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Everything posted by Jbird
No it is nothing you are doing wrong. When the plugin was first released it was a relatively minor affect on performance. But then along came the water update and it really took a toll on the plugin. It was very unfortunate and wasn't able to be predicted when the plugin was first released. The best counter is to lower the total amount. The only think you may have missed is that there are several presets in the plugin by default. I forget off the top of my head how many there are but you might have reduced the number in the first preset, but there are still others with the default amounts. Double check, and try reducing the overall count to see if you can get a comfortable amount of boats running without too much of a hit to server performance.
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- #boat
- #facepunch
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This has been added to our notes for Boss Monster. Just for transparencies sake and to give a bit more of a response than to say it's been added to notes somewhere I'll expand a little as well. KpucTaJl almost always has another new plugin to work on. I had come up with an idea to help organize our feedback so we have a channel that we collect suggestions and requests into by title. Between work on his projects he reviews the notes and will go through everything he can title by title. Some effort is put into addressing these in the order they come in to be fair to everyone but he will still do everything he can with each title based on the feedback and suggestions we have compiled for that title. So especially when a plugin has something come up where an update is really needed, he will go through the notes and address what he can then as well. Thank you for the feedback and suggestion.
What do you mean by 2XX dollars? What type of economy is that and what is 2XX? Do you have another plugin that gives money for killing a heavy scientist, does it match this number? You are sure that the 5000 economics is not rewarded?
Look for this section of the profile. If you don't see it make sure you have the current version. "The distance at which you can apply damage to the boss (use 0 at any distance)": 100.0, Configure this config option to change the range as desired.
Hello, normally it would be recommended for issues with a specific file to create a (New Support Request) on the files Support tab. This notifies the creator. I reached out to them actually to let them know about this general support ticket and they mentioned you've reached out in their Discord as well. But wanted to reply and give you the information. Using their additional sources of support is fine as well but just to more surely ping the author I wanted to mention that these can be missed more easily than a ticket on the file itself I am sure you will be able to resolve quickly by the sound of it, but wanted to reply and offer the suggestion.
The error is saying that it doesn't see the submarine file or it's broken or empty. Confirm that you have that file in the proper place @AshSzabo and if you definitely have them in the right place you would want to check with your host, look into the process there, or look into an FTP setup if perhaps the server isn't able to access the file. Though I think you would be getting a different error if that was the case so I think the file is missing or in the wrong place.
Any time @frogg if you ever run into anything else don't hesitate to create another ticket, or jump in the Mad Mapper Discord and stay in touch.
Hello @frogg that message is more of a notice than an error. It comes up often in custom maps when they are loading as well but is harmless. If you do notice any issues with the event itself please let us know but that message specifically is nothing to be concerned about.
Actually to add to that, all NPCs from NpsSpawn are heavy scientists. I wanted to mention that in case you use other NpcSpawn NPCs as well, this will affect all of them.
For TruePVE the bosses are heavy scientist. You can adjust the configuration with this in mind. You may just need to add heavy scientist to a rule set or group @psih_likarnia.
As I said in the previous message it will be looked into and considered. It might be possible but it needs to be tested and time needs to be given for that to happen. It is the developers birthday today actually and there are a lot of plugins in the library now that are always being looked and and updated. This will be considered and addressed if possible. We have notes for things like this though so it won't be forgotten it just might not happen right away.
Can you get any context like when that is coming up or what is happening? Have you pointed this out to the BradleyDrops developer too? Haven't used it myself so don't know what all it does until I have a chance to look into it. In any case more context like what entity is in question for example could be helpful.
That is less of an error with the plugin and more of an example of people finding ways around a challenge. At some point the plugin can not control and prevent every possible outcome like this. But it will certainly be added to our notes and looked into. Thank you for reporting it. It will be considered and tested in regards to future updates to the plugin and prevented if possible, so long as it can be done without negatively impacting the performance too much.
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- #abilities
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Have you tried turning this option to true in config/BossMonster.json? "Use the PVE mode of the plugin? (only for users PveMode plugin)": false, If not then that might be why. I can add it to the suggestions but PveMode was built mostly for events. NPCs and BossMonsters were added later by request but this seems a bit complex for just one NPC even as a boss to be fair. I can still add it if you will like and KpucTaJl will make the final decision. Currently it is locked to the player or team that does the most damage overall. It is asking a lot of the plugin (performance) the more that things are constantly being asked to be calculated and manipulated or controlled. So this is the only reason I think that sometimes simpler (and what already exists) can be better.
- #abilities
- #boss
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If placing in or very close to a Facepunch monument, use the command in game to add their spawn point while standing in or very close to the monument. This will populate the config file for that boss automatically. If placing in a custom monument, or any custom place on the map not in or near a Facepunch monument, use a Custom Map file, and you can use it without an ID to use it on any map including a current map, the RAND switch will not be needed as that needs set up before launching the map. If the map has an ID already set then this would be good to use as it will only launch and work on that map. Just keep in mind that using no ID will work on every map so it would need changed when you change maps or they would end up in odd spaces. A mix of the two options is fine, set some up on monuments and others in custom places. Using default Facepunch monuments is usually preferred since this would never need changed between maps, but the options are there to customize further as obviously custom locations can be ideal as well.
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- #abilities
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Are you using the method where the NPC drops a crate when it dies? This is actually already in our notes already as it was noticed that when using the option to have the Boss drop a loot crate it was not carrying the lockout as the corpse/backpack are. The bosses corpse or backpack that is dropped are locked if you have PveMode and BossMonster. There is a basic setting for locking the loot to a team in the PveMode config. I don't understand how it would be made like HarborEvent though or any of the events for that matter. There are several settings that would not even be applicable we are talking about just a single NPC in each case. PveMode when it comes to Bosses or NPCs are simply a matter of what team or person did the most damage to the Boss.
- #abilities
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They are always there, but they don't move around until a player goes near them or attacks them. Even having them remain in one place, when Facepunch updated the water system the performance hit from this plugin crew quite a bit per active boat. Once defeated they respawn based on configured timers. They tend to be near Oil Rigs often which I love and is part of why I wanted them. Custom locations can be set as well.
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- #boat
- #facepunch
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I've added a note for our review later regarding this. Can you give more context? This looks like it could be a config error. If you are in the Mad Mapper Discord you can create a ticket or you can open a new support request on the files Support tab. We will need to look into this more than just the error to find out what's happening. Context will help a lot when are you seeing this error what is happening when it occurs?
- #abilities
- #boss
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The error is referencing RaidProtection. Unload that plugin and the issue should stop, once you confirm that I would create a new support request on the files Support tab.
@Richard Hertz
I think this is one of those things that isn't really possible. There are certain prefabs that NPCs just can't navigate or walk on. But with planning in advance things can be added in the editor so that they can. If an appropriate trigger was set for them to walk on, similar to the cubes that they also cannot walk on, they can walk in places like this. But it's just not in their base code at all to be able to do it, so to teach them would require enough of a change in the plugin that I can pretty much guarantee it would be a performance hit, probably a considerably large hit. I will forward it as a thought though perhaps KpucTaJl will have additional ideas.
Ah I thought it might be something like that. NPCs can't path (walk) on player built prefabs from in game or CopyPaste. I can't remember if they work if you place it in the editor when making the map but it would probably be safe to assume not. If this was built or placed in the editor then you could confirm that it doesn't @Rubbie Ducker.