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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Defendable Homes

    Are you in the Mad Mapper Discord by chance? Video of what you're describing would be very helpful. Players will always try to find ways around systems. I'm not sure that much can really be done about this, we can only control and engage so far before this could become a problem with other instances where it would create undesirable effects. We will discuss and consider this workaround though.
  2. Jbird

    Power Plant Event

    The image you shared is actually explaining the issue. There is a folder and files you did not move into your server. You can disable the UI if you want, but for the full effect of the plugin you need to move the Images folder into your oxide/data folder and with it the images inside as well. Once you've moved them you can reload the plugin and you should be good to go.
  3. Just an idea and suggestion @Jayson have you considered to make the NPCs more difficult? This would be a simpler and easier way to add some more difficulty to the plugin and can be done already with the configuration. I only challenge your point because as he said it was intended to be more geared towards beginners or solo players for example, and having multiple difficulties they may hope for an easy and end up with a hard. I think if a beginner would want to challenge themself they should be given the opportunity of less intense events like Power Plant or this Oxum's Gas Station event to start and gain confidence, and if the server is able to have multiple options, even just a couple, then other more difficult events can be their next stop to challenge themselves. Any event can have it's difficulty edited through configuration and creativity. These are just suggestions and ideas though I don't mean to put your suggestion or request down in any way.
  4. Jbird

