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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi, Just remove "ranks", from chatCommandAliases in the config, and reload the plugin.
  2. I don't have any sample loottables, no. A default/newly created loottable from CustomLoot provides zero loot, so you start every table from scratch dialling in what you want. Maybe someone else here would be willing to share some of their tables? CustomLoot does a two tier thing, where you lay out probabilities for item categories, then you do probabilities for all the items in each category. You could make it extremely likely that you get something from resources rather than tools, but then make it extremely unlikely that you could scrap over wood, for example. It runs this process for every item that is created.
  3. Hi, No, I'm afraid not. CustomLoot doesn't really work like the vanilla system so it's probably not ideal if you're looking for slight deviations from, or multiples of, vanilla. If you have a very specific idea of what you want to see in certain containers, CustomLoot might be the plugin for those containers.
  4. Hi, I never really had plans to make them raiding npcs, to be honest, although if you give them c4 or grenades they will start throwing those when a player breaks line of sight. That would include running inside a base.
  5. I could add an option to clear player data but, to be honest, there are probably better ways to achieve what you want. since this would clear the players' UI/notification preferences. Am I right in thinking you want to reward only the players who have re-joined after wipe, or that you want to reward everyone who joins but only once? Either way, that would be a pretty easy standalone plugin to write. I wouldn't mind sorting you out with something, if that's all it is.
  6. Hi, BotReSpawn needs navmesh for the npcs to walk around on. This message means BotReSpawn has failed to find random points for that profile. There's a few scenarios where that can happen. That could be because the profile is in the wrong place by mistake, or after a map change, Solution - Use UI to Show All Profiles and check the location of this one is where you expect it to be. Stand in the correct place and click the Move Profile Here button if it isn't. It could be that the profile is in the right place but the spawn radius is set quite small and/or there's a structure or something in the way. This often happens with Dome and SuperMarkets. Solution - Increase profile radius, so there's more open ground available. If you had UseCustomSpawns true and have added custom spawn points manually then I guess you weren't expecting BotReSpawn to look for random points at all. That probably means some of your custom placed spawnpoints are no good, in which case BotReSpawn attempts to fill up the rest of the population with random spawnpoints in the area. Solution - Both of the above, plus use BotReSpawn UI to Edit + View spawnpoints for that profile. The spawnpoints will show up in-game as large numbers. Remove, or replace, any which show red (no navmesh) in game.
  7. Hi, The message you quoted is from June '21. I took over the plugin and gave it a full rewrite in August after that. That's not to say Mals won't still be happy to help you. What issue are you having?
  8. That's exactly it, yes.
  9. @Zoreeno Added to V1.1.3 update notes Fixed enable/disable command not working with custom profiles. Added botrespawn tempspawn "Profile Name" console command. Modified bots.count command to indicate temporary, or part temporary, spawn amounts. Thanks for that!
  10. I'll check both things out tomorrow and give you a shout. Thanks again @Zoreeno
  11. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Can you confirm you've set `Wipe_Default_Clothing` to true for that profile?
  12. Hey, Thanks for the info. That doesn't sound right...If that's what happened I'll have to get in game and make sure I haven't made a mistake or something. Using console command botrespawn enable profilename or botrespawn disable profilename should do exactly the same thing as manually toggling autospawn then clicking reload, meaning it should set autospawn true and spawn the npcs, or set it false and kill them. No matter - I can do what you're asking for, where profiles are left AutoSpawn false, but you can have them spawn on command, and not respawn, as you say, like toplayer. Added to to-do list.
  13. Steenamaroo

    Is this still supported?

    Yeah, the plugin does have a UI for making changes and, as such, saves config upon unload, so you can't make manual changes to the config file while the plugin is live - They'll get reverted as soon as you un/re load. Unload plugin. Fix all true/false capitals ts and fs, Fix all formatting of Kits ["Like this"] ["or", "like", "this"] Load plugin.
  14. Hey, With Peace_Keeper true/false they should either 100% ignore you, or properly attack you, but they should never run at you and not attack, unless you're out of reach...standing on top of something like a foundation or vehicle. I'd need to check but it's possible one of those weapons is no good - I have a feeling there was something about the sickle not working? I'll check next time my server is up but you might want to try with just the knife or sword and see if the behaviour becomes predictable.
  15. Hi, What way is your config set up? Every category can be independently enabled or disabled in personal, top1, and top30 views. You should be able to see, at a glance, in admin UI if categories are enabled or not for personal and top1.
  16. Hi, Does your profile name have spaces in it? If so you'd need to do botrespawn enable "profile name" There's also API to allow you to spawn a temporary profile which will eventually die off according to suicide timer, the same way npcs spawned for events do (airdrop, hackedcrate, etc), although you'd need someone would could write that into a plugin. If there's a need I can add console commands to do the latter. Let me know.
  17. Steenamaroo


    Good stuff. Thanks @Mercury
  18. Hi, You mean the vanilla npcs on the map? No - BotReSpawn doesn't do that, although NPCKits can kit them out to blend in, and adjust their health, if that helps. I did start a plugin to allow people to remove the vanilla npcs on the map but didn't finish it. Maybe I'll go back to that.
  19. Steenamaroo


    @nol - don't make me chase two people.
  20. My pleasure. Glad that solved your problem, and thanks for letting me know.
  21. Hi, You can copy the oxide.groups.data and oxide.users.data files, as far as I know, although that will require you to restart the server you're copying to. You can also use the built in /perms data menu in PermissionsManager. Use the command to see the options but, basically, it lets you save permissions and/or groups to, or load from, local data file or SQL server. If you go local file it would be /server/oxide/data/PermissionsManager.json.
  22. Hold up. RustRewards only gives open rewards for container names that are already listed in the config, under RewardTypes > Open. I can see having to set some entry to zero, but you shouldn't have to add new container names.
  23. I'd need to check but I think turning off the default option doesn't necessarily remove everybody's physical backpack. The permissions that players have still entitle them to the corresponding backpack, so as far as I can see you'd need to disable the default backpack option, as you have, but then also make sure players don't have permissions for specific backpack models/sizes.
  24. Hi @MNfreakTim I don't see any info about identifying containers from Bag of Holding, but if the author can provide that info I'd be happy to update for it.


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