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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Great. Glad to hear! Thanks for letting me know and enjoy.
  2. Yes, pretty sure melee is fine.
  3. You gave them a regular weapon too, right? They need that.
  4. Ok. I mean, I know it works, but there are some conditions. They won't throw over huge distances, so make sure you're within sensible throwing range when testing. Also, they prioritise healing when line of sight is broken, so if their health is down and they have a syringe, they'll do that instead. They also have a cooldown to prevent grenade spam so make sure the npc you're testing with has been alive for more than, say, 20 seconds or so. Finally, make sure the grenade is a grenade - F1 or beancan, and ensure that it's in the npc's belt...not container main. Might be worth redeeming the kit naked, just to be 100% sure.
  5. If they have at least one grenade in their belt and line of sight is broken, they should throw. Due to the frequency of checks you might have to be out of line of sight for a second or two, sometimes.
  6. Ok, great. No problem!
  7. Hi, Changing the prefab isn't an option but I could add it as a true/false to give people the choice. Yes, the npcs can use rocket launchers as well as most, or maybe all, other weapons. A recent update introduced the use of rocket launchers, mgl, flamethrowers, nailguns, bows, chainsaws, jackhammers etc. They can also use syringes to heal and throw grenade weapons - both can happen when line of sight to target player is broken briefly. It's only necessary to give 1 syringe and/or 1 grenade, for the npc to have an infinite supply.
  8. Perhaps try some other known-to-work loottable, just to rule that out? When I tested in my first reply I had multiple items without any problems.
  9. Hi mate, Yeah, that's what would happen. The plugin only saves down records where data has changed so it would be on a per-player basis as players accumulate new data, but, put simply, yes; the two would be fighting against each other.
  10. Great, glad to hear it! The spawn rules are different for manually placed custom spawn points, so if you need npcs inside monument buildings or in otherwise awkward places, that's an option. Give me a shout if you have any more trouble.
  11. What's the area of the map you're at like? The same as with BotSpawn, the npcs need navmesh and a clear view to the sky when letting the plugin find random spawnpoints so creating a profile at, for example, the Dome (with a small spawn radius) or inside the LaunchSite building, isn't going to work. Custom placed spawnpoints would work in those environments, though.
  12. Hi, The setup procedure is slightly different but probably easier in the long run. To create a custom profile, use the chat command `/botrespawn add SomeNameHere` You'll be immediately taken to the UI page for your new profile. Set AutoSpawn true, day and night spawn amounts to what you want, then click 'Reload profile'. The npcs should spawn. If you want custom spawnpoints instead of random then you'll need to set `UseCustomSpawns` to true, then click 'Edit spawnpoints' button in that same UI, and use the 'Add spawnpoint here' button to add spawn points at your location. You need to add/move...add/move. That can be cumbersome with the UI open so alternatively you can click 'Add by command' then use the command `addspawn` in console. addspawn/move...addspawn/move Whichever method you choose, click 'Reload profile' for that profile in the UI, after adding enough spawnpoints, to spawn your npcs at their new locations.
  13. Ok, thanks for the info Kevin. DM regardless, if you want. Whether BotReSpawn related or not, I'll help if i can.
  14. OK mate, thanks for that. Feel free to ping me on discord for quicker chat - We'll get it figured out, one way or other.
  15. Depends what software is reporting usage, I suppose.
  16. Yeah,, multi-core is often reported that way. Kevin's max should be 600% total, I believe.
  17. Sounds like something's definitely going wrong, then. 250 isn't that much, compared to what I hear other people are doing. Do you keep a clone for testing? If not, would you be prepared to set one up? It might be revealing, having the freedom to unload/reload plugins at will, looking for performance differences. Are you on the latest version from Codefling site? Don't just go by V number, as I've sent some people pre-release copies for quick-fixes of things in the past. Eventual public release may well contain additional fixes. Do you notice any patterns? For example, are they fine upon reload but then gradually this problem emerges? Does it affect all BotReSpawn nps equally, or just some? Does it affect vanilla npcs, or npcs from other plugins? Anything like that you can think of would be super helpful.
  18. It's a 6 core CPU with each reported as % so his system's pretty much idling. Thanks though.
  19. I have one person reporting non responsive npcs at the moment, other than yourself. I have had a couple in the past but, as far as I know, they were always solved by reducing numbers or removing/limiting other plugins. Are you spawning in massive numbers? I am looking at ways to improve performance a bit but, in short, no; I'm not aware of a widespread problem.
  20. Hi, If you don't specify any custom points, or you don't specify enough, the npcs will spawn randomly within a circle. Radius is the size of that circle. There is a `ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath` option per profile. If this is true and you have more custom spawnpoints than you need, the the npc will pick a random one so, eventually, they'll all get used. Edit: Their roam is randomised and is limited by roam_range setting, unless they're aggrod on a player. If they are aggro they can leave their roam_range, but will return once non-aggro again. I'll be looking into replacing the vanilla npcs in the near future, hopefully.
  21. Hi @Somescrub, I'm not familiar with XPerience but you can use RustRewards to give scrap/economics/serverrewards for BotReSpawn npc kills. Looks like there's API to give xperience from other plugins so it's certainly something I could add, if the popularity is there. Thanks for the suggestion!
  22. Ok, that's good info to have. Thank you for that. I'll get a good look into this, probably not tomorrow but Tuesday, and hopefully get to the bottom of it.
  23. I haven't experience this and can't recreate it so far but I have had a few people report it now. I'll' have to dig deeper and see if I can get it figured out. It may be possible they're so far away from home that setting their destination to home, from there, fails, so they just roam where they are? When they're miles away from home and not aggrod, do they roam as normal out there, or stand still, or go back and forth? What's their behaviour like?
  24. Hi @Flint Monkey I don't really know the underwater labs very well but I'll get in game and check. Certainly I'd expect custom spawn points would be necessary, since BotReSpawn trying to find random points on its own would be looking at water level.


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