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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Will add this to our notes and suggestions, I'm sure he already has plans to do this for the few plugins that use wolves though.
  2. Jbird

    Air Event

    Will add this to suggestions and notes. You may have to look into additional flyhack convars, or you may have to turn it off completely by putting 0.
  3. Jbird

    Junkyard Event

    NRE are often something to do with config. Try a fresh configuration file, if that does not work, share the error. You can jump into the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket if you'd like.
  4. Jbird

    Supermarket Event

    It would have to use the default Supermarket and be customized, which could cause problems. But it will not work on a fully customized or 'broken' version of the original.
  5. Jbird

    Defendable Bases

    Those look to me to be the main NPC type, which should have melee weapons as that is how they are set up. They probably have the same problem with the actual barricades from the event. You can also set wooden barricades to be removed, and they will be removed after each wave forcing players to continue placing them making this a difficult thing to do, as I've just seen alternatively where players have tried to surround the base with them.
  6. Jbird

    Events are NOT ENDING

    Have you ensured you deleted the data file for the plugin to clear it? What error or message do they get when they try to run another event, and how long is it actually before it lets them?
  7. Jbird


    This error is saying you have access issues, which I recommend resolving by using an FTP connection to the server to allow access. Here is a video explaining how you can do that, you might look up additional resources or pick a different application but it will show how it can be fixed. One or more files or folders are likely missing, or it could be from the access issue above. Fix that part first, if you are still having issues make sure the Custom folder is there, even if it is empty, and make sure all files and folders have been moved into your server from the download.
  8. Jbird

    37 Items Remaining

    I am glad to hear it. If you have any other issues be sure to let us know. And if you would like feel free to join the Mad Mapper Discord. Thank you for letting me know.
  9. Jbird

    2 types NPC

    Try this. It is odd that it is loading that file but not recognizing the 2nd preset, I am wondering if you give it a couple positions to start, then reload the plugin, if it will start to recognize this preset. Can you try this?
  10. Jbird

    not compiling

    What version of NpcSpawn and GasStationEvent are you currently running?
  11. Jbird

    Defendable Homes

    Examples are really helpful. I do understand that it's a pain to get people to read and such but honestly, once you start getting the information out there players can help each other. And at the end of the day if they don't read anything that's on them, right? I do get that challenge though but the command can be run as they are building before they invest too much into their build. Here is the command, the symbols, and what each means. /checkfoundations - checks all the foundations of the house for the event (must be within TC range while using command) ⊘ - you or your friends are not the owner of the foundation ⊝ - the foundation does not match in height/depth ⊛ - the foundation does not match the topology (prohibited topologies: Cliff, Cliffside, Decor, Building, Monument, Clutter, Mountain) ◉ - the foundation is located within a radius of 40 meters from the custom monument I will add a reference for this, I might already have a note as I know I had discussed this once in the past couple months. The problem and main reason that it has not already been implemented is that these things were put into place due to several bugs and issues that can happen in those instances. The developer is more likely to offer a change that customers can make themselves to bypass some of this, but depending on what issues could arise from that it would be on whomever decides to bypass these things to sort out issues related. Hopefully I explained that well enough to make sense.
  12. Jbird

    Junkyard Event

    Are you sure you have gone through the entire junkyard to get all of the trucks? Have you seen any errors? Get messages as you are recycling the trucks in game chat? If so, have you changed the configuration at all? There is a configuration section that partially pertains to this, perhaps something was adjusted there?
  13. Jbird

    Air Event

    Generally, as we have had issues reproducing this in tests, it seems to be a result of either client performance (players side), server performance (server side obviously), or a combination of both. One thing that you can do to alleviate this issue though is to reduce the flyhack threshold in your server. You can do it by adding this line to your server.cfg file, or the bat file whichever is easiest. You can also run the command in game as long as your server properly saves changes made and they are not lost during a restart, some hosts do a hard reset and stuff like this gets reverted back to a previous setting. antihack.flyhack_protection antihack.flyhack_protection 3 So the default is 3 as I've typed it there. I recommend reducing to at least 2, or otherwise have gotten feedback in another recent instance of this issue, where they reduced it to 1 and the kicks stopped occurring. If you look into it a bit you might find that they players most affected have a higher ping to the server, or otherwise are not close geographically to the servers location causing a bit of lag and contributes to the server kicking them for thinking they are 'flyhacking'. Anything involving a lot of jumping, especially well above the terrain, has the potential to trigger this. The one warning I want to give is that if you have a lot of players, and or are mainly a PvP server, you'll want to use caution with this since you are softening the servers defenses, but it's only to flyhacking and honestly I don't think that is an issue often at all. Usually more like aim and esp stuff that's the biggest problem in my experience.
  14. Jbird

    Defendable Homes

    Do you have any examples? And are you and your players familiar with the command to check foundations?
  15. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Best way to do that would be with a plugin like TruePVE in my opinion. In my experience players are always going to try to find an easy way to do things it's somewhat inevitable, but this way you can block some of the cheesier ways to attack a boss!
  16. Jbird


    From the developer:
  17. Jbird

    Turret Damage

    I can't think of what could be blocking damage from NpcSpawn though. I can mention it to KpucTaJl but that developer should do some testing on their end to confirm whether or not it's an issue. The NpcSpawn config has damage allowance for other NPCs. Normally NPCs aren't going to target each other though. You can check the NpcSpawn config to see how you have it configured but honestly the fix is most likely going to need to be within that plugin.
  18. Jbird

    Turret Damage

    You need to reach out to that plugins developer.
  19. Jbird

    2 types NPC

    It can, but it needs to know the 2nd preset is there. If it has not been able to load the file yet, then it will not recognize that there is a 2nd preset. Does the plugin fully reload and show all loading messages?
  20. Haha yeah people miss that often, glad it's just that. I was baffled at how they were able to keep working without being tied to the plugin!
  21. Jbird


    I will run it past KpucTaJl to see what can be told just by the error alone. But it will probably be helpful to identify the cause if we know more like when it is happening when the error occurs.
  22. Jbird

    not compiling

    Have you updated NpcSpawn? Between US and other places like EU month and dates are switched so I'm not sure if you mean August or November. Either way there was just an NpcSpawn update recently though. Will also look into whether this might be a carbon issue potentially, depending on your replies.
  23. Have not had any other reports lately, can you confirm that you are including the additional presets? There are more than one by default and that gets missed occasionally. What throws me off more than anything is that they keep moving and shooting. It would make more sense if you had boats not doing anything that were maybe not deleted properly somehow, but if they continue to work well that's interesting. Any details errors video or anything you can share that we can have KpucTaJl review and look into is appreciated.
  24. Jbird

    2 types NPC

    I think maybe the plugin has not loaded with this yet, when you reload the plugin does it try to load this file? Is this file located in the Custom folder? Consider joining the Mad Mapper Discord and creating a ticket there, tag me if you do.
  25. Jbird


    Do you have any other information like what is occurring when that error occurs?


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