServerRewards on the item shortnames to use currency. Any in-game item can be used. Requirements can utilize Economics and ServerRewards based on the item shortname. Item shortnames are validated when the plugin loads, with a warning issued if they need to be fixed. { "Use LangAPI Plugin": true, "Use Notify Plugin": true, "RP Image URL": "", "Allow Team Access": true, "Allow Friends Access": true, "Give Quarry Command": [ "gq", "givequarry" ], "Drop Quarry Item on Destruction": true, "Fuel Configuration": { "Shortname": "diesel_barrel", "Resource Extraction Interval In Seconds": 3600, "Fuel Required Per Extraction": 1 }, "No Upgrades (Level 1)": { "Storage Slots": { "Fuel": 1, "Resources": 6 }, "Resources Output Per Extraction": [ { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Amount": 1440 }, { "Shortname": "crude.oil", "Amount": 720 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 7200 }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Amount": 1440 }, { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Amount": 180 }, { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Amount": 1440 } ] }, "Upgrades (Level 2+)": [ { "Storage Slots": { "Fuel": 2, "Resources": 8 }, "Resources Output Per Extraction": [ { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Amount": 1620 }, { "Shortname": "crude.oil", "Amount": 900 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 9000 }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Amount": 1800 }, { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Amount": 270 }, { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Amount": 1620 } ], "Required Items To Upgrade": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Amount": 14000 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 7000 }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 1000 }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 20 }, { "Shortname": "carburetor1", "Amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "crankshaft1", "Amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "piston1", "Amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "sparkplug1", "Amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "valve1", "Amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 650 }, { "Shortname": "sheetmetal", "Amount": 5 }, { "Shortname": "tarp", "Amount": 5 } ] }, { "Storage Slots": { "Fuel": 3, "Resources": 10 }, "Resources Output Per Extraction": [ { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Amount": 1980 }, { "Shortname": "crude.oil", "Amount": 1080 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 10800 }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Amount": 2160 }, { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Amount": 360 }, { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Amount": 1980 } ], "Required Items To Upgrade": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Amount": 25000 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 13000 }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 2000 }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 40 }, { "Shortname": "carburetor1", "Amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "crankshaft1", "Amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "piston1", "Amount": 2 }, { "Shortname": "sparkplug1", "Amount": 2 }, { "Shortname": "valve1", "Amount": 2 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 1300 }, { "Shortname": "sheetmetal", "Amount": 5 }, { "Shortname": "tarp", "Amount": 5 } ] }, { "Storage Slots": { "Fuel": 4, "Resources": 12 }, "Resources Output Per Extraction": [ { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Amount": 2160 }, { "Shortname": "crude.oil", "Amount": 1260 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 16200 }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Amount": 2520 }, { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Amount": 450 }, { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Amount": 2160 } ], "Required Items To Upgrade": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Amount": 50000 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 25000 }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 4000 }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 80 }, { "Shortname": "carburetor2", "Amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "crankshaft2", "Amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "piston2", "Amount": 2 }, { "Shortname": "sparkplug2", "Amount": 2 }, { "Shortname": "valve2", "Amount": 2 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 2600 }, { "Shortname": "sheetmetal", "Amount": 5 }, { "Shortname": "tarp", "Amount": 5 } ] }, { "Storage Slots": { "Fuel": 5, "Resources": 14 }, "Resources Output Per Extraction": [ { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Amount": 2340 }, { "Shortname": "crude.oil", "Amount": 1440 