    Gas Station Event

    I can say that @kaffeebohne did make a good and valid point, as it would be quite rare for this to happen. But I can expand on this further. In regards at least to Convoy certainly, the intention is that if they cross paths that there will be no issue, and they will pass each other harmlessly. It may not look pretty potentially or realistic but it will work and there should be no conflict or issue. In regards to the other plugins, the same should apply. But I can say since the team does not have the ability to test every plugin that has something on the roads, I just hope that everyone and anyone feels welcome to join or return to the Mad Mapper Discord and to let us know in a ticket so that we can review, confirm, and address any issues that arise or are found. I mean.. he's okay.. haha Sounds to me like you need to update NpcSpawn as well. Manually double check the version when you download it or go to the Google Drive to get it, as there are still some people having issues where it is downloading an older version. It is a caching issue on the site. Clearing cache or using another browser may also work.
  5. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Option 0 for default would be the option to select here. This works for other loot plugins as well and it will read your loot table there since it in essence now your default loot. For NPCs just to be clear they are HeavyScientist that are skinned and customized.
  6. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Yes and no. I would probably not recommend making their roam range too high to be honest. That being said, my recommendation for a 'roaming' type of NPC I'd recommend using the Biome files. These will spawn around the different biomes in random areas around the map. Their roam range will decide how far they can move, but the chase range most give them range to attack as well, so it is best to keep a smaller roam range since there will be NPCs scattered everywhere.
  7. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Excellent glad that is the only issue and that it is resolved! That is an excellent question. Always try to read the update notes, and make sure you don't skip any. Some updates happen close together and important update notes are sometimes missed this way. Generally you are correct, you can simply upload the new CS file and everything will take care of itself. Sometimes if large changes are made though there may be reason to do something with the old files so just check notes for that. If you see none then it is safe to simply upload the new version and you're good to go!
  8. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    And you've reloaded both since updating? Would you mind manually checking the versions? Some people are still downloading what they think is current and getting an older version from the site. It's a caching issue that had started happening earlier this month.
  9. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Make sure you've updated both NpcSpawn and BossMonster. Both just received updates.
  10. No, the link you just shared is a bot building a base @Robert Stevens and you've yet to explain where the phone went. No explanation on my end because it should be there.
  11. I know you didn't but something you are doing is removing it is what I am telling you. It is always there otherwise. And I think the prefab being there would block their view, I don't know though for sure as I still don't understand why it isn't there. Also @Robert Stevens I have seen that clip elsewhere, I have no idea what a bot that builds has to do with this support request?
  12. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Yes you can, you'll just want to be careful about them potentially having the same spawn points. It's also worth considering performance when doing this, will add up quickly. There is even an option in NpcSpawn to enable NPCs to fight. But that's still odd to me, resources I'd rather save for players to use shooting them instead of having them shoot each other haha. Then like Alpha28 mentioned you can certainly disable whatever files you want to ignore and only have enabled what you desire.
  13. Maybe tell your AI bot not to target it @Robert Stevens haha I still want to know where the payphone is as it's not there in the video and might mask the hand if it were there. @KpucTaJl what are your thoughts my friend?
  14. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    Any time, no problem. This is less of a perspective and much more of a fact though. To add to the facts though honestly I think what had happened as we discussed it some already, is that I translated all of the text prior to the plugins release obviously which I always do, and perhaps I translated it before some of the final testing was done. This was discussed in the community and there was no disagreement to the patrols being idol until someone enters their radius. Agree to disagree in regards to their patrolling because while yes patrols are usually going to be moving, these guys are mobile if you cross them, and they are doing their primary duty of watching over an area. No need to go back and forth on that though it's debatable but it will be addressed soon anyway. I acknowledged your point the first time. The plugin title I can pretty much guarantee you is not going to change. Too many people already own the plugin with the current name. I did say that I was going to address some of the changes to the plugin as there have been a couple this month, and the description gets updated usually more for things like new commands, or removing and adding parameters stuff like that. I'll help to write a new description that highlights some of the new features like being able to add custom spawn locations which was recently added. Obviously we will otherwise address and clarify the way the plugin works, what it does and doesn't do especially in regards to the patrolling debate. Thank you again for the feedback and suggestions.
  15. Any time @lordJamie that should work for you. Click on the link above for our Discord server. Can open tickets there any time you need anything.
  16. Just trying to fully understand though so excuse the humor just want to get a full picture of what's what and what you're looking for.
  17. Where is the payphone @Robert Stevens? Also NpcSpawn NPCs have already been given the option to attack NPC's from other plugins but I'm not sure that applies here or if I understand what NPCs would be there and why the tank would attack them? Where are your players?
  18. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    haha It happens I just had to sorry. I will get with the developer and suggest some changed verbiage. Honestly if anyone is to blame it is probably me. I do translations for the team and sometimes when I am translating a plugin I haven't actually done much with yet, I am guessing at what's happening and how to explain things. I probably read the translation which was more accurate and said.. well that doesn't make sense so I made it sound to your point, a bit more like they actually actively patrol. I will make one technicality point, to say that they truly are always patrolling, they don't have to be moving to be patrolling, and depending on the configuration they can patrol a pretty large area. They just aren't moving around constantly 'looking' for players it would be an incredible resource drain to have them moving constantly. If they don't seem to be noticing or chasing players much I'd play with the config and give them more room to see and chase. I still plan to suggest and help create some adjustments to how it is worded to make sure that not only perhaps it is more clear, but that there is a noticeable note stating that they do not move and that they just spawn at random around the water areas on the map. Thank you for the feedback and suggestion.
  19. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Tunnel NPCs have defined spawns. Have you by chance been in the Mad Mapper Discord yet or already? You could and should jump in there we can go into this in more detail a bit faster and easier in regards to back and forth because I have a few questions as well about how you are going about this. There have been a few big updates. As far as documentation I do have something I've shared in the Mad Mapper Discord if you jump in there and get verified I can share that with you.
  20. Jbird

    Better Npc

    We always collect and consider stuff like this. Only issue with those types of issues is it also requires wiping all config and data files since it would be changing the format, so that has to be taken into consideration and there was a large update not long ago. Still anything's possible if it makes enough sense and is popular enough. Just bringing that up for something to consider about some changes like that. It may be nice for a handful of people but then many that go to update and have had a lot of customization to their files are going to enjoy it much less haha.
  21. Just so you have an explanation also @wiress67 it was an error that would only sometimes occur when a Bradley would spawn in, that would appear in console if you're watching it. It was a minor patch update nothing major. Sometimes plugins keep going on for awhile without actually needing an update! So just always check update notes or ask questions if you have any.
  22. Yes you can do this in different ways by limiting their sense range mostly, or by also limiting their viewing cone. I think mostly you can reduce their sense range to a very low amount so that they won't notice anyone until they are right next to them or until they are attacked. See if that works for you @Bones64Z


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