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Everything posted by Je_Re_My

  1. Hello, some bases have no: 02/13/2025 18:39:31 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard3 @ D12! 02/13/2025 18:10:06 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard30 @ I2! 02/13/2025 18:09:34 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard27 @ H2! 02/13/2025 18:09:03 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard10 @ U10! 02/13/2025 18:08:30 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard9 @ U10! 02/13/2025 18:07:57 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard2 @ E11! 02/13/2025 18:00:44 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard7 @ U10! 02/13/2025 17:36:56 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard8 @ D18! 02/13/2025 17:36:23 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard30 @ M9! 02/13/2025 17:30:03 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard30 @ U10! 02/13/2025 17:29:30 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard28 @ U10! 02/13/2025 16:35:14 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard9 @ D14! 02/13/2025 16:34:40 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard22 @ F19! 02/13/2025 16:34:10 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard6 @ R14! 02/13/2025 16:32:17 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard12 @ R8! 02/13/2025 16:31:13 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard19 @ E11! 02/13/2025 16:30:37 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard24 @ C14! 02/13/2025 16:29:54 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard22 @ I2! 02/13/2025 15:28:53 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard25 @ R14! 02/13/2025 15:27:45 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard25 @ T2! 02/13/2025 14:26:44 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard13 @ F19! 02/13/2025 14:26:11 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard28 @ D14! 02/13/2025 13:55:22 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard25 @ I2! 02/13/2025 13:54:47 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard23 @ I2! 02/13/2025 13:26:10 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard7 @ U10! 02/13/2025 13:24:03 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard21 @ H4! 02/13/2025 12:55:24 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard12 @ U11! 02/13/2025 12:54:50 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedexp10 @ S12! 02/13/2025 12:52:48 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard21 @ E12! 02/13/2025 12:21:58 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedexp4 @ S8! 02/13/2025 12:21:14 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedexp3 @ R14! 02/13/2025 10:50:09 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard26 @ U10! 02/13/2025 10:21:32 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard23 @ D14! 02/13/2025 10:20:24 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard30 @ U10! 02/13/2025 09:47:25 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard23 @ E12! 02/13/2025 09:46:57 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedexp1 @ R14! 02/13/2025 09:46:13 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard6 @ R13! 02/13/2025 09:45:09 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard27 @ D19! 02/13/2025 09:44:13 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedexp8 @ U11! 02/12/2025 18:53:47 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedexp4 @ S12! 02/12/2025 18:51:14 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard4 @ I3! 02/12/2025 18:50:44 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard30 @ S12! 02/12/2025 18:46:05 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard25 @ R15! 02/12/2025 18:22:26 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedexp10 @ Q8! 02/12/2025 18:21:21 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedexp5 @ T2! 02/12/2025 18:19:55 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard8 @ U10! 02/12/2025 17:49:03 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard19 @ D15! 02/12/2025 17:18:06 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedexp6 @ D18! 02/12/2025 17:16:47 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedexp10 @ J10! 02/12/2025 17:14:11 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedexp5 @ P8! 02/12/2025 17:12:51 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard20 @ J10! 02/12/2025 17:12:15 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard6 @ I2! 02/12/2025 16:43:37 | [RaidableBases] Error: No usable boxes found for fullwipedhard21 @ M10!
  2. 02/11 16:45:22 | Failed to call internal hook 'OnPlayerSleepEnded' on plugin 'EasyVotePro v4.0.19' [3025469128] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at void Oxide.Plugins.EasyVotePro._Debug(string message, string arg) in C:/TCAFiles/Users/jeremy21/193103/carbon/plugins/EasyVotePro.cs:line 1202 at void Oxide.Plugins.EasyVotePro.OnPlayerSleepEnded(BasePlayer player) in C:/TCAFiles/Users/jeremy21/193103/carbon/plugins/EasyVotePro.cs:line 941 at object Oxide.Plugins.EasyVotePro.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in EasyVotePro.cs/Internal:line 455
  3. i get this message: Warning! 'LoadingMessages' uses Harmony. That may cause instability, use at your own discretion! I use carbon on my server
  4. Hello Fruster! thanks for you addition to not crash near TC' s. I now see this in my console: Warning! 'CargoPlaneCrash' uses Harmony. That may cause instability, use at your own discretion! What does that mean, What can i do? I use carbon?
  5. Hello, is it possible to add something with an TC range? SO that the plane doesnt crash on bases or really near bases?
  6. Je_Re_My

    Error when claiming

    WHen i press /claim i have this error: 10/28 00:19:11 | NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object My cnfig is this: "Normal Rewards": { "Normal Rewards Enabled?": true, "Rewards List": { "@": [ "giveto {steamID} scrap 25" ], "@6": [ "giveto {steamID} diesel_barrel" ], "@12": [ "giveto {steamID} supply.signal 1" ], "first": [ "giveto {steamID} xmas.present.medium" ] } }
  7. Je_Re_My

    Name changing?

    Yeah i reverted back to oxide. And it is now okay.
  8. Je_Re_My

    Name changing?