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 14400 }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Amount": 2880 }, { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Amount": 540 }, { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Amount": 2520 } ], "Required Items To Upgrade": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Amount": 50000 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 50000 }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 8000 }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 200 }, { "Shortname": "carburetor3", "Amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "crankshaft3", "Amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "piston3", "Amount": 2 }, { "Shortname": "sparkplug3", "Amount": 2 }, { "Shortname": "valve3", "Amount": 2 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 6000 }, { "Shortname": "sheetmetal", "Amount": 5 }, { "Shortname": "tarp", "Amount": 5 } ] }, { "Storage Slots": { "Fuel": 6, "Resources": 16 }, "Resources Output Per Extraction": [ { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Amount": 2520 }, { "Shortname": "crude.oil", "Amount": 2160 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 16200 }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Amount": 3240 }, { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Amount": 630 }, { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Amount": 2880 }, { "Shortname": "gunpowder", "Amount": 4680 }, { "Shortname": "explosives", "Amount": 135 } ], "Required Items To Upgrade": [ { "Shortname": "mining.quarry", "Amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "mining.pumpjack", "Amount": 1 } ] } ], "Keep Upgrades On Remove Quarry": true, "Profiles": { "Default (No Permission)": { "Quarry Limit": 1 }, "VIP ( Permission)": { "Quarry Limit": 2 } }, "Item Name": "Quarry Computer", "UI Configuration": { "Font (DroidSansMono.ttf / PermanentMarker.ttf / RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf / RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf)": "DroidSansMono.ttf", "Header": { "Background Color": "0.4 0.4 0.4 0.95", "Font Color": "1 1 1 1", "Close Button": { "Background Color": "1 0 0 1", "Font Color": "1 1 1 0.5", "Font Size": 13 } }, "Background Color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.95", "Line Color": "1 1 1 1", "Left Panel": { "Shadow Color": "0 0 0 0.97", "Font Color": "1 1 1 1", "Background Color": "0 0 1 1", "Remove Button": { "Background Color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.95", "Font Color": "1 0 0 1", "Font Size": 14 }, "Start Stop Button": { "Background Color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.95", "Font Color": "0 1 0 1", "Font Size": 14 }, "Stop Stop Button": { "Background Color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.95", "Font Color": "1 0 0 1", "Font Size": 14 } }, "Right Panel": { "Shadow Color": "0 0 0 0.97", "Font Color": "1 1 1 1", "Background Color": "0.5 0 0 1", "Upgrade Button": { "Background Color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.95", "Font Color": "0 1 0 1", "Font Size": 14 } }, "Popup": { "Overlay Color": "0 0 0 0.9", "Shadow Color": "0 0 0 0.85", "Border Color": "1 1 1 1", "Background Color": "0 0 0 1", "Button Color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.95", "Confirm Button Color": "0 1 0 1", "Cancel Button Color": "1 0 0 1" } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 3, "Patch": 4 } } Alternative Configuration: { "Use LangAPI Plugin": true, "Use Notify Plugin": true, "Allow Team Access": true, "Allow Friends Access": true, "Give Quarry Command": [ "gq", "givequarry" ], "Drop Quarry Item on Destruction": true, "Fuel Configuration": { "Shortname": "charcoal", "Resource Extraction Interval In Seconds": 40, "Fuel Required Per Extraction": 100 }, "No Upgrades (Level 1)": { "Storage Slots": { "Fuel": 1, "Resources": 6 }, "Resources Output Per Extraction": [ { "Shortname": "crude.oil", "Amount": 4 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 35 }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Amount": 7 }, { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Amount": 7 } ] }, "Upgrades (Level 2+)": [ { "Storage Slots": { "Fuel": 3, "Resources": 12 }, "Resources Output Per Extraction": [ { "Shortname": "crude.oil", "Amount": 6 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 50 }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Amount": 10 }, { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Amount": 10 } ], "Required Items To Upgrade": [ { "Shortname": "Economics", "Amount": 25000 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 1000 }, { "Shortname": "pumpkin", "Amount": 100 } ] }, { "Storage Slots": { "Fuel": 6, "Resources": 24 }, "Resources Output Per Extraction": [ { "Shortname": "crude.oil", "Amount": 10 }, { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Amount": 10 }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Amount": 30 }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 100 }, { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Amount": 25 } ], "Required Items To Upgrade": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 5000 }, { "Shortname": "pumpkin", "Amount": 1000 }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "Amount": 10000 }, { "Shortname": "red.berry", "Amount": 1000 }, { "Shortname": "bone.fragments", "Amount": 1000 } ] } ], "Keep Upgrades On Remove Quarry": true, "Profiles": { "Default (No Permission)": { "Quarry Limit": 1 }, "VIP ( Permission)": { "Quarry Limit": 1 } }, "Item Name": "Quarry Computer", "UI Configuration": { "Font (DroidSansMono.ttf / PermanentMarker.ttf / RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf / RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf)": "DroidSansMono.ttf", "Header": { "Background Color": "0.4 0.4 0.4 0.95", "Font Color": "1 1 1 1", "Close Button": { "Background Color": "1 0 0 1", "Font Color": "1 1 1 0.5", "Font Size": 13 } }, "Background Color": "0.02 0.31 0.49 0.95", "Line Color": "0.02 0.73 0.8 1", "Left Panel": { "Shadow Color": "0.02 0.15 0.2 0.97", "Font Color": "1 1 1 1", "Background Color": "0.2 0.26 0.36 1", "Remove Button": { "Background Color": "0.67 0.51 0.65 0.95", "Font Color": "0 0 0 1", "Font Size": 14 }, "Start Stop Button": { "Background Color": "0.44 0.62 0.79 0.95", "Font Color": "0 0 0 1", "Font Size": 14 }, "Stop Stop Button": { "Background Color": "0.96 0.72 0.82 0.95", "Font Color": "0 0 0 1", "Font Size": 14 } }, "Right Panel": { "Shadow Color": "0.02 0.27 0.33 0.97", "Font Color": "1 1 1 1", "Background Color": "0 0.07 0.2 1", "Upgrade Button": { "Background Color": "0.51 0.58 0.67 0.95", "Font Color": "0 0 0 1", "Font Size": 14 } }, "Popup": { "Overlay Color": "0.01 0.1 0.14 0.9", "Shadow Color": "0.02 0.11 0.13 0.85", "Border Color": "0.26 0.32 0.38 1", "Background Color": "0.15 0.24 0.37 1", "Button Color": "0.44 0.62 0.79 0.95", "Confirm Button Color": "0 1 0 1", "Cancel Button Color": "1 0 0 1" } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 3, "Patch": 0 } }$18.00 -
Version 2.0.3
This plugin will add variable custom quarries and pumpjacks to your server. You can create any amount of different quarries and pumpjacks! You can get the fastest support in our Discord: Alias™ dev. Features Prefab substitution You can avoid using survey charges for installing quarries. Static quarries All 4 type of statics (pumpjack, stone, sulfur, HQM) can be configured separately. Toggle & Loot protection Each quarry have their own protection settings. There is also protection system by permissions for static quarries. Built-in remove You can configure different remove and refund settings per quarry. Repair It is very similar to the standard system with all the sounds and effects. It also supports custom items. Build limits Built in options to set limits for quarries and pumpjacks separately. Custom Items You can use any normal and/or skinned items (custom items) as fuel and/or resource production. Fuel system You can set up several different fuel types with different production settings per fuel type. Production system You can set up min/max amount of items and probability chances per item. Permissions You can set up build limits and/or gather rates by permissions and also sum all permission parameters (or not). Upgrade system You can upgrade from one quarry to another using different skin id. UI Adaptive and informative interface made in modern rust-style design so it may seem like part of the game. It will automatically change its size and screen location depending on your quarry settings. Langs You can translate any phrase in the plugin. Performance The plugin completely has its own mechanics, which ensures the best performance even compared to the standard system. This also fixes all of the default quarry bugs. Optimization You can completely disable some of the plugin's functions in the main config. Configuration Main config (oxide/config/aQuarry.json) Static quarries config (oxide/data/aQuarry/StaticQuarries/) Personal quarries config (oxide/data/aQuarry/PersonalQuarries/) Commands quarry.give «SteamID» «SkinID» => give to player the quarry with specified skin from config quarry.giveme => give all quarries from config to self Permissions: aQuarry.admin => allows to use «quarry.give» and «quarry.giveme» commands from in-game console API bool CanBuildCustomQuarry(Planner plan, BasePlayer builder, bool IsQuarryOrPumpjack) // Called right before other built-in checks. // Returning false will cancel the construction. void OnCustomQuarryBuilded(MiningQuarry quarry, BasePlayer builder, bool IsQuarryOrPumpjack) // Called right after player has built custom quarry or pumpjack.$24.00 -
Version 1.0.3
