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Fuel Pump 1.0.11

$11.99 $9.99
   (3 reviews)

1 Screenshot

  • 43.1k
  • 270
  • 27.46 kB

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About Fuel Pump

Fill your modular car with fuel, thanks to the petrol pump of the petrol station, without moving from your seat 😉, the filling time and cost, is modifiable in the file configurations. Take that 10, 20 or 30 seconds waiting before leaving you swept away

Available on all gas stations on the map

Working with modular cars

How to use ?

  • Go to any gas station on the server
  • When you are facing a pump, an image will appear in front of you
  • Just click on the "E" key on your keyboard (you have to be in a modular vehicle)




  "Currency": "SCRAP",
  "DistanceOfQuit": 5.0,
  "FillingLimit": 1000,
  "ImageLogo": "https://i.imgur.com/HFEMPq6.png",
  "PayItemID": -932201673,
  "PerFuel": 1,
  "Pricing": 10,
  "TimeFilling": 10,
  "Title": "Fuel Pump"
  • Currency: Payment currency that will be displayed on UI
  • Title: The text displayed at the top of UI
  • TimeFilling: The filling time of the vehicles
  • Pricing: Sets fuel price for filling
  • PerFuel: The quantity received in relation to the price ( Pricing )
  • PayItemID: Item that will be removed during payments (default: scrap)
  • ImageLogo: Image that is displayed on top left of UI
  • FillingLimit: The maximum limit a reservoir can contain can be increased or decreased
  • DistanceOfQuit: Max distance, for UI display ( when player exceeds max distance UI this closes automatically )


  "Filling": "Fill",
  "AmountUI": "Amount Fuel",
  "CurrentFuel": "Current Fuel",
  "SalesRate": "Sales Rate",
  "FullTotal": "Full Total: {0} {1}",
  "RefuelButton": "Refuel",
  "TankLimit": "Your gas tank is already full",
  "AmountUnvalidate": "The amount must be greater than 0L",
  "AmountTotalLimit": "Your tank will be full please reduce the amount",
  "NoScrap": "You don’t get enough {0}",
  "SuccessFilling": "Your storeroom has been filled, and {0} {1} has been removed",
  "PlayerQuitZone": "You got away from the gas pump",
  "InterruptedFilling": "Filling your tank has been prevented"


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