About Simple Ban (UI Ban)
This plugin allows you to sanction users without kicking them from the server. Ideal for situations where you need the user to contact you via Discord or another platform. The user cannot interact with the server while banned. Everything the user sees on the interface is fully customizable.
✦ Permanent & Temporary Bans – Set bans for a fixed duration or permanently, with automatic expiration.
✦ Customizable Ban Screen – Personalize everything the player sees, including messages and background images.
✦ Ban Appeal System – Option to add a button for players to request an unban.
✦ Admin Tools – Easily manage bans with commands to view, modify, and remove them.
✦ Real-Time Notifications – Get alerts when a banned player joins or when a ban expires.
✦ Detailed Ban Information – See when and why a player was banned, with additional notes for context.
✦ Optimized Performance – Lightweight and efficient, ensuring smooth operation without affecting server performance.
Available Chat Commands
✦ /uiban <steamid> <reason> [duration] [notes] – Ban a user with a specified reason.
✦ /unuiban <steamid> – Unban a user.
✦ /uibanlist – View all banned players.
✦ /uibaninfo <steamid> – View detailed ban information for a specific player.
✦ /uibanupdate <steamid> <reason | duration | notes> <value> – Modify an existing ban.
Available Console Commands
✦ uiban <steamid> – Ban a user from the console.
✦ unuiban <steamid> – Unban a user from the console.
✦ uiban.ban – Allows the use of chat commands for banning/unbanning.
✦ uiban.admin - Advanced admin permissions for modifying bans and using additional commands.
Available placeholders to use in configuration:
✦ {name} - Username.
✦ {reason} - Established reason for the interface sanction.
✦ {date} - Date on which the sanction was carried out.
✦ {created_by} - Administrator who performed the sanction against the user.
✦ {expiry_info} - Information about expiry date.
If you need help setting it up or just want to clear up any doubts before making the purchase, you can contact me via discord.
{ "Title": "ATTENTION!", "Title color": "#FF0000", "Title Anchor Min": "0 0.5028116", "Title Anchor Max": "1 0.8997387", "Description": "{name}, your ability to interact with the server has been restricted.\n\nInformation about the sanction\nReason: {reason}\nDate: {date}\n{expiry_info}\nSanctioned by {created_by}\n\nGet in touch with us via Discord\n↓↓↓\n<color=#5865F2>discord.gg/example</color>", "Description default color": "#FFFFFF", "Description Anchor Min": "0 0", "Description Anchor Max": "1 1", "Date format": "MM.dd.yyyy", "Can the user take damage while they have a active ban?": true, "Delete banned user's inventory?": false, "Check for expired bans interval (seconds)": 300, "Notify admins when a player with active ban connects": true, "Log bans to file": true, "Background image URL (leave empty for default)": "", "Show ban history in UI": true, "Maximum ban history entries to show": 10, "Enable ban appeals": true, "Appeal button text": "Appeal This Ban", "Appeal URL": "https://example.com/appeal" }
{ "playerNotFound": "Player not found!", "playerDisconnected": "The player is not in the game!", "banPermanent": "You banned player {0}\nReason: {1}", "NFound": "Sorry, but this player was not found, or the player is offline", "nPermission": "You do not have permission to execute this command", "Args": "You are entering the command incorrectly, example: /uiban NAME/STEAMID Reason", "IsBanned": "Player already banned", "nFoudsBans": "The player is not on the ban list", "UnBanned": "Ban removed from player {0}", "banApplied": "You banned player {0}\nReason: {1}\nDuration: {2}", "adminNotify": "{0} has banned player {1}. Reason: {2}. Duration: {3}", "adminUnbanNotify": "{0} has removed the ban from player {1}", "bannedPlayerConnected": "Banned player {0} has connected. Reason: {1}", "banExpired": "Your ban has expired. You can now play normally.", "noBannedPlayers": "There are no banned players.", "appealInfo": "To appeal your ban, please visit:" }