Change the speed, fuel time and resource gained from all quarries and the giant excavator with a simple config. Works with GatherManager. Chat commands (admin only): / - Displays in chat the values for each of the quarries Config: You can easily configure each quarry type separately: Fuel time - How long does a diesel last (in seconds) Resource tickrate - How often resources are added to the output container (in seconds) Amount of resources - Total amount of resources from each diesel. A value of 1000 means it makes the same amount as vanilla. Changing this value to 2000 means it makes 2 times as much as vanilla, or 500 means half as much as vanilla. (example: in vanilla 1 diesel = 50 hqm at the HQM quarry. Setting the value to 2000 gives you 100 hqm for each diesel, and a value of 500 gives 25 hqm for each diesel. Note: Any GatherManager multipliers are multiplied on top of this setting Excavator fuel time - How long a diesel last for the giant excavator (in seconds) Excavator resource tickrate - How often resources are added to the output container for the giant excavator (in seconds) Excavator resource multiplier - Multiplies the output resource with this value. Note: This multiplier and GatherManager multiplier will stack (if "Use excavator settings if GatherManager exists" is set to true) Use excavator settings if GatherManager exists - If GatherManager is loaded (or reloaded) and this setting is true, it will override GatherManager excavator settings. Note: GatherManager still modifies the output as normal Default config (vanilla values): { "Stone Quarry": { "Fuel time per diesel (seconds)": 120.0, "Resource tickrate (seconds)": 5.0, "Amount of resources per diesel (1000 = vanilla)": 1000.0 }, "Sulfur Quarry": { "Fuel time per diesel (seconds)": 120.0, "Resource tickrate (seconds)": 5.0, "Amount of resources per diesel (1000 = vanilla)": 1000.0 }, "High quality metal Quarry": { "Fuel time per diesel (seconds)": 120.0, "Resource tickrate (seconds)": 5.0, "Amount of resources per diesel (1000 = vanilla)": 1000.0 }, "Pumpjack": { "Fuel time per diesel (seconds)": 120.0, "Resource tickrate (seconds)": 5.0, "Amount of resources per diesel (1000 = vanilla)": 1000.0 }, "Excavator": { "Excavator fuel time per diesel (seconds)": 120.0, "Excavator resource tickrate": 3.0, "Excavator resource multiplier": { "Stone": 1.0, "Sulfur": 1.0, "Metal fragments": 1.0, "High quality metal": 1.0 } }, "Use excavator settings if GatherManager exists": true }$7.99- 8 comments
- 2 reviews
- 1
- #quarry
- #controller
- (and 7 more)
Version 2.5.1
RUST Plugin Test Server TEST MY PLUGINS THERE! connect Virtual Quarries plugin is a major upgrade to quarries. You can create and place quarries that extract any type of resource and access them from anywhere on the map. Set up an infinite number of quarry types, apply custom quarry limits with a permission system, grant friends access to resource storage, upgrade your quarry to get more resources, customize survey items and fuel, and much more! You can even customize the static quarries on the map to be instanced, allowing each player to have their own quarry. Extensive customization and enhancements for quarries. Place an infinite number of quarries of various types and give access to friends and teammates, including offline players. Customize the output for each quarry type, allowing them to dig anything from stone and ores to rockets and C4, with full support for skins and display names. The permission system lets you limit the number of quarries per player, and you can upgrade your quarries for better output, capacity, and fuel efficiency. The items required to place quarries can be customized based on the quarry's resource output. M ultiple types of survey charges, each corresponding to different quarry types. Full data merge through wipes. Responsive RUST-themed UI. Customizable fuel types for each quarry. Custom digging method ensures quarries dig once every 60 seconds by default to improve performance, but this frequency is configurable. Supports static quarries, pumpjacks, and the giant excavator pit, with instanced inventories for each player and customizable outputs. virtualquarries.use - Allows you to open /qr menu. (Needs to be enabled in config) virtualquarries.share - Allows players to give other teammates access to their quarries. (Needs to be enabled in config) virtualquarries.static.quarry - Gives access to static quarries. (Needs to be enabled in config) virtualquarries.static.pumpjack - Gives access to static pump jacks. (Needs to be enabled in config) virtualquarries.static.excavator - Gives access to giant excavator. (Needs to be enabled in config) /qr - Opens Virtual Quarry Menu. (Configurable) Economy Plugin Config 0 - None 1 - Economics 2 - ServerRewards 3 - IQEconomic 4 - BankSystem 5 - ShoppyStock Quarry Limit Extra You can limit sum of quarries by adding "*" into your permission list, so players can mix quarry profiles until they reach overall limit. Example: "virtualquarries.default": { "*": 3, "pumpjack": 1 }, Based on regular configuration this setup will limit player to have 3 of any type of quarrym but only 1 pumpjack, so he can have 2 quarries and 1 pumpjack or 3 quarries and no pumpjack. OnQuarryUpgraded(BasePlayer player, int quarryLevel, string quarryProfile) - Called when quarry is successfully upgraded. OnQuarryRemoved(BasePlayer player, string quarryProfile) - Called when quarry is successfully removed. OnCustomSurveyThrow(BasePlayer player, string quarryProfile) - Called when custom survey is successfully throwed. OnQuarryPlaced(BasePlayer player, string quarryProfile) - Called when quarry is succesfully placed. Example Config With additional quarry types, more upgrade levels etc. (my private configuration) VirtualQuarries.json { "Command List": [ "qr", "quarry", "quarries", "vq", "virtualquarry", "virtualquarries" ], "UI Action Cooldown (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 0.0, "Enable Console Logs": true, "PopUpAPI - Preset Name": "Legacy", "Override Custom Skinned Items With Steam Icons (no URLs needed)": false, "Additional Steam Image Download": false, "Require Permission For Use": false, "Lock Access To Quarry Profiles If Lost Permission": false, "Mining Quarry/Pump Jack Limit Permissions": { "virtualquarries.default": { "pumpjack": 1, "quarry": 2 }, "": { "pumpjack": 2, "quarry": 3 } }, "Sharing - Require Permission": false, "Sharing - Remove Members If Owner Offline More Than X Days (0, to disable)": 0, "Sharing - Share Only To Teammates": false, "Data - Enable Data Wipe On Server Wipe": false, "Data - Store Container Data In File And Restore On Server Wipe": false, "Data - Store Container Interval (in seconds)": 1800, "Quarry Tick (how often quarries dig resources, in seconds)": 60, "Static Quarry Tick (how often quarries dig resources, in seconds)": 60, "Excavator Quarry Tick (how often quarries dig resources, in seconds)": 60, "Storage Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/box.wooden.large.prefab", "Sound - Start Sound": "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/effects/online.prefab", "Sound - Stop Sound": "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/effects/offline.prefab", "Survey Charge - Allow Throwing Survey Charges": false, "Survey Charget Types": { "survey": { "Effect Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/survey_explosion.prefab", "Required Permission (empty, if not required)": "", "Chance For Resources (0-100)": 75, "Displayed Survey Title Translation Key": "SurveyCharge", "Required Item": { "Shortname": "surveycharge", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } } }, "Upgrades - Used Economy Plugin (0 - None, See Website For More Info)": 0, "Upgrades - Economy Currency (If Economy Plugin Is 5 - ShoppyStock)": "rp", "Removing Quarries - Refund Items": true, "Removing Quarries - Refund Upgrades": false, "Go Back Button - Position (1-2)": 1, "Upgrade UI - Responsive Position": true, "Static Quarries - Enable": false, "Static Quarries - Disable Running Effect": false, "Excavator Quarry - Enable": false, "Excavator Quarry - Lock Air Drops": false, "Excavator Quarry - Resource Container Size": 18, "Excavator Quarry - Fuel Container Size": 6, "Static Quarries - Quarry Requires Permission": false, "Static Quarries - Pump Jack Requires Permission": false, "Static Quarries - Excavator Requires Permission": false, "Static Quarries - Resource Container Size": 18, "Static Quarries - Fuel Container Size": 6, "Static Quarries - Fuel Item": { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1.0, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": null }, "Excavator Quarry - Fuel Item": { "Shortname": "diesel_barrel", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1.0, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": null }, "Static Quarries - Metal Quarry Output": [ { "Shortname": "stones", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 150.0, "Display Name": "" }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 22.5, "Display Name": "" } ], "Static Quarries - Sulfur Quarry Output": [ { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 22.5, "Display Name": "" } ], "Static Quarries - HQM Quarry Output": [ { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 1.5, "Display Name": "" } ], "Static Quarries - Pump Jack Output": [ { "Shortname": "crude.oil", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 6.0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Static Quarries - Excavator Outputs": { "HQM": [ { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 50.0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Metal": [ { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 2500.0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Stone": [ { "Shortname": "stones", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 