About Quarry Notification
The Quarry Notification plugin for Rust is a plugin designed to enhance the gameplay experience by providing detailed notifications and map markers for specific quarry activities. This plugin is ideal for server administrators looking to keep players informed about quarry statuses and activities in real-time.
Real-Time Notifications
- Activation Alerts: Receive notifications when a quarry is activated.
- Player Identification: Identify the last player who toggled the quarry.
- Grid Positioning: Get precise grid positions of activated quarries.
Customizable Markers
- Individual Quarry Settings: Configure markers for Sulfur, Stone, and High-Quality Metal quarries independently.
- Marker Attributes: Adjust alpha, radius, center color, ring color, and duration for each quarry type.
Configurable Advice Messages
- Interval Settings: Set the interval for periodic advice messages.
- Custom Message Formats: Personalize the format of notification messages.
Configurable Options
General Settings
- Permission for Chat Commands: Control access to chat commands (quarrynotification.use).
- Permission for Admin Commands: Restrict access to admin commands (quarrynotification.admin).
- SteamID Icon: Set the SteamID icon for chat messages.
- Enable Advice Messages: Toggle periodic advice messages.
- Advice Timer: Configure the interval for advice messages (in seconds).
- Notification Format: Customize the format of activation notification messages.
Quarry-Specific Marker Configurations
Sulfur Quarry
- Enable Markers: Toggle markers for Sulfur quarries.
- Alpha: Set marker transparency (0.0 - 1.0).
- Radius: Define marker radius.
- Center Color: Choose the center color of the marker (hex code).
- Ring Color: Set the ring color of the marker (hex code).
- Duration: Determine how long the marker stays on the map (in seconds).
Stone Quarry
- Enable Markers: Toggle markers for Stone quarries.
- Alpha: Set marker transparency (0.0 - 1.0).
- Radius: Define marker radius.
- Center Color: Choose the center color of the marker (hex code).
- Ring Color: Set the ring color of the marker (hex code).
- Duration: Determine how long the marker stays on the map (in seconds).
High-Quality Metal Quarry
- Enable Markers: Toggle markers for HQM quarries.
- Alpha: Set marker transparency (0.0 - 1.0).
- Radius: Define marker radius.
- Center Color: Choose the center color of the marker (hex code).
- Ring Color: Set the ring color of the marker (hex code).
- Duration: Determine how long the marker stays on the map (in seconds).
Sample Configuration
{ "Permission required to use chat commands": "quarrynotification.use", "Permission required for admin commands": "quarrynotification.admin", "SteamID icon for chat messages": 0, "Enable advice messages": true, "Interval for advice messages in seconds": 1800, "Notification message format": "{0} has activated a {1} Quarry at {2}!", "Quarry marker configurations": { "SulfurQuarry": { "Enabled": true, "Alpha": 0.5, "Radius": 0.6, "Center Color": "#FF0000", "Ring Color": "#FFFFFF", "Duration": 30.0 }, "StoneQuarry": { "Enabled": true, "Alpha": 0.5, "Radius": 0.6, "Center Color": "#FFA07A", "Ring Color": "#20B2AA", "Duration": 30.0 }, "HQMQuarry": { "Enabled": true, "Alpha": 0.5, "Radius": 0.6, "Center Color": "#9370DB", "Ring Color": "#FF69B4", "Duration": 30.0 } } }
Language Customization
Easily customize the in-game messages to suit your server's style and language preferences.
Default Messages
{ "QuarryStatusHeader": "<size=20><color=#87CEEB>Current Status of Quarries</color></size>", "QuarryNameFormat": "<color=#FFD700><b>{0}</b></color>", "QuarryActivatedFormat": "<color=#98FB98>Activated:</color> {0}", "QuarryLastPlayerFormat": "<color=#FFB6C1>Last Player:</color> {0}", "QuarryGridPositionFormat": "<color=#87CEEB>Grid Position:</color> {0}", "QuarryNoActivationInfo": "<color=#FF6347>{0}:</color> No activation information registered.", "QuarryLastActivated": "The <b>{0}</b> Quarry at <b>{3}</b> was last activated <color=#98FB98>{1} {2}</color> ago.", "QuarryOn": "<color=#98FB98>{0}</color> has activated a <color=#FFD700>{2}</color> Quarry at <color=#87CEEB>{1}</color>!", "PermissionError": "<color=#FF6347>You do not have permission to use this command.</color>", "QuarryAdded": "<color=#98FB98>Quarry {0} added at position {1}.</color>", "QuarryRemoved": "<color=#FF6347>Quarry {0} removed.</color>", "NoQuarriesFound": "<color=#FF6347>No quarries found.</color>", "Minutes": "minutes", "Minute": "minute", "Seconds": "seconds", "Second": "second", "Hours": "hours", "Hour": "hour", "Days": "days", "Day": "day", "SulfurQuarry": "Sulfur", "StoneQuarry": "Stone", "HQMQuarry": "High Quality Metal", "QuarryNotFound": "<color=#FF6347>Quarry not found at the specified coordinates.</color>", "InvalidCoordinates": "<color=#FF6347>Invalid coordinates. Please use the format: <x> <y> <z></color>", "InvalidType": "<color=#FF6347>Invalid quarry type. Available types: SulfurQuarry, StoneQuarry, HQMQuarry.</color>", "AddQuarryUsage": "<color=#FF6347>Usage: /addquarry <type> <x> <y> <z></color>", "RemoveQuarryUsage": "<color=#FF6347>Usage: /removequarry <type></color>", "NotificationHeader": "<size=16><color=#87CEEB>Quarry Notifications</color></size>", "NotificationQuarryName": "<size=14><color=#FFD700>{0}</color></size>", "NotificationActivated": "<color=#98FB98>Activated: {0} ago</color>", "NotificationLastPlayer": "<color=#FFB6C1>Last Player: {0}</color>", "NotificationGridPosition": "<color=#87CEEB>Grid Position: {0}</color>", "NotificationSeparator": "<color=#98FB98>--------------------------------</color>" }
/quarry: Displays the current status of all quarries.
/addquarry <type> <x> <y> <z>: Adds a new quarry at the specified coordinates.
/removequarry <type>: Removes the specified type of quarry.
/listquarries: Lists all configured quarries.
/clearquarries: Clears all quarries from the configuration.