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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. I think I know what it is and should be able to sort it pretty easily. The questions were relevant to the issue. Thank you.
  2. Hi, I'll look into this. Does that look right...Are players joining and leaving your server that frequently? Also, is your PlayerRanks.json file in the data folder huge? Thanks.
  3. @Covfefe It's much more likely there's an issue with how you compose your reviews. How you've composed this response adds weight to that idea, for me. You can talk to staff for more information if your reviews are consistently unsuccessful.
  4. Hi @TomHud. I don't handle reviews myself but I know they are subject to moderation. Reviews lacking detail or information don't get approved. It doesn't matter if they are positive or negative - If the review simply says "Great work!" or "Bad plugin", it's not going to make it through. If your review lacked detail, maybe try again with a bit more information? If you feel your review already had plenty of detail please let me know and I'll look into - Perhaps something else happened. Edit : I should say, I believe this was a reactionary policy so there are old public reviews which wouldn't get through if they were submitted today.
  5. Update : V1.2.1 has been public for a few weeks now and I haven't received any major complaints or reports. The small stash model is still basically unusable - That doesn't appear to be fixable, but all other functionality appears to be working well. As before, please don't hesitate to let me know if anything unexpected happens. Thank you to everyone who has kept open comms, testing updates and reporting issues. Fixes in V1.2.0 / V1.2.1 Hoverloot fixed. Added support for QuickSort plugin. Added config option Sort (default true) to toggle sort button in UI. Fixed issues resulting from sleeping player being killed. Fixed physical backpack not updating when group/permissions are changed. Added pagination for backpacks on ground (after death).
  6. Steenamaroo

    set notifications for all

    Hi, There's currently no option for that, although I was thinking of adding defaults to the config file so that when new players join and data is created for them, they'll have those settings by default. They'd still be able to change them, as they can now, but at least they'd start off with your default settings.
  7. Ok, good to know, thanks. I'll add in Bleed_Amount_Is_Percent_Of_Damage, with false as default. That way your setup wont change at all, but people have the option of toggling.
  8. NPCKits only affects the various vanilla npc groups on the map, and BotReSpawn creates its own npcs and only affects those so, yes, the two will work together without issues.
  9. Hey @Covfefe How are you finding these new bleeding settings? I'm getting a few reports that it's hard to balance, with the minimum setting (per hit) being too much, so I was thinking of making a few changes. Thought it best to run it by you first, since it was your request. Looks like vanilla rust adds 1/5th of the proper damage as bleeding, so if you get hurt for 20HP, your bleeding can go up 4. I was thinking I should replace Amount_Per_Hit with Bleeding_To_Damage_Percent and set it at 20, so it mimics vanilla, and bleeding is relative to damage taken, but you retain the same, or similar control if you want bleeding to be more, or less, per hit. It would also mean people don't start bleeding out of every orifice when they get hit with buckshot. I'd also add Chance_To_Cause_Bleeding_Percent, with default 100, so people can randomise if it they want to. Grateful for your thoughts.
  10. Steenamaroo

    No Weapons

    Hi @LuZifer Ha! Thank you very much. I think I've seen your issue before - Kits has an option to set a copy/paste file name in the settings for each kit. I think you have to leave that blank for the kit to work with npcs. If that's not it please come back to me and let me know, but I think that should sort it.
  11. Hi @rrex BotReSpawn doesn't modify existing npcs - It creates its own npcs at either the vanilla monuments or custom placed locations. Sounds like this is what you're looking for.
  12. Steenamaroo

    Integer to double?

    Rust rewards gives out ServerRewards in integers, since ServerRewards only supports whole numbers, as far as I know. It gives out economics as double, though, since that plugin supports it. If you've rewritten ServerRewards for double then you'd just need to change (int)(amount) to amount twice, in the ServerRewards?.Call lines in RustRewards, but there's not really a lot of point in me doing it publicly while ServerRewards only supports whole numbers. What might be easier is just 10X or 100X your economy. Increasing costs by 10 or 100 eliminates the need for decimals.
  13. Steenamaroo

    Integer to double?

    Hi, Behind the scenes everything is double. In the RustRewards.json config file you'll find Reward_Small_Increment and Reward_Large_Increment By default these are set to 1.0 and 10.0, but you could change them to 0.01 and 0.1, for example.
  14. Steenamaroo

    Update checker

    Hi, I appreciate that but no, I won't be expanding mine to cover other sites. Your best bet would be to use this one - https://codefling.com/plugins/update-checker Although it's not by me, it is on Codefling site, so if there ever was a major problem with it staff would be on-hand to ensure the developer gets it fixed up. To be honest, the release of the linked file pretty much makes mine redundant.
  15. Steenamaroo

    Update checker

    It's no trouble. The one from Orange' site is a different plugin again, as far as I know. I don't really know anything about these plugins, except my own, but I don't mind messages and I'm glad to hear you got the problem solved.
  16. Steenamaroo

    Update checker

    Is this not it?
  17. Steenamaroo

    Update checker

    Hi, You're quite right - My plugin is UpdatesChecker, with the s. It only checks for Codefling updates - Not other sites. The other plugin, Update Checker, is by tofurahie and checks multiple sites. I'm afraid I don't know anything about it, beyond that. I'm sure the developer would be grateful to hear details of the issue, though.
  18. Steenamaroo

    Bots aren't spawning in

    Hi, If you want to use custom spawn points with your profile you have to set UseCustomSpawns true, and also add in some custom spawn points. You can use the UI 'Edit Spawnpoints' button to manage spawnpoints...add new ones, check where existing ones are, remove spawnpoints, etc. If you click 'Show all spawnpoints' it will show you where they are, by number. If the number is green, all is well. If it's red then there's no navmesh at that precise point and that npc will not spawn. If you do not want to use custom spawn points then set UseCustomSpawns false and just use the Radius setting to determine the area in which the npcs will spawn. If that's what you're doing use the 'Show all profiles' button to confirm that your custom profile is where you think it is. If it's not in the right place, go to the right place then click "Move profile here" for that profile. At the Supermarkets you most likely just need a slightly larger spawn radius, as BotReSpawn doesn't (randomly) spawn npcs inside or under buildings. The same is true at the Dome; larger radius, or custom spawnpoints, is the best way to go there.
  19. Steenamaroo

    Admin Toggle

    @Xray - I've added API to facilitate this, if you'd like to use it. object OnRustReward(BasePlayer player, string category) { if (YouListOfAdminPlayers.Contains(player.userID)) return true; return null; } It'll be in the next public update of RustRewards.
  20. You can turn profiles on and off by console command. botrespawn enable "Profile name here" or botrespawn disable "Profile name here" That will toggle AutoSpawn true/false, and 'disable' will also kill off any existing npcs.
  21. I think you're looking for the BradleyGuards from uMod @Father This isn't the same plugin.
  22. Steenamaroo

    backpack changing

    What version of the plugin are you running @WarKingz. I haven't had any other similar reports on V1.2.1.
  23. Resolved in private - Pickup works fine in latest public V, 3.1.0.
  24. Looks like you attached the wrong config @damnpixel
  25. What version of RustRewards @damnpixel 3.1.0 is current, and updated for changes in OnCollectiblePickup hook.


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