5000.0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Sulfur": [ { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 1000.0, "Display Name": "" } ] }, "Quarry Profiles": { "pumpjack": { "Required Permission (empty, if not required)": "virtualquarries.pumpjack", "Displayed Icon": { "Shortname": "mining.pumpjack", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" }, "Survey Type": "survey", "Displayed Quarry Title Translation Key": "PumpjackTitle", "Chance": 5, "Minimal Resources Per Node": 1, "Maximal Resources Per Node": 2, "Fuel Required Per Tick": { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1.0, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": null }, "Enable Upgrades": true, "Items Required To Place": [ { "Shortname": "mining.pumpjack", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } ], "Resources": { "crude": { "Output Item - Shortname": "crude.oil", "Output Item - Skin": 0, "Output Item - Display Name": "", "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "", "Include Always": true, "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "", "Chance": 0, "Minimal Output Per Tick": 0.8, "Maximal Output Per Tick": 3.0, "Additional Items Required To Place": [] } }, "Upgrades": [ { "Required Items": [], "Required Currency (0 to disable)": 0, "Fuel Storage Capacity": 6, "Capacity": 6, "Gather Multiplier": 1.0, "Fuel Usage Multiplier": 1.0, "Additional Resources (Resources keys)": [] }, { "Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 14000, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 10000, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } ], "Required Currency (0 to disable)": 12000, "Fuel Storage Capacity": 6, "Capacity": 9, "Gather Multiplier": 1.2, "Fuel Usage Multiplier": 1.0, "Additional Resources (Resources keys)": [] } ] }, "quarry": { "Required Permission (empty, if not required)": "", "Displayed Icon": { "Shortname": "mining.quarry", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" }, "Survey Type": "survey", "Displayed Quarry Title Translation Key": "QuarryTitle", "Chance": 25, "Minimal Resources Per Node": 1, "Maximal Resources Per Node": 2, "Fuel Required Per Tick": { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1.0, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": null }, "Enable Upgrades": true, "Items Required To Place": [ { "Shortname": "mining.quarry", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } ], "Resources": { "hq": { "Output Item - Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Output Item - Skin": 0, "Output Item - Display Name": "", "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "", "Include Always": false, "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "", "Chance": 10, "Minimal Output Per Tick": 0.3, "Maximal Output Per Tick": 2.0, "Additional Items Required To Place": [] }, "metal": { "Output Item - Shortname": "metal.ore", "Output Item - Skin": 0, "Output Item - Display Name": "", "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "", "Include Always": false, "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "virtualquarries.metal", "Chance": 50, "Minimal Output Per Tick": 22.5, "Maximal Output Per Tick": 45.0, "Additional Items Required To Place": [] }, "scrap": { "Output Item - Shortname": "scrap", "Output Item - Skin": 0, "Output Item - Display Name": "", "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "", "Include Always": false, "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "virtualquarries.scrap", "Chance": 5, "Minimal Output Per Tick": 0.1, "Maximal Output Per Tick": 1.0, "Additional Items Required To Place": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 7000, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } ] }, "stone": { "Output Item - Shortname": "stones", "Output Item - Skin": 0, "Output Item - Display Name": "", "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "", "Include Always": true, "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "", "Chance": 0, "Minimal Output Per Tick": 150.0, "Maximal Output Per Tick": 300.0, "Additional Items Required To Place": [] }, "sulfur": { "Output Item - Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Output Item - Skin": 0, "Output Item - Display Name": "", "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "", "Include Always": false, "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "", "Chance": 50, "Minimal Output Per Tick": 15.0, "Maximal Output Per Tick": 30.5, "Additional Items Required To Place": [] } }, "Upgrades": [ { "Required Items": [], "Required Currency (0 to disable)": 0, "Fuel Storage Capacity": 6, "Capacity": 6, "Gather Multiplier": 1.0, "Fuel Usage Multiplier": 1.0, "Additional Resources (Resources keys)": [] }, { "Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 7000, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 5000, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } ], "Required Currency (0 to disable)": 6000, "Fuel Storage Capacity": 6, "Capacity": 9, "Gather Multiplier": 1.2, "Fuel Usage Multiplier": 1.0, "Additional Resources (Resources keys)": [ "scrap" ] } ] } } }$35.00 -
