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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Timers are in minutes so your 1800 setting would be keeping them alive for over a day. Set it to 30 and that should solve the problem.
  2. There's already a command there although it's behind a player haspermission/isadmin check. I could make that work from console, for sure, if it's useful.
  3. To be honest that's probably easier ^. I'll take a look at that fairly soon. Thanks!
  4. Must have missed this, way back when. There's no option at present to have multiple complete databases, but you can take leaderboard snapshots, which save the #1 player for each category. This is really only useful via SQL or manual file reference, as it's not viewable in UI. In future maybe I could save historical copies, at wipe, and allow admin to view that via UI.
  5. @[email protected] You can 100% ignore this until the next version. It's of no consequence at all, but thank you for reporting it.
  6. Both are fixed at my end. The fix will be in the next public updates for BotReSpawn and RustRewards. The error's inconsequential, apart from taking up space in your console, so you can safely ignore until then.
  7. @pookins- You're quite right. The locked crate duration is in minutes.
  8. The reply you've quoted was to someone else, with a different issue. You're having trouble getting airdrop npcs to spawn? Open the UI and go to default profiles > airdrop, Then make sure that AutoSpawn is set to true and that day + night spawn amounts are greater than zero, then click to reload the profile. Once that's done npcs should spawn at your server-called airdrops, as long as the crate falls on suitable terrain. If, for example, the crate fell at sea or on an oilrig or something, the npcs wouldn't spawn, but anywhere on open terrain should be fine. Whether or not they spawn for player-called supply drops (using supply grenade) is governed by the global setting - Supply_Enabled.
  9. Yup, same issue - same fix. Thanks @BetterDeadThanZed Glad this was something so simple, because i've looked at these a few times and not seen the problem. Good to get them all sorted.
  10. Yup, that's exactly what it is. The error's coming from BotReSpawn's call to give a reward for killing an npc from a specific profile. It's trying to give the reward to an npc, and the error is coming from trying to look up that npc's notification preferences which, of course, it doesn't have. Easy fix - It'll be included in the next BotReSpawn update. Thanks for the additional info - That was really helpful!
  11. Ooh, that's helpful! I bet it's trying to give a reward to an npc or something dumb like that. Thank you, @T-Nuts
  12. My pleasure! Hope you enjoy the plugin.
  13. Hi, I think if you have the admin priv then you bypass all checks except for the config option "DisableMapForAll", which is true by default. Any chance that's true?
  14. Steenamaroo

    getting error

    Hi, Thanks for reporting. You can 100% ignore that - There's no consequence and it's squashed in the next update.
  15. Steenamaroo

    Firebase Integration

    Interesting. Thanks for the information! I've got quite a lot on at the moment, but I'll definitely make a note and take a look at this some time soon.
  16. Steenamaroo

    Firebase Integration

    Hi, Are you aware of other plugins doing this? It's not something I know about, or have seen before in plugins, but if it's possible and people use it I'd certainly take a look.
  17. @CovfefeI haven't had any other reports or seen any issues, so far. Suicide_Timer is the one which governs npcs in triggered events, like airdrop, and the timer is in minutes. Do you have it set very high, to keep them alive for longer?
  18. Steenamaroo


    I removed the .cs file from your post @Knusperkeks Please be careful!
  19. Hi, That was on my to-do list. It's now on my done list. Thanks.
  20. Consider it done in next update. Thanks, Kevin.
  21. Hi, Thanks for reporting. This has been found and handled but thanks none the less. It's inconsequential so you can completely ignore it - There's no need to reload the plugin.
  22. I think I have a solution. Sending DM now.
  23. Thanks for that! Much appreciated. I've confirmed that collision is all working OK, and the MoveToContainer code is getting called. Looks like it's returning true, like it worked, but not working. I'll keep digging.
  24. Confirmed - Something's definitely changed and the items aren't making it into the player belt. Haven't quite figured out why but when I do I'll update the plugin. Thanks for flagging this!
  25. Hi Grimm530, That new option is there because BotReSpawn turns off any profiles (when map changes) which don't have a parent monument, because the locations of those would no longer make any sense. Someone pointed out that people set up their maps + data in advance, or even reuse the same map over and over, so I added that new option to allow you to prevent BotReSpawn from auto-disabling these profiles. Nothing should be deleted, though. When you say it wipes all three files, how do you mean?


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