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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Health Bar

    You are welcome, feel free to browse around a bit there are others might even be free HP bar plugins that's just my favorite and the dev is responsive. Others might have it as well but I really like that it has HP bars for a lot more than just NPCs. I fixed the link too seemed like the link ended up null for some reason so the link I shared should work now if you didn't already find it by name.
  2. Jbird

    Health Bar

    There is nothing in the Description about a health bar @US Apocalypse. But there are plugins that will add them. This is the one I recommend though there are at least a few others as well. Advanced Hit Bar This can add hit bars for not only NPC but other items in the game as well such as structures Bradley and Patrol Helicopter.
  3. Jbird

    Junkyard Event

    The event plugins that take place on a monument need the Facepunch monument prefab to be able to find the location and take place there. So custom monuments even if they are very similar or broken down versions of the monuments, the plugin is not going to be able to find them since the monument isn't there. This is how the event is able to work automatically and at an accurate location. The only way this works is if it is a Junkyard monument with custom stuff added to it, as long as it's still the default prefab it won't work.
  4. Open up the NpcSpawn.cs file, the plugin file for NpcSpawn. Look for this or search for it CTRL+F CanTargetOtherNpc Change from false to true. Then NpcSpawn NPCs will target and fight other NPCs.
  5. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    No it's alright I just wanted to be sure I understood fully what was happening. So it seems like the Bosses are engaging these NPCs but neither NPC is actually doing damage to the other if I am understanding correctly, in this instance. I wonder if perhaps you have a TruePVE setting that is blocking this damage? If I am not mistaken this should otherwise work as you are expecting and is just my initial question in regards to the fact that they do not. But what is most odd would simply be that it sounds to be working in other instances, so then I am wondering if it has anything to do with the zombie NPCs specifically. What base type is this NPC, and is it a normal NPC with a zombie skin to wear, or something else? Any console errors you can find around this, or maybe even video might be helpful. If you are in the Mad Mapper Discord please feel free to create a ticket and give us any information you have on this instance. NPCs vs players is the main intent and biggest concern so thank you for confirming that there is no issue there, as it is the most important function they have. It is a bit interesting that they seem to have some difficulty here too fighting amongst themselves but that is NPCs for you. I am always on the lookout for AI to start becoming too smart, so maybe it is still best for us as a human race that they are dumb at times. Hopefully it is not just a ruse.
  6. Jbird

    Plugin no longer works

    This is nothing to apologize for. That does sound like it was the problem though and it is a good issue to know about for this and other plugins that use custom items that are added to loot tables, if this plugin is being used. Thank you for confirming the issue is resolved and for the additional information as well.
  7. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    You are welcome. If you see it again, find out more about it, and if it is something you'd like to see the ability added, let us know. But this should be in regards to Bradley tanks being able to target NPCs.
  8. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    No disappointment at all. I used to run into things like this all of the time. I always go through a new configuration and make several changes that I think that I want. And I would learn at times that I didn't fully understand what I was changing or something to that effect. It's no problem at all. Simply changing this back to false will remove the error for you. Thank you for the reply.
  9. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    Also @Dead Nasty if you do not use BradleyTiers and only use BradleyDrops we can look further into this as well. I think maybe it could be the same or related or maybe in that instance it is actually part of the plugin code instead of being a config option. I see your errors is from BradleyDrops instead so maybe for that instance more might need to be looked into and addressed. But just collecting all the information we can before making any changes. I did not see a similar option in the default config shown in the Description but maybe it has been added and does not show or maybe I missed something.
  10. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    So there is a config option in BradleyTiers that you have set to true and this causes the conflict error. "Bradley Tiers can interact with NPC": false You can set this to false in BradleyTiers config to align this with NpcSpawn logic and to get rid of the error. If there is a reason that you want this function to be allowed, if you can give some context to how you would use this, and what the importance is, the developer and I are curious. He has already indicated if there is desire for this to be allowed that he will look further into it and address the request. We just want to know the the intent and importance to understand it well.
  11. Jbird

    Water Event

    Currently that wouldn't work as NpcSpawn has not taught NPCs to swim. I will run the idea and suggestion past the developer and have already added this to our notes for consideration.
  12. Jbird

    Plugin no longer works

    If you could please @Knusperkeks can you load or reload the plugin with the server running and give any other text that you get with that? Will discuss with the developer and get back to you on it. Have already reached out about it but it's very late at night already where they live.
  13. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Just to confirm, out of curiosity if nothing else, are you saying that you had it enabled but that BossMonster bosses are not attacking back? I wonder if it could be something with their configuration but not very likely. But just wondering if you've found an instance where this method doesn't necessarily work. Perhaps they have a low sense range or something like that, to avoid aggro on unexpected players, and this is affecting their ability to defend themselves. But to further confirm it works normally in Convoy and they are responding correctly and attacking back? Feel free to let me know what additionally you notice or find out. I was hoping that was one of those nice quick easy fixes but sounds like that wasn't the case this time.
  14. Jbird

    Can spawn on Ferry Harbor?