Version 2.0.1
The is a monument to place in the place of Excavator, with both a smaller footprint and a non-build zone this monument is perfect for small maps that want a place for players to PVP for resources. Simple to install into any map, simply find an area and place the monument down so that the upper rocks align with the terrain height, possible to also be placed on a mountain. HQM Quarry Stone Quarry Sulfur Quarry 2x Diesel Spawn Barrel Spawns How to Install Purchase Download Zip Extract Zip Place File into Custom Prefabs in RustEdit Open Rustedit Place the Prefab into the ground so that the upper cliff of the prefab aligns with the terrain. Apply height mask/splat mask and enjoy$7.00- 1 review
- #quarry
- #excavator
(and 4 more)
Tagged with:
Version 2024.10.3.1319
SAVE 10% WHEN BUYING THE BUNDLE This high performance patch will change the overall output rates of pickup, gather and quarries/excavator aka "Gather Manager". This is a standalone Harmony patch, Oxide installation is optional. Copy the Oxidation.Modded.X.dll file into your HarmonyMods folder and restart your server. At the first server start after installing the patch a new configuration file Oxidation.Modded.X.json will be created at the HarmonyMods folder. The following settings can be configured: Recycler tick rate (default: 5s) Research table speed (default: 10s) Crafting speed multiplier Vending machine buying speed Overall gather multiplier Overall pickup multiplier Overall quarry multiplier Overall excavator multiplier Overall trap multiplier It also supports setting unique output rates based on the Item's short name, example: "Excavator": { "*": 5.0, "hq.metal.ore": 1.0, "metal.ore": 2.5, "sulfur.ore": 1.0 } What is Harmony ? Harmony is a library for patching .NET code during runtime, it directly manipulates game code (CIL) without any additional abstraction layer such as Oxide. The direct patching of the game's byte code allows more performant modding as developers no longer need to rely on third party code, events or hooks to build custom functionality.$4.99- 11 comments
- 1 review
- 3
- #gather
- #gathering
- (and 12 more)
Version 3.0.0
This island is intended for farm resources On the island, you can farm a huge amount of sulfur, metal and stone. There is a quarry on the island that will extract resources for players while they defend it boats, balloons, barrels, fuel barrels will spawn on the island There are many shelters on the island for a convenient shootout from the position At each tower, the player gets comfort Standing on the lava and next to it, the player will receive damage from burning You can't line up on or near the island! For the correct and convenient installation of the monument, use the boat as a landmark, I hope these two screenshots will help you$5.00 -
Version 1.0.1
Welcome to Doc's Custom Sulfur Quarry. This is a very deep quarry that is guarded by scientist. Once you made it to the bottom you will be able to start mining sulfur Has 1 recycler at the top of the quarry in the yard Great area for pvp Prefab Count 438 Please make yourself aware of the TOS-Restrictions for use. If you have any problems you can contact me on discord DocNorris#5423$3.99 -
Version 3.0.0
| Secret Missile Silo A | What appears to be a government cover-up, Cobalt was tasked with concealing one of the many decomissioned missile silos. By using clever decorating, and what seems like a pop-up mining quarry, the rushed attempt to hide the mystery had become a failure. While both the quarry and silo lay abandoned, those who have authorized access, can attain the loot which was left behind. Question left to be asked is, will you be one of them? Drag n' drop! Features: Simple, High Detail, low prefab count! 1321 prefabs in total! Can easily be inserted into a existing map. A refreshing look based apon Facepunch's Large Excavator and Sewer Branch . Something all players can recognize. Loot consists of: Numerous Barrels, 6 military (green) crates, 10 basic (tan) crates, scattered food and medical boxes. Does not include a "Monument Marker" keep this in mind when placing the monument. Custom Silo Blast Door, requires 2 fuses and blue keycard. Thanks to !knockree for the help! NOTE: It is suggested to place this prefab on the axis it’s on once spawned in since Rust’s terrain ‘pixelation’ limits terrain slopes when pasting in prefabs. So when dropping this prefab within your map you may have to grab the entire prefab and slightly move it to align with the terrain due to this handicap (not the prefab’s fault, just how Rust’s works). NOTE #2: It is suggested to paint your own alpha texture onto the missle silo entrance, this is a problem within Rust Edit.$14.95