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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    Hurts me when shoot bots

    No problem - It's a PVE setting, one way or other.
  2. Steenamaroo

    Hurts me when shoot bots

    Hi, Sounds like your server has PVE enabled.
  3. Do you have server log to file enabled? There should be more information than that, if you do.
  4. Hi, Thanks for that. I've already made the change so it'll be included in the next update. Thanks again.
  5. Can you share the error copied from console please?
  6. Hi, Do you have lots of custom spawn points, or are you letting BotReSpawn find random points within a radius?
  7. Thanks, Adam. Yes, this is something that's added in V1.0.7, and should be public soon. Via UI you can choose the loottable type from a list of vanilla loot tables. You can choose from all the different crate/barrel types.
  8. Hey, BotReSpawn is meant to catch when there's no navmesh and prevent spawning the npc but, obviously, that's not happening all the time ^. The solution really is either to make your npcs stationary or make sure they have viable navmesh near their spawnpoint, but if it's possible to hook me up with a map and location where this happens, for testing, I should be able to improve the checks and stop this happening...hopefully.
  9. Steenamaroo


    Ok, thanks for the info. It looks like both of those npcs have customised names which would suggest either a plugin is spawning them, or modifying them. It might be worth getting close to one and doing `/botrespawn info`, or just reloading BotReSpawn, to 100% confirm that's not where they're coming from.
  10. Very glad to hear that! Glad it was a simple one.
  11. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Are you sure they're not put there via your custom map or BotReSpawn, or some other plugin? "As far as I know NPCKits shouldn't be affecting any scientistnpc_roam right now, as I don't think they spawn anywhere by default." I think this is still true but, of course, will happily check to confirm.
  12. Hi, Thanks for reporting - I'll chase up that error and see what the problem is. "and i have it set to spawn 0-2 (because for some reason 0-1 never spawns anything)" I think I see a mistake on my part there so I'll get that sorted too. "i'd basically like to set a percentage that says "15% change of spawning an item, if yes, pick from the above list with those pick counts". can this be done with this plugin?" In short, no. The plugin works on the basis that you're always going to get a specified amount of items, and what those items are is worked out based on your set probabilities for category + item. There's no real provision for enabling one item only and having it spawn in X percent of the time, I'm afraid. The closest you could get is balancing your desirable item against some undesirable item, so if you wanted a 1 in 5 chance of getting a c4, for example, maybe give them apples the other 4 times. Just for clarity, the probability settings aren't percentages. They're arbitrary numbers, balanced against each other. That means there no maximum, and no fixed scale. If you set all categories to 0 except for Food 1 Ammunition 9 then the given item will be food one time out of ten. (assuming both categories have an item enabled). Setting Food 1000 and Ammunition 9000 would yield exactly the same result.
  13. Hi, Have you got UseCustomSpawns false by mistake?
  14. @ITSB- Sorry for the delayed response. The attached copy should solve the issue with ScarecrowNPCs. Would you mind confirming? @Perfectangel01- Is your issue still live? If so, could you also try the attached copy, please? Thank you both ^. CustomLoot.cs
  15. Ok, thanks for the info. Looking at Kits data file, it looks like "Name" and "CopyPasteFile" are two different entries. I've never used the CopyPasteFile option - not 100% sure what it does - but I'll have a play with it and see if I can replicate your issue and, if so, what I can do about it.
  16. Strange one! No trouble at all. I'm glad you found the issue but would you mind describing it, incase it happens to others?
  17. Hi, Can you confirm that you're able to redeem kits yourself? If so, have you recently update your kits plugin? What version (and author) are you currently using? Thanks.
  18. Steenamaroo

    Botrespawn Issues v.1

    No trouble. Thanks for sharing your observations. I think everything's sorted. You're quite right - When you attack an npc he'll respond but nearby npcs do not. This is something else I'll be correcting soon. Perhaps not in V1.0.7, but maybe. Using the new factions identifier I was actually hoping to get assists from npcs from other monuments, not just the ones very close to you. If, for example, there was a sniper npc within a few hundred meters of a fight between you and some other npc of the same faction, I'd like that sniper to weigh in.
  19. Hi, I'm looking into this. Thanks for reporting. Did it just come up once or are you seeing it often?
  20. Thanks for the feedback. This is all stuff I worked on for this update. Hopefully, the balance across all weapons should be much better now. There should no longer by any OP weapons. However, I realise that some server owners liked having OP long range weapons or melee weapons, so I've added in options to increase the damage of melee/long range, to allow for that. Bows were never supported but are in the next update, along with a lot of other weapons. Shotguns are now categorised as short-range weapons, because it makes more sense. I've made changes so no npc should use a short range weapon for long range. If the npc doesn't have a bolty or l96, he should start running towards the victim player to get closer, before firing. Bolty/l96, and bows, also have a brief pause-before-fire that they never had before, which should be much more natural, as if they're taking a moment to aim. I've DMd you about testing, before release.
  21. Hi, Entries for all the default monuments on your map are created automatically when you install the plugin. Any custom profiles you'd like to add are added by using the chat command `/botrespawn add SomeNameHere`, which then creates the needed info in the appropriate data file and opens the UI for you to edit that new profile. Almost everything is then customised through UI - The only exceptions are text entry options so, in short, you should only ever need to manually edit json files if you want to add custom text such as custom npc names, or spawn announcements. From a fresh setup the bare minimum you need to do to get spawning npcs /botrespawn - Open the UI Click 'default profiles' Click a monument name Click 'AutoSpawn' true Click reload profile All other customisations, bar noted exceptions, can be made via UI in the same way, but none is essential for getting basic npcs to spawn. Edit : Also note, by default night time spawn amount is zero so either test during the day, or turn that up above zero.
  22. HI, Yes, this idea has been reintroduced in upcoming V1.0.7. In BotSpawn you just had "Attacks_Other_Profiles", which was quite limited. People who wanted that option true had to carefully place certain profiles that they did not want fighting with each other. In the next update of BotReSpawn, each profile will have a single number for 'Faction'. 0 is default. 0 faction npcs won't attack, or be attacked by any other profiles. All the rest, with faction greater than zero, will ignore each other or fight each other, depending on whether their faction numbers are the same or different.
  23. Hey @Rezanow The first is because there's a deaggro duration built in. If there wasn't people could activate/deactivate npcs by just finding that boundary. They should stay locked on to you for around 20 seconds or so, regardless of distance, then ignore you if you're outside their deaggro range. The second - That shouldn't happen any more as of the next version. (1.0.7) I've put a bit of work into their targeting and made some improvements there. Thanks for pointing these out!
  24. Hi, Honestly, I don't know much at all about map making but I'm open to making changes to help with this. I'll talk to a few people and see if there's something we can do.


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