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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi @T-Nuts GiveRustReward is the name of the API method, so that means it's a call coming from some other plugin. I should, and will, null check so it can't throw errors like that, but it would indicate something's probably wrong in the call from the other plugin. Do you know what that would be?
  2. Ok. I think that has to mean something is making the item null - another plugin maybe. I'm going to DM you a copy for testing, if you're willing, to confirm. If I'm right the error will cease, but you the stat will not count up for collectibles.
  3. Update - Some people on 2.0.5644 are seeing issue too. What collectible are you pickup up and not getting a reward for? I tested with wood and ores and they worked so I guess the issue must be exclusive to some other collectible type.
  4. @Elloco Thanks for confirming. If you're on the same oxide version, and PlayerRanks version, then I guess the error must be coming from a specific collectible. I don't suppose you know what's being picked up when that error throws? I'm on a basic map - Tested with wood and ore collectibles with no issue.
  5. Thanks for the info on this @crunch I found the issue and will update later today...Just want to make sure everything else is ironed out first. I'll DM you a copy for now, though.
  6. @bigrednz I just checked - All seems to be working well here. Did you take the second oxide update yesterday? Check and make sure you're on 2.0.5644 or later, please.
  7. @Elloco Did you take the second oxide update yesterday? I just tested and all seems to be well. Check and make sure you're on 2.0.5644 or later.
  8. Hi @Elloco I think oxide made changes to that hook in the last update so I'll take a look and see what's changed. Thanks for letting me know.
  9. Steenamaroo

    Bots aren't spawning in

    Hi @Eddie Are you sure there are no other errors prior to that one? The code to add MigrationData where it's missing is still there, so that shouldn't cause a problem. Let me know if you see other errors, please. If not, could you send me the data file that you import, please? @Doughaffernen Since there was a wipe yesterday, is Disable_Non_Parented_Custom_Profiles_After_Wipe set to true? If so, your custom profiles (without Parent_Monument reference) have been disabled. This feature is so that profiles don't start spawning in places that don't make sense since, most likely, the map has changed. You'd need to go through the profiles in UI and set AutoSpawn to true. If that's not the problem, please let me know.
  10. I saw. I saw the relevant hook mentioned in oxide's latest update. I'll take a look and see what's wrong. Thank you.
  11. @Jacob Rain- Definitely BotReSpawn npcs? This update should be much more performant, if anything. @Alex Lextronic Swartz- I guess FP maybe added new effects with Halloween coming up. I'll certainly take a look at that. Thanks for letting me know.
  12. Steenamaroo

    Error with SQL

    Hi, In the update notes... SQL users will need to drop their tables. PlayerRanks will create a new table with columns for the new categories. That'll get you back up and running.
  13. Hi, In the update notes... SQL users will need to drop their tables. PlayerRanks will create a new table with columns for the new categories. That'll get you back up and running.
  14. Steenamaroo

    No Weapons

    Hi @Sveervoox As far as I know Mevent's Kits worked without issue with BotReSpawn until quite recently, so I guess maybe he did an update recently that changed something? Reports are telling me that the npcs do receive the full kit but BotReSpawn complains that they don't have a weapon, so I can only assume it must be a timing issue, with the Kit being given out slightly later than it was before. Technically I could delay my checks but it probably makes more sense for Kits to be instant, like it was before and like uMod free Kits is. Maybe there's a previous V you can roll back to, until there's a solution?
  15. Yup. There'll be an update released at some point today.
  16. Hi, No, I'm afraid there's no provision for multiple profiles in the same biome. It's not quite the same, but you can create custom profiles, either spawning randomly within an area or using custom spawn points that you assign. With a decent sized roamrange you can have these npcs wondering across a pretty wide area. This is what people used to do before biome profiles were added. Off the top of my head I'm not sure how easy or difficult it would be, but I'll take a look at the possibility of adding "NightProfile" as an option, so any profile could take on different characteristics during the night. That would, of course, mean making a second custom profile to use as night settings, but you'd just leave it as AutoSpawn:false. Thanks for the suggestion/query, and sorry for the delay in replying.
  17. @TomNXTI'll look into why deleting one players stats might lag out for a while. Thanks for reporting that!
  18. @The Friendly Chap- What you're describing exists - I think it would solve @TomNXT's problem. There's a config option called lastLoginLimit which you can set to a number of days - If any given player does not join the server for that number of days, their stats will be automatically wiped out. The full list of stats are in the plugin description page here. There's no facility for users to add new statistics for the plugin. There are quite a few changes that need to be made in the code to add a new category, and also the UI is at capacity so the layout would need to be changed too. I was never super keen on adding support for third party plugins. I made a few excepts for the currencies and clans but I try to avoid it.
  19. I understand your point but I'm not sure that's the solution. If someone were to join your server and play properly and achieve 10 + 0 k/d, they'd be deprived of the statistic unfairly. Maybe a better approach would be to use the feature that automatically removes a player's stats if they haven't joined in X days?
  20. Hi, Yes. I've added a true/false in config - GlobalTitleBroadcast - True is default. If you set it to false, only the player who took the title will be notified. That will be in the next update. Thanks for the suggestion! There's no option to add text to the chat stats broadcast right now, but I'll take a look into that.
  21. Makes sense. You know they can use weapon flashlights too? Just checking.
  22. Hi, If you set "allowChristmas": true, at the top of your loottable, it will then contain all the christmas items including xmas.lightstring and xmas.lightstring.advanced. When you make the change you'll need to reload CustomLoot so that it update the loot table json file.


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