    Update from the developer @ZargoZ there will be another event that will take place here in the future. So forget the other things I said there are other plans instead.
  15. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Open NpcSpawn.cs (plugin file) search CanTargetOtherNpc and change to true
  16. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    The M4 shotgun which I assume is what you mean, and the legacy bow, were just added in Deecember. They are in our notes to be taught so to speak to the NPCs. It's not a bug but they need to be taught new weapons when they are released.
  17. Jbird

    Plugin no longer works

    Most of the plugins were all created long before Carbon existed. But we will need more specifics @Knusperkeks to understand how it is not working and what to do to fix it if it is needed. You will notice that this plugin isn't under the Carbon category. But the developer is happy to fix things if needed so that it will work for all customers so please provide details on what isn't working with the plugin.
  18. Jbird

    Can spawn on Ferry Harbor?

    I have added this as a suggestion for consideration. I just wanted to give some reasons that it might not be accepted as there is a lot to consider. Another thing that came to mind is that the plugin chooses a place automatically between the eligible monuments large or small harbor, or multiple if more than one is present. If some servers would not want to use this monument, it would choose that location randomly anyway at times. So either another function would need to be written as well as the monument would need to be configured and added to the plugin, this would be a lot of work and might not be a popular change. It also would require a good amount of changes just to make the ship fit and the ability to get to it a possibility, the design of ferry terminal does not look to me like it would easily accept the cargo ship nearby and would require work to create a way to get onto the ship. So you can see where there are several things that make this a complicated idea. Still, the developer will see the note when looking at Harbor Event notes for things to address and will make a final decision himself. I would still consider mentioning to the map maker that there are monuments that have popular events that many servers use that they should consider adding on all maps or at least most maps.
  19. Jbird


    Until it's done correctly and works @luckyohducky. Have you deleted the config file? Have you deleted the lang file? You probably installed the RU version first, generated the config and lang file in RU, and are thinking you're going to fix this by just switching the CS file out. If the CS file reads that json files are already there it doesn't write over it each time or when you update a plugin it's going to write over the files and customization you make to them. So ensure you've also deleted these as well. I should have included those directions before so I apologize for that but if you are seeing config or lang files in RU then you haven't removed all of the files generated when you installed the wrong version the 1st time you installed.
  20. Jbird


    Delete the plugin @luckyohducky and ensure you are installing the plugin from the EN folder. The last update came out in September of last year and I assure you we would have gotten a lot more reports if there was no English version of the plugin included.
  21. Jbird

    Can spawn on Ferry Harbor?

    It is Ferry Terminal not Ferry Harbor. But that is actually odd to hear, I have not seen hardly any custom maps without large or small harbor, and many have both. So I would be interested to see examples of maps that do not have it. I think it would be a good idea to suggest to those map makers to add it, or you could request it. They are not very difficult to add to the map. On the other hand it would be incredibly time consuming to add this to the event. I will add it as a suggestion for the developer to consider when he is doing updates next, but I cannot promise anything as this monument has entirely different purpose and intent when it was created. Many mappers added it to maps since it was new but it really makes more sense to have a harbor on a custom map since this is not used as intended and has very little function on a custom map at this time. The main reason it is not ideal is that ferry terminal becomes a safe zone when the ferry arrives. In case this ever is used as intended and can be used on custom maps then it would be problematic to hold an event here where a ferry arrives. I will still add a note for you though as I said for KpucTaJl to consider.
  22. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    It depends partially on which way or ways you have them being rewarded. There is configuration options already for economics for example that can be edited. But perhaps you have other plugins that award economy or RP for certain actions that could be addressed, but would likely be more of a full server change than for the plugin itself. Again it depends on how you are rewarding them and what specifically you want to increase. There is an option to list commands that will be executed on the completion of the event that might also be an option for you. Issue a command to reward the player(s) this way.
  23. Jbird

    Important suggestion!

    This is already a config option, I think it always has been or at least for quite some time. It is not very far into the config if I remember correctly.
  24. Can you share a couple things for us to investigate @Waylvin? Version of NpcSpawn and BossMonster that you are using Video clip of this happening from any perspectives you can show it Config for a Boss that this is happening with Anything in common if this is happening with more than one boss This may be as simple as a configuration option though I can't think of one off the top of my head. But we haven't had any similar reports recently or really ever that I remember..
  25. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    One feature that should help a little bit, is there is an option to give them custom locations. This can be helpful because you can reduce the numbers but have them in targeted areas like Oil Rig or other places of interest. The y axis or the 2nd coordinate is not as important as the height will be automatically dependent on the water level, but the x and z or 1st and 3rd coordinates are what will define the spot the boats will spawn. Hopefully that might help a bit.


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