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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi, I don't think I've made any changes in that area recently. Is this on a procedural map, or custom? Is it happening in a specific area only, or everywhere?
  2. Hi mate, Did you grab 1.1.6?
  3. Hi @thepiercedweirdo Thanks mate. Nah, it's a me problem. I'll get another update out for it shortly.
  4. Steenamaroo

    Naked Scientist Bots

    Ah, ok. Glad you found the problem. Not sure if you're aware but you can set up kits via UI too, in a few clicks.. It's pretty quick and easy.
  5. The public release is for the main branch of Rust. That error is from a staging server. Edit: 1.1.5 released, so it's available at/before wipe. if you're on staging now that'll work for you.
  6. Hey, Yeah, I've had a few requests for that. Not sure when I'll do it but it's on the list.
  7. That would probably happen if there was a mistake made when editing... a dropped comma or an extra quotation mark or something. This is a handy site for verifying formatting with larger files. https://jsonlint.com
  8. The RustRewards.json data file lets you set friendly names for every entity the plugin deals with.
  9. Steenamaroo

    Naked Scientist Bots

    @DJ-NYRO- I'm not sure you're having the same issue. The known issue is that npcs which aren't being given kits started showing up naked. People who want npcs with no kit (I.E. vanilla clothes and weapons) had to set Keep_Default_Loadout to true to fix it, temporarily. The issue doesn't affect npcs which are being given a kit, though. Sounds like you have some other issue, perhaps with Kits plugin, or some specific kit?
  10. Steenamaroo

    Naked Scientist Bots

    The problem is solved?
  11. I have no idea, I'm afraid. Sounds like there's some other plugin which does that? It might be ServerRewards plugin itself, but I don't really know it.
  12. Hi, No worries. Not sure what you mean by points balance? Rust Rewards can issue ServerRewards, Economics, or Scrap, but it doesn't keep track of totals or balances. It just notifies you, at the time, if you earn a reward - if notification settings are enabled. Players can choose their preferred notification type via the UI - Options are chat text, popup icon, or GUIAnnouncements (requires that plugin).
  13. Doesn't look like anything's changed - Junkpile scientists are working fine over here. Make sure Wipe_Default_Clothing is true if you're giving them a kit with clothing in it, and maybe strip your character then redeem the junkpile npcs' kit, just to make sure it definitely has what you think it has.
  14. Hi, I've got a server up here - I'll check it now.
  15. Hi, There's nothing built in to PlayerRanks to wipe that, since it's a separate plugin. It's the same for Economics/Server Rewards - I don't wipe those on the assumption that if a server wants them wiped they'll do that separately. The easiest thing would just be to delete the PTT data file while the server is down for update/wipe.
  16. Ok, Regarding the npc positioning - The 'Move profile here' option, which you said worked, is only in play if UseCustomSpawns is set to false. With UseCustomSpawns false, BotReSpawn tries to find random spawnpoints in the area around your profile, and those spawnpoints must always have a clear view to the sky, which would explain them being on top of the building. It sounds like what you want to do is use the UI to add one custom spawnpoint at a precise location, then make sure that UseCustomSpawns is set to true. Use 'Show All Spawnpoints' for that same profile to ensure that your spawnpoint shows up in game (as a number) in green. If it is green, and in the correct location, and UseCustomSpawns is true, then the npc will spawn at precisely that position. With regard to the npc running on water, I think that has to be a custom map issue. Map making isn't something I'm very familiar with but these npcs can only navigate on navmesh. If your npcs are able to run along the top of deep water then there must be navmesh there. Map makers would be able to tell you more but I'd guess that means there's some kind of invisible collider/surface there that gets navmesh baked on to it when the server starts. If that doesn't get you up and running maybe we can talk more in discord or something. I'm sure we'll get it sorted. I'll test the immune-from distance myself - Sounds like that's simply not working. It was tested well before release but perhaps something's changed. Thanks for letting me know!
  17. Steenamaroo


    Great to hear!
  18. Hi @Ping Chun Chang BotReSpawn does some checks with reference to terrain height, making sure terrain level isn't underwater etc, so that means custom monuments made out at sea (like a custom oilrig with navmesh) wouldn't work. The OverWater: true option is a workaround for that. It probably isn't applicable to your situation. Water navigating : The npcs should never set their target destination in water, but they can set a target destination beyond water, which isn't great sometimes. By that I mean they'll never choose to run into the sea, but they might try to run to a point on land which involves running through a river to get there. I'd guess that's what's happening in your case, although you say "walking on the water". Do you literally mean on top of it? Is it very shallow water? In short there is no way to completely prevent an npc from leaving a certain area, although I could write that in to the next update. it might be a popular feature. Immune_From_Damage_Beyond should work. When it's working it makes the npc 100% ignore attacks. The npc won't get hurt, or return fire, or chase - It should be like the attack never happened. I'd guess your test shots are maybe closer than you think? Try setting that figure to, say, 50, just for testing. Note, though, that it does operate on the condition that you are not already a valid target for the npc, so if you were to come up close, aggro him, then fly far away and shoot, he will respond because you were already his target. Regarding your custom buildings and underground areas - If a BotReSpawn profile is left to find random spawnpoints (UseCustomSpawns false) then it will never find points inside a building or in an underground area. The random system always seeks points on open terrain. If you create custom spawnpoints inside your building/cave/whatever and set UseCustomSpawns true, though, they should work just fine, as long as there's navmesh where you created the spawnpoints. The UI has a 'Check Navmesh' button you can use, and also 'Show Spawnpoints' which shows invalid points in red, instead of green. Hope that helps - If not just let me know.
  19. Steenamaroo

    Naked Scientist Bots

    @DJ-NYRO- You can fix by setting Keep_Default_Loadout true for those affect profiles, although a public fix will be released pretty soon too.
  20. Steenamaroo


    Ok, great. Thanks for letting me know. It's a silly mistake that will only affect first-time users with brand new configs. I'll fix it and update soon.
  21. Steenamaroo


    I think I've spotted it. If you reload the plugin, then try to make some changes again, does the issue go away?
  22. Steenamaroo


    Something funny going on here. @kosuke09211 - Would you mind disabling Launch Site and testing some other profiles? @Viktorvill - Would you mind disabling Oil Rig and testing some other profiles? I'm wondering if you guys have some plugin that's replacing all the vanilla npcs with a specific npc prefab, because I couldn't replicate this and it went out to testing on a few servers long before the last few updates.
  23. Hi @Papa Smurf- That's something I've been meaning to do. I'll take a look at it soon. @kosuke09211 - No, BotReSpawn doesn't do anything at all to vanilla npcs. I have a free plugin called NPCKits which can kit them out by location, mostly, if you're interested.
  24. Brilliant. Glad to hear that. Thanks for letting me know!
  25. I don't know, to be honest. I can't replicate the issue and no one else has reported it but if the changes I made fix the issue on your server I'm happy to consider it solved.


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