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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Thanks, @Zoreeno- My pleasure. Yes, that's intentional. The temporary spawn code, for toplayer, events, or the new command, all just find random spawnpoints around a central point. Do the current options cover your needs OK?
  2. Hi, You'll need to drop your SQL tables and let the plugin recreate them, so that columns for new categories are added.
  3. It's in the config file.
  4. Steenamaroo

    Naked Scientist Bots

    Hi, You're quite right - This was an unintentional change in the last update. Keep_Default_Loadout shouldn't be considered for npcs who aren't being given a kit, and never was before. That behaviour will be restored in the next update. It was just a mistake I made when adding the new code for the frankenstein clothing options. The Keep_Default_Loadout option lets spawned npcs keep whatever vanilla clothing and weapons they spawned with. If you wanted vanilla scientists but want to give them an additional handgun, for example, you'd just give them a kit with a handgun and nothing else, and set Keep_Default_Loadout : true. Thanks for flagging this. As you found out, setting Keep_Default_Loadout to true will solve the problem temporarily. After the next update this will not be necessary - true or false...it wont matter for non-kitted npcs.
  5. Hi, Sure. You can change the page names to anything you want in the config and that will be reflected in the UI. "Page 1" "Page 2" etc is just placeholder.
  6. Steenamaroo


    Hi, I'm pretty certain there's no crosstalk possible in NPCKits. Are you certain that the npcs you're looking at are all vanilla, and not from some other plugin perhaps? Failing that, it may be helpful to know that NPCKits doesn't restore live npcs to vanilla if you turn a profile off. You'd have to turn the profiles off, reload the plugin, then kill off the existing npcs, before you'd start seeing them as vanilla again. Maybe you had some of these profiles enabled at some point? Let me know if that doesn't solve your issue.
  7. Steenamaroo

    Bots being dodby af

    Hi, Changes in the last version meant that Keep_Default_Loadout must be true in cases where npcs are not given Kits, however this was not intentional and will be reverted in the next update. It doesn't seem to have affected many people so I'm going to DM you an update for now. Thanks for raising this!
  8. Hi, The email? I don't see anything under site support / chat support. If you share the details here I'll take a look at it.
  9. No worries! I usually try to make new options not override current behaviour by default, but I messed up on this occasion. Thanks for confirming.
  10. Hi, No, there's no limit at 541, but there are restrictions making only certain types of headshot count. By default headshots don't count against friends/clan mates, or players who are sleeping. There's are also config options PVPHeadshotsOnly - which excludes headshots against npcs and CountHeadshotOnlyIfKill - which only counts headshots which kill a player. The PVPHeadshotsOnly option is reasonably new and the default is true so perhaps your guy was racking up npc headshots and now can't? If so, just set that option to false.
  11. If other containers working fine are this loottable is working fine in other containers then I'd guess you have some other plugin modifying that particular container type. Maybe you could unload all plugins then spawn the medical container then load CustomLoot. After a brief wait (and message in console), CustomLoot should populate that container for you. FYI. If you're only giving out medical items then there's no point setting all categories to probability 1, however the plugin is written to ignore categories which have no items with probability greater than zero so, really, it shouldn't make a difference.
  12. Hi, That suggests the file's in use although, most likely, it's in use by BotReSpawn. Looks like I'm going a bit save-happy during initial setup. DMing a modified copy to see if it resolves.
  13. Issues solved in DM. Ended up relating to lang file rather than config.
  14. Hi, BotReSpawn doesn't require any other plugins. NPCSpawn is not related to BotReSpawn at all.
  15. PM sent.
  16. Give me a few minutes - I'll send you something.
  17. Hi, The setting itself hasn't changed but the location of the check has, due to the addition of the Frankenstein clothing options. It used to be this setting was only checked if you had a kit specified whereas now it's checked regardless, because to give frankenstein clothing you'd need Keep_Default_Loadout false (to get rid of the hazmat suit). I've just realised this allows people to create profiles with no weapons so I'll have to juggle that a bit. For now, you'd need to set Keep_Default_Loadout : true for any profiles which aren't being given a kit. Thanks for flagging this! @Psyonide
  18. Hi, I did have to tighten up some of my navmesh distance checks to avoid other issues so in some rare cases it may be necessary to move existing spawn points a foot or two either way. If you go into the UI and view that profile "boss" then click through to View Spawnpoints, it should show you the problem ones as red in game, instead of green (not in Ui..in game). For any red ones you can try a few spots in the immediate area, clicking "Check for Navmesh", and if the report is positive then clicking "move here". Hopefully that should clear it up. If not, please let me know!
  19. The attached config file is completely empty. Do you have a back up to restore? If so, unload the plugin, copy that file in, then reload. If not, unload the plugin, delete the config file, then reload to get a a new default config.
  20. S'all good. V1.1.4
  21. I'm not sure what's happened there. I think unload the plugin, close the config file, then reopen it, and see what you have. I guess maybe some change was made with a mistake in it, or something like that?
  22. Did you make manual changes to the config file recently? That error looks like a mistake in the config file.
  23. Steenamaroo

    How multipliers work

    Hi, Yes, the multipliers multiply, so if you have a 2x for something and a 2x for something else you'll have 4x. No, there's no provision, at present, for multipliers based on weapon mods, although it could be done. There's only multipliers for weapons, right now. RustRewards value is a per-profile option in BotReSpawn so you can already increase the value for the harder profiles.
  24. No suggestions, no, but I could add that to the plugin...?
  25. Hi @shturval I think I've fixed this, but there just hasn't been a public update in a while. I'm planning on releasing one tonight. Thanks for flagging it up!


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