    Maybe Usefull, but im testing with Carbon as system
  9. Je_Re_My

    Name changing?

    never the less it is exaclty what im looking for!
  10. Je_Re_My

    Name changing?

    Hello, I have installed and i can type as an admin. But when i change back to normal. It does not change back to my normal name { "MODES": [ { "Permission": "master", "Priority": 999, "Master Level CAREFUL! (Enabling this does the following #Overrides priority, mode & permission system! #Allows to set/get modes for yourself or others! #Overrides limitations by current or lower modes": false, "Toggle Commands": [ "admin", "mode" ], "Restrict Mode To Specfic SteamIds (Leave blank to disable)": [], "Settings": { "On Admin": { "Require Reason": true, "Autorun Commands Use Forward Slash '/' For Chat-Commands & Leave It Blank For Console-Commands": [], "Toggle Groups To Grant (Leave blank to disable)": [], "Specified Auth Level (1 = moderators, 2 = owners) Must either be 1 or 2 cannot be below or above": 2, "Keep Separate Inventories": true, "Teleport Back Upon Exiting": false, "Revert On Disconnect, Restart, Reload": false, "Ignore Server Violations (Bans, Kicks Etc) (Recommended to keep true)": true, "Blocked Commands": [], "Name Prefix Changes your name to a set prefix (Leave blank to disable)": "Beyond God", "Admin Outfit": { "Enabled": true, "Lock Outfit": true, "Settings": { "(Shortnam::SkinID)": [ "tshirt::2585609965", "pants::2585612675", "shoes.boots::2585611755" ] } }, "Notifications": { "Global Chat": { "Enabled": true, "Settings": { "Chat Icon (SteamID64)": 0, "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19", "Text Message": "%{player.name}% Activated %{mode.permission}% Mode" } }, "Self Chat": { "Enabled": true, "Settings": { "Chat Icon (SteamID64)": 0, "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19", "Text Message": "%You% Activated %{mode.permission}% Mode" } }, "Self Popup": { "Enabled": false, "Settings": { "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19", "Text Message": "%You% Activated %{mode.permission}% Mode" } }, "Self Sound": { "Enabled": false, "Settings": { "Sound (Prefab)": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/eggpickup.prefab" } }, "Discord": { "Enabled": false, "Settings": { "Webhook": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Embed Color": 3315400 } } }, "Interface": { "Button": { "Enabled": false, "Settings": { "Opacity (0.0 to 1.0)": 0.64, "Active Color (HEX)": "#008000", "Inactive Color (HEX)": "#800000", "Active Text": "Activated", "Inactive Text": "Disabled", "Active Text Color (HEX)": "#ffffff", "Inactive Text Color (HEX)": "#ffffff", "Design (Advanced)": { "Anchor": { "Min Width (0.0 - 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1.0)": 1, "Min Height (0.0 - 1.0)": 0, "Max Width (0.0 - 1.0)": 1, "Max Height (0.0 - 1.0)": 0 }, "Offset": { "Min Width (pixels)": 0, "Min Height (pixels)": 0, "Max Width (pixels)": 180, "Max Height (pixels)": 81, "Offset Points (Relative To Offset)": { "Top (pixels)": 0, "Bottom (pixels)": 16, "Left (pixels)": 0, "Right (pixels)": 392 } } } } } }, "Actions": { "Allow All Actions (Overrides Specfic Actions)": false, "Allow Specfic Actions": { "Can Build": false, "Can Craft": false, "Can Loot Players": false, "Can Loot Entities": false, "Can Damage Structures": false, "Can Interact With Items In Weapons Category": false, "Can Hurt Players": false, "Can Drop Items": false } }, "Third-Party Plugins": { "Autorun Plugins": { "Autorun All": false, "Autorun Specfic": { "AdminRadar": false, "Vanish": false, "Godmode": false } }, "Blocked Plugins": { "Block All": false, "Block Specfic": { "Backpacks": false, "AdminRadar": false, "Vanish": false, "Godmode": false } } } }, "On Player": { "Autorun Commands Use Forward Slash '/' For Chat-Commands & Leave It Blank For Console-Commands": [], "Toggle Groups To Revoke (Leave blank to disable)": [], "Notifications": { "Global Chat": { "Enabled": false, "Settings": { "Chat Icon (SteamID64)": 0, "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19", "Text Message": "%{player.name}% Returned To %Player% Mode" } }, "Self Chat": { "Enabled": true, "Settings": { "Chat Icon (SteamID64)": 0, "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19", "Text Message": "%You% Returned To %Player% Mode" } }, "Self Popup": { "Enabled": false, "Settings": { "Text Message Special Color (HEX) Example %message%": "#faaf19", "Text Message": "%You% Returned To %Player% Mode" } }, "Self Sound": { "Enabled": false, "Settings": { "Sound (Prefab)": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/eggpickup.prefab" } }, "Discord": { "Enabled": false, "Settings": { "Webhook": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Embed Color": 3315400 } } }, "Blocked Commands": [ "god", "vanish", "freeze", "viewinv", "inspect", "padmin", "playeradministration.show", "spectate" ], "Third-Party Plugins": { "Blocked Plugins": { "Block All": true, "Block Specfic": { "AdminRadar": false, "Vanish": false, "Godmode": false } } } } } } ] }


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