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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi, If you set two different profiles to different faction numbers (other than zero), they'll fight each other. Subfaction does the same thing but is an additional layer allowing for more complex relationship.
  2. Head like a sieve. I'll have to push that to public soon. Thanks for letting me know.
  3. Steenamaroo

    suicide timer

    If you do bots.count in server console or rcon while that's happening, you should be able to see which profile they're from but most likely they're AirDrop or some other event profile.
  4. Steenamaroo

    suicide timer

    Hi, Suicide timer is an option for all profiles but it's only used, for regular profiles, when they're spawned by a call from another plugin, or by admin using the ToPlayer option. The normal populations which are maintained at the numbers you specify do not use the suicide timer.
  5. What was the problem, and solution?
  6. Hi, You got the Kings & Mercs plugin?
  7. Hi, No, I'm afraid not. It only supports npcs in areas which have navmesh. Even trying with custom spawn points, the OilRig will be no good.
  8. That's fair enough. I'd encourage you to at least look at the UI for confirmation of what has, and hasn't been found though. It's much clearer, compared to a huge json file.
  9. Ok. Glad you're happy with it, although if monuments ever are missing I'd like to get to the bottom of it. Just so you know, you can set a profile to true and reload it (on its own) in a few clicks of the UI. If you happen to have client loaded that saves the hassle of manually editing files and having to reload the entire plugin. Also, the UI page for monuments makes it a bit easier to see what's there and what's not, since it's just a nice simple list of names. Edit : Are you up to date - V1.0.9?
  10. That's great to hear, Pookins. We still have an open DM conversation about your missing monument. I fired up your map and seed and Large Fishing Village 0 was detected along with the rest of the monuments. I can't think of any reason that shouldn't be the case at your end too. Do you see any errors when loading/reloading BotReSpawn? There's no way to manually add monuments - BotReSpawn is written to find them but it's not just a case of text entries in a datafile - it finds the monuments as objects in game. If you were to add entries manually they'd be ignored, just as profiles from monuments which existed on an old map, but do not exist on the current map, are ignored.
  11. Oh, sorry. I misunderstood! Thanks for sharing that info!
  12. Hi folks, Thanks for reporting. Usually when I hear of non-agressive npcs, just standing looking at you or dancing around you, it ends up being down to server stress. How many npcs are you spawning in? You can use bots.count in server console or Rcon to find out how many are alive at any given time. Also consider other npcs plugins, because everything contributes to the overall server stress. I am working on a few things to lighten the load, so to speak, but there'll always be a limit to how many npcs can run around without issues and, usually, the first issue I see is refusing to attack.
  13. Hey Pookins, These settings mean for someone to escape an npc they'd have to get more than 70 'meters' away for longer than X seconds, where X is the memory duration setting in config. The default is 20 seconds, although you can lower it. If the distance between npc and target player goes less than 70, even for a second, that forget timer is reset so it might be worth lowering deaggro range or reducing how long it takes npcs to forget, or a bit of both.
  14. Sounds like they're just chasing npcs that are part of the convoy? BotReSpawn npcs are meant to give chase and only disengage if their target goes out of light of sight, or beyond deaggro range, for X seconds. X is a global config option - Deaggro_Memory_Duration. Alternatively you should be able to set Target_Other_Npcs to false to make BotReSpawn ignore them.
  15. Hi, Thanks for sharing that. I think that error is actually from the plugin trying to give a reward to an npc for killing a player - An oversight on my part. I fixed this a few days ago, although I haven't publicly updated yet. If I'm right, it's unrelated to the issue of not getting rewards, or reward notifications.
  16. Hi, If that's a new type of npc in game I'd need to manually update RustRewards, and CustomLoot/NPCKits. I'll take a look soon and get it sorted. Thanks for reporting!
  17. Setting min and max to the same number should result in that number being used, regardless of the other identified issue. Is your loot table still set up as shown in the original message?
  18. Yeah, until the next update that'll do the job.
  19. Thanks for the follow up. I think that explains it. I just checked, to make sure, and V1.0.6 does have the code which sets UseScrap to true if the other two plugins are missing. V1.0.7 does not so you shouldn't see this issue again. If, for any reason, the plugin is ever loaded with SR/Economics missing in future it will use scrap (and notify you in console) but will not alter its own config. Reloading RustRewards once SR/E is loaded would set things straight again.
  20. Hi, Thanks for the detailed report. The config file changing/updating is normal enough, as the config file is saved when an admin or player with the adminui permission uses the UI. The reason for that is that the admin ui can change config variables, so it has to be saved upon exit to ensure that any changes are committed. To make manual changes to the config file it's best to either ensure that no one with adminui permission is using the UI at the time, or that RustRewards is unloaded. For the switching to scrap issue - I'm not sure what's happened there. If the whole config file reset to defaults that would be one thing, but you say the rest of your settings remained? You definitely have other settings in there which deviate from defaults, and held their values? Which version of RustRewards are you running? Older versions did switch the config setting back to Scrap if ServerRewards/Economics was missing but I changed that at some point. The current version the plugin should use scrap if SR/E are missing, but doesn't change the setting permanently.
  21. Honestly, I think it's going to be a coincidence, particularly if only a few of your BotReSpawn profiles got changed. I can't rule it out for certain as I don't have access to the plugin, but I strongly doubt Convoy or any other npc plugin would be changing BotReSpawn settings. Overriding npc behaviour is one thing, and that does happen from time to time with some plugin killing/replacing/commandeering npcs from other plugins, but to actually change information in another plugin's data file is pretty awkward to do. I think some mistake is more likely. If, for example, the name Peace_Keeper got changed in the data file, that entry would then be automatically removed and replaced by BotReSpawn - Replaced with an entry of the correct spelling, and the default value which is true. Idk, please keep an eye and let me know if anything strange happens again.
  22. Oh, the actual true/false changed? Are you checking in the BotReSpawnUI or the data file? Asking because changed settings are only committed to file if the profile is reloaded or if BotReSpawn is reloaded/unloaded. If you were to make changes in UI and not do one of those things the changes would, at that stage, be stored in memory so the data file wouldn't appear up to date. BotReSpawn itself doesn't have any code that would change the peacekeeper setting without user input and it's extremely unlikely some other plugin would be changing it, but I can think of one possibility - Do you manually edit the data files? If you manually edit and make a mistake somewhere it's possible for a profile, or profiles, to be repopulated with default settings, which would be "Roam_Range": 40, "Aggro_Range": 30, "DeAggro_Range": 40, "Peace_Keeper": true, If that had happened AutoSpawn would have been reset to false, though, so I suppose you'd have noticed. Edit : It might also be worth using the `/botrespawn info` chat command when looking at one of these npcs, just to confirm 100% they're from the profile you think they're from. With so many monuments and the different events, people often see overlap of profiles.
  23. Oh, I see. The BotReSpawn npcs are ignoring players when you think they shouldn't be? What are your aggro/deaggro range settings like? I've seen this happen under extreme circumstances, where the server is just under too much stress. The npcs start ignoring people or, more often, paying them attention but not firing. Is that what you're seeing?
  24. I would doubt it. Does peacekeeper seem like it's not working for you? Do you know it works based on your hostile status now, rather than just whether or not you have a weapon drawn?
  25. Nice! Thanks for letting me know. That change will be in the next public update.


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