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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    rewards for bot killing?

    No, you'd keep ServerRewards. ServerRewards would be your currency plugin. My RustRewards plugin is just a go-between that can issue ServerRewards for various tasks or actions. RustRewards has no currency of its own so it depends on either ServerRewards or Economics or, alternatively, it can just give out scrap.
  2. Steenamaroo

    rewards for bot killing?

    Hi, BotReSpawn has built in options for additional plugins - XPerience and RustRewards. RustRewards is mine, and free. It's a plugin that lets you give out either ServerRewards, Economics, or Scrap, for carrying out various tasks. If you want to give out ServerRewards currency for killing BotReSpawn npcs, the easiest way is probably to get RustRewards, set "UseServerRewards": true in the config file, then in BotReSpawn UI, per profile, adjust the RustRewardsValue in the Death page. That will let you issue specific amounts of ServerRewards per BotReSpawn npc profile. If you want the exactly the same amount of SR for every npc regardless of profile, ignore BotReSpawn's RustRewardsValue (leave at 0), and, instead, just use the RustRewards UI to set Kills>BotReSpawn value - That's a global alternative.
  3. Hi mate, I'm not sure that would make it faster or easer. Right now you choose a group, then choose a plugin, then you're shown a page where you toggle permissions for that plugin/group combination without any further navigation. I realise if you want to grant new plugin perms to multiple groups you have to pick the plugin out of a list multiple times (once for each group), but the same would be true in reverse. If it went on a per-plugin bases, you'd still have to back and forth to change the selection for the group you're working on. If I've misunderstood please let me know!
  4. Hey mate. I just checked this out. The max speed thing seems to be working OK. I set it to zero and a group of npcs all parachuted down at exactly the same speed - Like they're tied together. I set to 100% and the same group fell with randomised speeds, so some were a good bit faster than others. I've added Parachute_From_Height to global config, and clamped it between 50 and 1000.
  5. Hi, I just tested with my current local copy, and also with the current public version. I can't get npcs to parachute down on to the oilrig from hacked crate spawn or hack profiles. That's how it should be, since there's no navmesh there for them. Maybe the npcs you saw were coming from another plugin? Or any chance you were just going off the Spawn_Announcment ? Because there was an issue where announce would happen, even in cases where npcs can't/don't spawn. I've since fixed that for next update. Let me know.
  6. Hi @Vergbergler, This is an old issue, fixed in V1.0.9 last April. What issue are you seeing?
  7. Ooh, thanks for letting me know. That's not meant to be the case, since there's no navmesh on the Oil Rig so those npcs wouldn't be able to walk around once they land. I'll check into this and see what's happening.
  8. Honestly, I've no idea. Sorry. I don't run servers or anything. I'm sure there are plugins that show SR/Economics balances; maybe someone else here will know?
  9. Hi, Yes, you could use RustRewards to accumulate ServerRewards/Economics/Scrap only for activity, but I'm afraid I don't know anything about Welcome Panel.
  10. Hey mate, I'll check over and here and see what's going on. The parachute speed is slightly randomised, so that if have many spawn at the same time they don't all drop at exactly the same speed. The control your given for max speed is meant to limit that range a little. It's fairly subtle, and probably only apparently if you're watching a group of npcs drop together. Yeah, I think should starting height could be adjusted pretty easily. I've always had it hard-coded as 200f for regular profiles, and crate height-40 for aidrops. I could make that 200 a config option if you want to try it out? "Thanks, Love you" I like you a normal amount...
  11. No worries. If the npc's name isn't showing for you in the corpse or backpack loot panels, along the top, I guess maybe some other plugin is interfering there? That part's definitely working no problem here.
  12. "the thomson fire like a pistol, one bullet at time" I'll check this out. Edit : Thompson rate of fire has been fixed. Thank you!
  13. Are you saying the npcs fire the entire custom smg mag in one sustained burst?
  14. I do slightly modify their fire-burst duration but I could increase it further, or make it customisable. If there's a specific weapon where their fire burst is very short, like a problem rather than a preference, please let me know and I'll fix it. We had that before with the custom SMG and it required a patch to sort it out.
  15. Done.
  16. Hey! Sorry, I've been out of action for a little bit. Just joined my test server today, though, and dead npc names are showing just fine in their corpse loot panel, and also in the loot panel when backpacks spawn. On the player death screen it just shows "Killed by Scientist". I think that's always been the way. Not 100% sure but I think that's done on the client and not something I can change.
  17. Hey @Iron I don't think I have any friendly fire protection right now, since the addition of the factions thing. I'll take a look and see if I can suppress damage between friendlies.
  18. SignManager doesn't have an option to import from URL, but it can save whatever is on the sign, regardless of source, so you could use SignArtist to jpg import, then use SignManager to save that to your personal collection for re-use, if you wanted. I'm not sure if there's any advantage to that, over just using SignArtist for jpg/URL import, but I suppose that depends on what you're doing.
  19. Hi, I'm not aware of a free Sign Manager on uMod. Maybe you're mixing it up with Sign Artist which is free and lets you import png/jpg from external sources? Sign Manager lets players save up to 25 images, from signs, in their own personal UI library, and restore those images on to as many signs as they like. That would mean, for example, if a sign that took some time to create is destroyed, a user could easily reapply the image to a new sign in a few clicks rather than having to draw the whole thing again. it also allows admin to view sign image and creator history and remove unwanted images from the server in a few clicks.
  20. Yup, that's the solution ^. That will guarantee scrap whilst maintaining your probability based items in addition.
  21. Hi, There's no range or anything like that but maybe you have a zone multiplier of 0 enabled somewhere? That could explain not getting rewards in a particular area, but getting them just fine X distance away.
  22. Hey @Venedas. Thanks for the reminder about the permissions thing. I had forgotten about that, to be honest. I'll see what I can do. Protection whilst parachuting should be easy enough. I'd like them to fire more whilst they're parachuting too - I'll look into both.
  23. Hi, I'm afraid that's not something I'd have control over. If the SkillTree plugin already issues XP for BotReSpawn npc kills, I'd have no way to alter or modify that. BotReSpawn does have API to return NPC profile name - string NPCProfile(NPCPlayer npc) - returns profile name or "No Name" if it's not a BotReSpawn npc. Maybe the SkillTree author can do something with that, allowing users to specify profilenames and multipliers, or specific amounts?
  24. Hi, This definitely used to work so I'll take a look and see what changed. Thanks for letting me know!
  25. Hi, Are you able to load other plugins without issue? Can you show a screenshot of what happens when you copy PermissionsManager.cs to your plugins folder? Make sure the file hasn't been auto-renamed due to duplicates (PermissionsManager(1).cs) or anything like that. and try console command oxide.reload PermissionsManager, to rule out the possibility of the compiler reading the file before upload was complete. This can happen sometimes with FTP file uploads.


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