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Everything posted by Russ

  1. Russ

    Oxide hook issue

    Hi David, I updated this today but now I'm getting the following error when I click the "Kits" link in the WelcomePanel, any ideas? Failed to call hook 'OnWelcomePanelPageOpen' on plugin 'WPKits v1.3.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.WPKits.ShowKits (BasePlayer player, System.Int32 page) [0x00278] in <80ad5848304b434baac075d4949186c5>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.WPKits.OnWelcomePanelPageOpen (BasePlayer player, System.Int32 tab, System.Int32 page, System.String addon) [0x00017] in <80ad5848304b434baac075d4949186c5>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.WPKits.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0006a] in <80ad5848304b434baac075d4949186c5>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <795304323ac74a298b8ed190a1dfa739>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 I've reloaded the WPKits and Kits plugins and it makes no difference. Kits show up in-game using the Kits UI with /kit Thanks Russ
  2. Russ

    Twigs Decay

    Thanks for the quick reply. I've set twig to decay for 3 days time, I'm guessing this won't work due to our daily restarts resetting the timer? Also the update you released overwrites all config settings previously set when updating.
  3. Russ

    Twigs Decay

    This is probably a silly question but one that I don't know the answer to. We use decay.upkeep false for decay to be disabled. If I were to add this plugin, am I right in thinking that it would not work because decay.upkeep "false" is set or will it ignore that and decay twig?
  4. Russ

    Not blocking access

    I have no permissions assigned as everyone is usually blocked from using (permissions are only for people to be able to access it right?), the /wbrblock still shows info about it being blocked though.
  5. Russ

    Not blocking access

    Unfortunately since the most recent update this no longer appears to be blocking access to the workbenches. The plugin loads and doesn't error at all but you can access benches now. Any ideas?
  6. Russ

    stacks completely not working

    Thanks man, appreciate it
  7. Russ

    Update Checker

    The above error is fixed but now it doesn't seem to be posting to discord and its posting the date and time twice in console. (07:36:36) | Loaded plugin UpdateChecker v4.1.8 by tofurahie (07:36:40) | [UpdateChecker] `10 May 2024 07:36``10 May 2024 07:36`
  8. Russ

    Update Checker

    Getting the following error with the update that was just released. (06:48:50) | Error while compiling UpdateChecker: Invalid expression term '[' | Line: 386, Pos: 40
  9. Not sure if you ever sorted this but Virtual Recycler does both of these already.
  10. Which plugins did you purchase? Can you specify exactly what they were called or even better, link to them. I noticed some of the plugins you mention have a dependency (as shown below) but without knowing if they are the ones you bought, we can't really help.
  11. Russ

    Date Removal

    Hi there, Is it possible to remove the date? I've made a few changes such as slightly larger font size for time and online players but the date is not needed and is causing the time to cut off. I've tried looking to edit this myself but have been unable to resolve it.
  12. Hi Chloe, Your best way to get a response with this is to post in the plugin support page by clcking here, that way the plugin dev will see your query and be able to respond quicker. - Russ
    This plugin is a must have for any server owner to provide information to new or returning players. Existing experienced players can simply turn off the messages if they desire using your chosen command. The ability to show messages to certain groups is also another great feature meaning you can send tailor made messages. The auto reply feature is also great for those that are not sure when the next wipe is. I had a slight issue setting this up, but this was due to tired eyes but beee replied to my support request very quickly and pointed me in the right direction… Thanks! I highly recommend this plugin!
    I have got to give it to SirApesALot for these awesome bases. Not only are they great but the numerous updates that have been released for them since buying them is great. I have bought a few sets of bases from various sites and can honestly say these are the only ones that are maintained and by maintain, I mean improved on. It keeps our PvE server fresh with these changes, so I am extremely grateful for the time and effort put into these. I highly recommend these Expert bases to anyone running Raidable Bases.
    I have got to give it to SirApesALot for these awesome bases. Not only are they great but the numerous updates that have been released for them since buying them is great. I have bought a few sets of bases from various sites and can honestly say these are the only ones that are maintained and by maintain, I mean improved on. It keeps our PvE server fresh with these changes, so I am extremely grateful for the time and effort put into these. I highly recommend these Easy bases to anyone running Raidable Bases.
  13. Russ


    Great plugin for going back to old school workbench and research table learnt blueprints!
  14. Russ


    This plugin fits in really well with one of the suggestions that one of our players had. 1) Allow the changing of scrap value for individual items I remember the old system and for each tier they weren't all set the same for all items. For example a tier 1 workbench item could cost 20 scrap for a very basic item, maybe clothing or an electrical item? A slightly higher valued tier 1 item would be a hatchet or pickaxe for 75 scrap...this is the same for tier 2 and tier 3 workbenches. Not everything was 500 scrap, some stuff was 250 on the tier 3 etc 2) This isn't a huge deal but I've noticed that the plugin throws an error in console if someone doesn't remove the previous blueprint from the slot and then clicks 'Begin Experiment'. It doesn't seem to cause any issues other than the error in console but perhaps a message saying 'Remove blueprint from slot' would be better than it throwing the error. Thanks for the great plugin
  15. Russ

    Error in Console

    Did you manage to resolve it? To me it looks like you have an error in your json syntax. You can see if your json file is valid by pasting it in https://jsonlint.com - Feel free to DM me if you require help
  16. Russ

    Raidable Bases

    I must admit I had played on other PvE servers and came across the Raidable Bases plugin. I was somewhat hesitant to add it to our own server at first due to many other servers using it, I guess I did not want to seem like I was copying. I finally after some persuasion from a fellow admin, bit the bullet and decided to see how our regulars responded to it on our server. I must say that it not only gave our players something extra to do but it has meant that the players spend more time on the server and in turn usually end up bringing fellow teammates with them. I would say this plugin has helped towards our server’s growth and I am extremely thankful for that. Clearly a lot of time and effort has gone into the creation of this plugin. The number of options available is insane, in a good way. Yes, at first it looked somewhat daunting to setup but once you have configured it to your liking (we only use Easy, Medium and Hard raid bases at the time of writing this) the plugin pretty much runs itself. I highly recommend purchasing some of the raidable bases that are available on Codefling, that is unless you want to create your own. We asked our community if they would like to see their own raidable bases added, we felt it was a good way of involving players and again giving them something to do.
    Very useful for displaying server stats on our website! Great dev, willing to listen and implement additions Thanks!
  17. Russ

    Database Stats

    Thanks for adding this
  18. Russ

    Database Stats

    Just wondering if it would be possible to add "Join date" and "Last Connected"
  19. Russ

    Update Checker

    My apologises, I guess I misunderstood the original issue, but either way you can manually add the links to fix the issue. Maybe delete your config file, reload the plugin and see if it repopulates the information in the config correctly this time?
  20. Russ

    Update Checker

    I just tested this by removing my config file and reloading the plugin. When I reloaded it, it made a new config and lists all the plugins but you need to manually add links to where they came from be it Codefling, Umod or ChaosCode.
  21. Russ

    Update Checker

    Are you adding the location of the plugins to your config file? (oxide/config/UpdateChecker.json) See my example below.


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