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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Ok, thanks. Your original scenario has a profile with faction and subfaction zero, and another profile was attacking them - That shouldn't be able to happen. That's why I was asking if there was any possibility of a mixup, because profiles with 0+0 should ignore others, but also be ignored by all others.
  2. I'll test over here and see if I can replicate what you described, although answers to my first reply would be super helpful, if you're able to find time. I just added Ignore_Players right now, so it'll be in the next update. It's got a handful of added suggestions/updates now. I suppose I could push it any time really, although there's a few more things I might be able to add first.
  3. I can add an Ignore_Players option, sure. Would like to get to the bottom of your initial report, though. Can you tell me any more?
  4. Hi, Are you sure about your settings? It's set up that npcs with faction + subfaction 0 should not only ignore all other botrespawn npcs, but should also be ignored by all other botrespawn npcs. Is there any possibility you're seeing overlap from some other profile..maybe one nearby or airdrop/biomes?
  5. Hi, I'll get a look at that soon; thanks. It's safe to ignore until then.
  6. Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. That's interesting. Maybe you just don't have any plugins with mixed-case permissions? Try this. If you don't see 'TestPerm' in PermissionsManager UI, then you've just been lucky. TestPerm.cs
  7. What build are you on? 2.0.5625 is current, whether linux or windows.
  8. Steenamaroo

    SQL Error?

    Hi, Sounds like maybe you have an old sql table there, with an older structure. You just need to drop the table in your sql panel, then playerranks will recreate it with the current structure.
  9. Sorry, that was a typo - I meant 2.0.5625 Still, you said "I'm pretty sure the first note on the last update..." with reference to what is the penultimate update. Maybe I misunderstood. If you're on 5625, please ignore.
  10. Steenamaroo

    Possible No Weapon?

    That's a negative, I'm afraid. Their purpose is combat.
  11. There was another update since the one in your screen shot. 2.0.5626 - Fixed NullReferenceException when loading permissions on fresh server installs. Perhaps that one reintroduced issues?
  12. I'm seeing the same issue here. Looks like oxide isn't handling mixed-case Permissions. Based on their update notes, I think oxide should handled mixed case permissions just fine, as it always did, so I'd suggest reporting this to them - It's possible they aren't aware yet.
  13. Hi, I'm not sure the ins and outs but I know there were some unintended case-sensitivity changes in oxide which, I believe, have since been reverted or fixed. As far as I know all's good right now - I had a check through on my server and everything seems to be working OK again.
  14. Alright, thanks. Unless there are errors in console when you kill animals, I'm struggling to think of anything else that could prevent the kills being incremented.
  15. Ok, What version are you running, and have you modified it at all?
  16. Sorry, quite right - final command would be oxide.load * How do you mean, no dice? With PlayerRanks as the only plugin loaded, you're still not getting PVEKills?
  17. The option to enable/disable global stats collection should be in the UI on Admin page, over to the right hand side, although `"statCollection": true,` you have it true so no matter. I don't see anything in either of those plugins which should null or cancel the kill...I don't see how either of those could cause this problem. Really not sure what's going on...if you have the luxury you could oxide.unload * then oxide.reload PlayerRanks then test. If the stats go up then you know some plugin is interfering. If they don't, then it's my problem. then, of course oxide.reload * to reload all your plugins.
  18. Hi, There's no one-shot despawn button, because the automatic population control would just start respawning them again, but you can go in and set autospawn to false then click reload profile. It's a couple of hoops to jump through, but it'll kill off that profile without the need to reload the whole plugin. I've had a few requests asking for console commands to enable/disable profiles, so I'll be doing that soon. That would allow for controlling profiles from other plugins, or rcon/console.
  19. Hi @Jbird Thanks for letting me know. I just checked and PVEKills are counting just fine on my server. Could you have global stats collection set to false, or the PVEKills category set to false, in PlayerRanks admin UI? If not, were you in an event where stats wouldn't be collected? I think those are the only things in PR that would prevent the count going up.
  20. It's possible but it's not as simple as with on-land profiles. I've been meaning to look into it. If you aren't using it already, you can use NPCKits to make them have better weapons and greater health, if you want, but i agree it would be cool to be able to add more!
  21. Hi, Honestly, I forgot about this but it's a quick/easy one - I'll do it tomorrow and DM you a copy. Thanks for the reminder!
  22. @pookins- Looks like an oxide update was just released to address this `Added additional case-insensitive handling to permission library ` I'd say you're safe to go ahead and delete any lower-case groups which are duplicates of existing mixed or upper case groups. PermissionsManager doesn't have this built in but the oxide command is oxide.group remove <group>
  23. Hi, No, I'm afraid that's not an option at present. They only attack npcs or players for now.
  24. Sorry - I spoke to soon. I restored a backup I wasn't aware existed, which threw me off. Ignore previous post completely - Perms manager backup + restore is fine.
  25. @pookins, (and oxide), my apologies. I think this is an issue in PermissionsManager backup and restore options. I guess you've used those at some point? I'll correct it today and update you.


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