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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi, BotReSpawn does create and manually add a skull to the corpse dispenser. It may be that doing this is no longer necessary. I'll check and let you know. Thanks for reporting!
  2. Damn. Sorry about this. I'll make it a priority to stop that being possible.
  3. Hi, Would you mind checking your config file to make sure it's intact? MalS had unusual errors too and it turned out his config file was null. I thought I'd prevented that being possible but I guess not. I'll be looking into it more.
  4. My pleasure! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any other questions.
  5. Hi, Yes, that's right. I initially set it that any profiles with custom spawn points but no parent monument would be automatically set to false after a wipe, because after a map change those spawnpoints would no longer be correct, but it was pointed out that some people do their setups in advance on a test server, or reuse the same map over and over, so wouldn't necessarily want that to happen. In response, I've added Disable_Non_Parented_Custom_Profiles_After_Wipe: true/false to the global config. If you're up to date you can set that option to false in your global config, and it won't happen in future. Thanks for raising it.
  6. Ah, great. Sounds like that's the solution then. "now they move, but only shoot, when i shoot at them" This is how they work if peacekeeper is true. You can toggle peacekeeper true/false in the UI, per profile.
  7. It should but it would be best to confirm, if you wouldn't mind.. The people who have reported similar issues all had one of these values set incorrectly, except one guy who said "i figured it out. animal AI has to be enabled in rust admin"
  8. It's just BotReSpawn trying to spawn npcs at the hackable crates which spawn by default when the server is being set up but that's too early - BotReSpawn itself isn't properly set up yet. I've fixed it for next version but it's totally safe to ignore until then. Thanks folks.
  9. also, please confirm that you have nav_wait true and nav_disable false
  10. Hi, I'm sorry to hear that. A few people have had similar issues over the last few weeks but they were all down to server settings in the end, I believe. Could you confirm that ai.think is true on your server? If you're not sure, type ai.think into console and it'll return True or False.
  11. Hey, Yeah, this doesn't work 'cos I'm a dumbass. It's fixed now but there won't be another update for a little bit. I'll DM you the fix, for now.
  12. All good. It's been reported and dealt with, but thank you very much for letting me know. If it's only showing during initial server boot, which should be the case, then you can safely ignore it.
  13. Steenamaroo

    Bots near Safe Zones

    Ha! Ok, thanks for the info. I'll be looking into these soon.
  14. Ok, great. Thanks for that info.
  15. Do you know is it during server boot before you can even join the server? If so I know what it is, and you can safely ignore it until I squash it in the next update. Thank you for reporting!
  16. Hi, I don't have an eta but it is on the immediate to-do list. The majority of things in updates so far have been bug fixes or adding things which should have been there at the start. Things seem pretty smooth right now, (hope forced wipe goes well!!) so hopefully I can turn attention more to new features moving forward.
  17. Steenamaroo

    Bots near Safe Zones

    Hi Rezanow, Right now the only targeting option that might cover that is Turret_Safe. If setting Turret_Safe to false doesn't allow the behaviour you're looking for, I'll look into it in the near future. There are a few targeting things I need to look into and add options for so this is definitely on the near-term todo list.
  18. Hi, API to add new categories isn't likely to happen, because the data structure is fixed for local + SQL storage, but if Easy Vote is popular and the data is easy to access, I'd be open to adding a category for it.
  19. Hi, I talked to a few mappers about this this month. Unfortunately the issue isn't so much finding the monument as it is getting the rotation of the monument. I don't think there's a way to do that, at present, which means if I auto-detect your custom monuments and you add custom spawn points to those profiles, then you have the same monument on your next map but rotated slightly, the custom spawnpoints won't be where you expect them to be. If there is a way to get rotation of a custom monument then I'd love to add auto-detect+migrate for them, but I don't think there is right now.
  20. Hi, Thanks for reporting this. I tested in the server console but not Rcon. I'll get on this today and see what the issue is.
  21. Steenamaroo


    It's an automated thing, because I never formally marked the post as pending or solved or whatever. If there's no assigned status, by me, then that bot closes them after a month.
  22. Steenamaroo


    I just fired up a map with excavator and checked. NPCKits is definitely kitting out the guys who are running around on the excavator - about 20 of them. I don't see any npcs around the excavator, on terrain. Maybe those are coming from BotReSpawn, or npc spawners on your map?
  23. Steenamaroo


    Actually, scratch that - Desert guys are scientistnpc_roamtethered. As far as I know NPCKits shouldn't be affecting any scientistnpc_roam right now, as I don't think they spawn anywhere by default.
  24. Steenamaroo


    "The other ScientistNPC_roam I found are associated with a custom monument on my custom map." Ah, ok. That would make sense. The only scientistnpc_roam I'm aware of, 'in the wild', are DesertScientists. I don't pick up Scientistnpc_roam by prefab name so I guess that profile should not affect these npcs you've found.
  25. Steenamaroo


    Don't worry about it. I lose track myself. I did wonder if they might be BotReSpawn npcs, but I'm firing up a map with a lot of monuments just to make sure. I'll double-check excavator while I'm there.


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