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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi, I suppose it could be done, although it's presently possible to have two profiles and set one with night population only, and the other with day population only. With spawnpoints/location the same, that would create the opportunity to endlessly customise day/night differences.
  2. Steenamaroo

    Bots Aim overkill

    What version are you running? Accuracy scaled over distance is definitely added, and tested, but it was quite a recent addition.
  3. Hi @pr0fa1n Sorry for the delayed reply - This one got overlooked. I have seen that message before, just in general, but I'm not aware of an relationship to BotReSpawn right now, or any similar reports. Sorry...It's been a while since you asked - Is this still an ongoing problem?
  4. @Harry Baals- You too... ?
  5. Hi Kevin, I think I have this sorted. Would you be willing to test?
  6. Steenamaroo

    Shooting delay

    This isn't something I've been aware of but I'll fire a test server up and see what's going on. Thanks for reporting!
  7. Steenamaroo

    Shooting delay

    Hi, A delay of 2-3 seconds from what? Tell me a bit about the circumstances, please.
  8. Steenamaroo

    Targetting noobs setting

    The experience you describe there is 100% how it's meant to work. The point of this option is that you were npc_safe until you picked up something to fight with, and Rust gave you a sash. To be honest, if you use NoSash the workings of the option don't really matter. It relies on Rust sash system so, as per console output, is disabled for your server. "Can you in any way make the option based on whether the player has a backpack instead of NoSash ?, because that plugin is configurable so that any noob player will not get one for a set amount of time , for instance new players do not get a backpack on my server until they have one hour on the server" Not sure about connecting it up with backpacks or other plugins - Seems a bit too server-specific, maybe, but I could have an additional option with a time-frame or trigger. Wouldn't be too hard to have an automatically granted permission for new players which makes them safe, then a few options for server owners to revoke that permission, like when the player first fires a weapon, or first places a TC, or after a set time period... That could be done.
  9. Steenamaroo

    Targetting noobs setting

    "My reasoning is that if NoSash plugin is not being used then the BotReSpawn plugin cannot tell how long a player has been on the server to check if they are a "noob" as everone has a sash," Ordinarily only players who have handled a weapon or tool will have a sash. In that case the option in BotReSpawn works fine. When you use the NoSash plugin this indicator no longer works because no one has a sash. "see no point in this option which is actually no option if nosash plugin is being used ?" The option is disabled when NoSash is being used. That's what the console messages were for - To notify you that you're using NoSash and, as such, the option to Ignore noobs isn't going to work.
  10. You mean they can run straight through trees? I don't think I realised that, but I'm not sure if I can do anything about it. I'd have to check but no promises...
  11. Steenamaroo

    Targetting noobs setting

    "So if i set it to True they get targeted and if i set it to false they get targeted ? " Yes, that's right. The sash is used to identify whether a player is a noob or not. If NoSash is installed then this check is no longer meaningful, so the option to prevent BotReSpawn npcs from targeting noobs can't work. NoSash plugin is installed Target_Noobs option is now disabled. BotReSpawn NPCs will target noob players.
  12. Steenamaroo

    Targetting noobs setting

    That should be a set of three messages which print once. Not sure why you're seeing double there. The first message is "NoSash plugin is installed". BotReSpawn uses the Sash to determine if a player is a 'noob' or not. If NoSash plugin is in use, it can't make that determination so the Ignore_Noobs option gets turned off.
  13. Steenamaroo

    AddSpawn Command

    No, it's a console command so it's easy to bind. The command is addspawn, and you enable the use of it through the BotReSpawn UI. You can, of course, just add your spawnpoints entirely via UI but people requested a bindable command for freedom of movement when adding many.
  14. Hi, The npcs that turn up on the oilrig on CH47 are heavy scientists. You can use NPCKits to give them kits and change their health. It's free - https://codefling.com/plugins/npckits
  15. Thanks for the info @KingSizeKevin. I'll have to get a look at that soon!
  16. Hi, Respawn_Timer is an option per profile - I believe it's listed under 'Death' tab for each profile. The value is in minutes so you'd want to set 5, or 10, instead of 300 or 600.
  17. Steenamaroo

    AddSpawn Command

    Hi, It's all done through the UI, although the addspawn console command is added so that you can have freedom of movement when adding many spawnpoints for a profile. Still, that console command is enabled temporarily via the UI. If you go to your profile in UI, then Edit Spawnpoints, you should see a button for 'Add spawnpoint', which will add one where you stand, but also one for 'Add by command' which lets you leave the UI and use the 'addspawn' console command (which you can bind), to add many.
  18. Steenamaroo

    issue with start of

    Hi, Thanks for reporting. I've tagged you in the discussion section where the solution to this was recently posted.
  19. @solovei8- The copy attached here solves your problem. Thanks for reporting it. This fix will be in the next public update.
  20. Steenamaroo

    NPCKits vs Kits?

    Hi Dave, NPCKits uses Kits from uMod to give out kits to specific vanilla npc types so, no...There'll be no conflict.
  21. Hi, The suicide option only comes in to play for 'event' npcs, so that's any npcs from event profiles like Airdrop, or from use of the 'toplayer' command. The reason for this is that there's no upper limit to how many npcs can exist from these methods so if, for example, your server has 5 pop but hourly airdrops, you could end up with hundreds of npcs roaming around because no one's killing them. With all the regular profiles population is limited and controlled - They can't exceed the population you asked for, so there's no need for suicide as a safety net.
  22. Hi, Sorry for the delayed reply here. UI overflow message probably means new entities were added in Rust and the UI doesn't have enough room to display them all, so I'll get a look at that and do what I need to do. Thanks for reporting it! Are you still having issues with barrels? I'm not aware of anything so it might be good to make sure you don't have any 0 multipliers which may be cancelling out potential rewards. I'll check that too when I'm in game. Thank you, again!
  23. Steenamaroo

    Output to discord

    That's really cool, thanks for sharing! I'll make a note of all of this and take a look at it next time I'm on the local server.
  24. Oh, no matter what way you set it up you can't get the npcs to be hostile within the safe zones? Is there any chance you have peacekeeper true and it's coincidence? If not, I'll take a look and see if I can find a problem. Thanks!
  25. Ah, I think I see what you mean. There is a Respect_SafeZones option but nothing more precise. Having that on or off will mean npcs will fight everything (that they're meant to), or ignore everything, within a safe zone, but there are no options, at present, to discriminate. Just to be sure I understand, you'd like BotReSpawn factions who will fight each other within safe zones, but will not attack regular players within safe zones?


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