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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    Suicide Timer?

    Hi William, Sorry I didn't see this sooner - Not sure what happened. I'm not familiar with the ScientistNames plugin but I can tell you that suicide timer is only applicable to event npcs and npcs spawned with toplayer command. It doesn't apply to the normal profile populations which respawn when they've been killed. If you're seeing large numbers of npcs respawning, though, it could possible be a difference in day + night spawn amounts for some profiles? If you have different numbers for day and night then BotReSpawn would kill, or spawn, npcs at the change of day/night to meet those settings. Could that be what you're seeing?
  2. Steenamaroo

    Plugin error

    Hi, Any chance there's some mistake in the data or config file? You can use https://jsonlint.com to verify them.
  3. Hi, What do you mean by 'zombies' ? BotReSpawn npcs?
  4. Steenamaroo

    bot damage

    Hi, The next update brings in a lot of changes relating to targeting, weapon use, and damage amounts. One of the big issues in current version is that some weapons, like bolty + l96, plus a lot of melee weapons, are very OP relative to other weapons. This is addressed in the next update, although I've already had people telling me they liked that, so I'm also adding RangeWeapon_DamageScale and Melee_DamageScale as options per profile. In short, melee damage wont be OP in the next update, unless you want it to be.
  5. Hi, Sorry you're having issues. Can you check a few things for me? Has this always been the case or did it work fine then develop the issue at some point? Does the issue affect all npcs all the time, or is it just some of the npcs...or sporadic? Do you have any PVE plugins which might be stopping the npcs from attacking? If you do you could temporarily unload those and see if the npcs start responding properly. Do you use RustAdmin? If so, is the option for Enable Animal AI turned on? The next update allows the npcs to use lots of weapons that they couldn't before but, for now, could you also confirm your npcs don't have any unsupported weapons? In V1.0.6 only normal bullet weapons and swinging melee weapons are supported. Anything like bows, flamethrowers, rocket launchers, or any other non-weapon items in their belt could cause issues like this. I noticed something about NPCPlayer targeting hooks in oxide patch notes - Can you confirm oxide + server are up to date? There's been a fair few updates this week. If it's not any of those things please let me know and we'll dig deeper.
  6. @KingSizeKevin- There's no option to disable it, as such, but it's in minutes and you can set it as high as you like, effectively disabling it. It only applies to npcs which don't have a spawn limit - Like events and toplayer calls. There's nothing to stop there being no players online and airdrops every hour. Airdrop npcs would just keep coming until the place was swimming in them, or performance suffered. Regular autospawning profiles with a fixed amount of day/night npcs don't suicide.
  7. Thanks @Solarix:)
  8. Hi Butler, Thank you! Sorry, I can't imagine making respawn timer global. One of the main strengths of BotReSpawn is that every profile has so many customisable options. Usually people have quite a few things to change, such as kits, spawnpoints, health, accuracy, damage, roam range, etc, so It makes sense to keep respawn timer with all those, per profile. I'm not sure of the names but I think there are plugins out there which allow you to place entities around monuments. Maybe someone reading this will know the names?
  9. Hi, Yes, that's possible. It'll be included in V1.0.7.
  10. Hi, I'm sorry; I didn't see this request for some reason. DMing you now to run through some troubleshooting and get this solved.
  11. Hi, Testing on my current version there's no issue, but I've made a huge number of changes since V1.0.6 which most likely fixed it. I'll DM you about testing/confirming, since you're already on a prerelease copy...An older one.
  12. Feel free to ping me in discord man. You're on a pre-release copy ^^.
  13. @BetterDeadThanZedtested and tells me that checking the crate for parent (even with a delay) didn't work. The proper solutions are either A: For me to provide make a call so other plugins can opt out, which I've done or B: For other plugins to make a call or provide API so their spawned crates can be identified. I don't really care which option gets used but the first one is available and working already. If someone refuses to use it, I think it would make sense for them to provide a solid alternative.
  14. Hi, PermissionsManager never offered this, but you can create new groups with oxide's command oxide.group add SomeNameHere
  15. Hi, If they're not spawning at the points you designated then most likely there is no navmesh at those points. The only workarounds are either to put them somewhere else, or make them stationary. In the next update there's a button (and bindable command) to sample and tell you if there's navmesh at your location, to make it easier when creating spawnpoints, and when you use 'Show spawnpoints' button, any without navmesh are show red instead of green.
  16. Steenamaroo

    Errors in console

    Hi, Maybe new sign types in game? This is the first I'm hearing of this error, but I'll take a look and get it figured out. Thanks,
  17. That's a cool idea! Sure, I can't see it being a problem. The next update has quite a few ignore/defend/attack options so that addition would fit right in.
  18. Hi, The present data set wouldn't allow for that but I could add an additional category called PVPDeaths to facilitate it. I think a lot of people weren't bothered because quite often in PVP you die to fire, explosion, turrets, falling, bleeding, where technically the 'attacker' isn't another player, but if you think it'd be a valuable or popular option to have I can add it.
  19. Safe to ignore until next update @Deadpool Thanks for reporting.
  20. Hi @Rubiks-Q-Bert Yes, the murderer 'huff' should be a true/false option per profile in the next update. Lots of great changes and updates on the way.
  21. @Razor14150- Just let an npc shoot at me (naked) doing 4-5 damage each shot, then kitted out with heavy armour and it was 2-3 damage per shot. That might be as a result of the changes in prerelease, which you now have... Might be worth checking, if you're willing.
  22. Is that definitely true, @Razor14150? If it is, I'm pretty sure I can sort it out. @Rezanow- I don't believe they do headshots.
  23. I can add a parent check, sure. Not really worth getting worked up about.
  24. Hi, I think that would be possible although it may result in other people not getting npcs in cirumstances where they want them to spawn. I do have a hook there - OnBotReSpawnCrateDropped. If the dev of your event plugin is willing, they could use that to prevent BotReSpawn deploying npcs to crates from that plugin.
  25. They shouldn't if the PVE_Safe option is set to true.


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