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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Thanks @pookins. Can't see any reason those would be missing but I'll fire a test map up and make sure.
  2. It's in minutes @Covfefe
  3. Hey, I think I misread, or misunderstood this. You always had the option to allow, or disallow, rust's vanilla scientist corpse loot. You also had the option to use CustomLoot to supply the corpse loot, or add to the existing vanilla scientist corpse loot. The new option just allows you to change the loot type from vanilla scientist to some other vanilla container/barrel loot table, but it doesn't change the old mechanics at all. If you want CustomLoot to be supplying the loot, with or without vanilla scientist loot, you can still do that. If you haven't made any changes to the profiles, loot wise, everything should work exactly as it did before.
  4. @pookins- That sounds like the NoSash conflict we were talking about there. Either unloading NoSash, or setting `"Target_Noobs": true,` will solve. In the next update I'll just make this option do nothing if NoSash is installed.
  5. Hi, Looks like I've made a mistake so I'll do a patch update soon. For now setting both faction and subfaction to the same thing will 'fix' it, but doing so wont be necessary after the patch update. Thanks for flagging this.
  6. @Lei_Wong- @Covfefeis correct - Thanks for that. Melee weapons used to be OP, not by choice. I've balanced out weapon damage across the board now so nothing's OP, but understand some people will still want greater than normal melee damage. That's what that option is for. @pookins- I could bring in CustomLoot profile as an option, for sure. The focus, for now, was other existing loot containers from the game, by request. Thanks! @Snivel- Use of grenades and meds are both automatic. The npcs will use them at strategic times, when line of sight is being broken/unbroken.
  7. No problem. Thanks for flagging it.
  8. Steenamaroo

    npc does not move

    My pleasure.
  9. Hi, Sounds like some plugin is formatting their version number as X.X instead of X.X.X Would you mind seeing if the attached copy solves the issue? Thank you! UpdatesChecker.cs
  10. Steenamaroo

    npc does not move

    Hi, Do you have stationary set to true for their profile?
  11. Hi, If npcs are in the same faction they won't attack each other. Try Profile 1 : "Faction 1" "Subfaction 0" Profile 2 : "Faction 2 "Subfaction 0" Subfaction is there for slightly more complex relationships, but not needed for simply making two profiles fight each other. Target_Other_NPCs is there to cover any npcs which aren't covered by the other options, such as npcs from other plugins.
  12. Yeah, looks like Target_Noobs:false and use of NoSash.cs don't play well together. Having Target_Noobs:true as default would have been ideal but that ship has sailed, so in the next update I'm just going to have the Target_Noobs option ignored if NoSash is installed. The result would be that noob players are targeted regardless of the setting, rather than the current setup where presence of NoSash (and Target_Noobs false) means all players get ignored.
  13. Hi, I'd need to check but I think SmokeGrenades are technically TimedExplosives, where BotReSpawn is looking for ThrownWeapon. Right now it should support F1 grenade and beancan grenades. I was planning to do something with smoke in the future. Also considering a random chance of MGL popping smoke, if the primary ammo is not smoke.
  14. They're meant to respond if they're attacked from distance. In previous versions they'd return fire regardless of their weapon but in the latest version you have an option called Limit_ShortRange_Weapon_Use which you can set true if you don't want npcs with pistols only, for example, to return fire over very long distances. In that case, and with the limit option true, the npcs will attempt to move closer before firing. You can, of course, still give them a rifle or bolty or something and they'll return fire from where they are.
  15. Steenamaroo

    hook error

    Thanks for flagging it, btw.
  16. Steenamaroo

    hook error

    Hey, That's just two plugins disagreeing on what the APC should do. I'll have a chat with Krungh and see if we can do something. For now you can disable APC_Safe in BotReSpawn, or some setting in BradleyGuards, (not sure), or ignore the messages.
  17. Noted. Thank you!
  18. Some things have changed and been added but, no, there are no hard requirements for update. Can't think of any reason npcs should be ignoring players now where they weren't before, but there is a damage issue which I'm about to patch for.
  19. Hi, The name for the npc is picked randomly from your list of botnames by default. If you have 20 names and 5 npcs, you should eventually see all the names being used as npcs are killed/respawned.
  20. Hi @406_Gromit That's another found/fixed/will be in V1.0.7. The biome spawnpoints are meant to randomise so they don't keep respawning in the same place over and over, but it wasn't working. I should probably add a building priv check, though. I'll take a look at that tomorrow. Thank you!
  21. Oh, that was it? My pleasure! Glad to hear it was something simple.
  22. Hi, Looks like `Oxum's Gas Station 1` is the only profile without a kit specified. The rest of the AutoSpawn:true profiles have kits specified. For some of the profiles you have "Keep_Default_Loadout" set to true, which would keep the default hazmat suit. Trying to move clothing from a kit in the case would fail, the same way you can't put on trousers as a player if you're wearing hazmat, or any full suit, so you might want to switch that to false. If you have it set to true on purpose, so your kit is adding to the default clothing and weapons, then leave it true. Are you able to redeem a kit yourself to confirm the plugin is definitely loaded without error? If so, have you recently switched the Kits plugin you're using?
  23. Hi @PandaJun Thanks for reporting. This is found + fixed. Fix will be in the next update.
  24. It's not in the UI under animal kills? It should be there automatically, as far as I know.
  25. Hi, Sorry for the late reply - I didn't see this somehow. As far as I know Auth Level 2 players are automatically put in the admin group, and all players are automatically put in the default group. Even if you manually remove players from these groups, I'm fairly sure they're put straight back in the next time they connect. If you want to differentiate between yourself and your other staff you'd be better making new unique groups and using those to designate permissions to ServerOwner and ServerStaff, or something like that. Keep in mind if your admins are really admin (authlevel 2) they can give themselves whatever permissions they want. It's best practice to reserve authlevel 2 for yourself only then give out permissions to your staff some other way.


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