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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi, Thanks for the feedback. Death notes is probably out of my control I'm afraid but the rest I can look at. BotSpawn used a different prefab for murderer/scientist. The murderer + scientist prefabs, funny enough. BotReSpawn uses the same scientist prefab for everything, with the only difference being that npcs who only have melee weapons get modded to be less smart and more aggressive, just running at you and swinging. A few people have mentioned the fact that all corpses all have the same loot so that is one thing I intend to look at. The other is I think I can bring back in the murderer huffing and puffing, so my plan would be, rather than having a "murderer: true/false" option, I'd probably just give each profile a 'huff and puff' true/false, and a click-to-select for default loot type. I haven't actually looked into it properly yet but my hope would be that you could select from crates/corpses which exist in game and choose one of those as the loot you'll see on your npc's corpse. At present I think FacePunch's Scarecrow class is probably a placeholder - I don't think it uses weapons or has a completed AI but if they do something cool with it it's possible I could just integrate that, which which case we would just have Scarecrow true:false.
  2. Steenamaroo

    API Non Null

    That's great to know. Thanks for updating.
  3. Hi, To the best of my knowledge all of these issues are resolved now. The current public version is V1.0.5 - You should grab that. If you saw an error relating to Unload() method, it's possible you may have some npcs on your map which BotSpawn failed to destroy. It was a pretty rare issue but I did get reports from one or two people about it. Those npcs would be 'rogue' - No longer subject to BotReSpawn control so it's possible you'd continue to see errors or issues relating to those npcs while they are still alive, even after updating the plugin. Once they're all dead, or after your next scheduled server restart, all should be fine. Sorry for any inconvenience with this.
  4. Oh, I see...This is a custom version of the Airfield? In that case, BotReSpawn won't pick it up - You'd have to just add a custom profile with the chat command, I'm afraid. I'm not sure if there's a way to detect these custom locations by their map markers or not but, even if there is, I doubt there's a way to detect their rotation, which is essential for the auto-migration of custom spawn points at map change. That would mean, at best, I could find that monument and offer it as a default location, but any custom spawn points would need re-done any time the map changes, but that monument is on both maps. Not sure if that's a big deal or not - I'll look into it, either way.
  5. Hi, No, there's nothing formal right now, although most of the customising is done via UI. Is there anything specific you're having trouble with?
  6. Hi, No, copying and pasting things is unlikely to work. You need to use the chat commands - /botrespawn add "Abandoned Airfield" Do this at the Airfield, so the profile is stored in the correct place. After that the UI will open at your new custom profile - Go to the 'other' tab and set Parent Monument to the Airfield. Once done, this profile will always be at the Airfield, even after map changes, as long as there is an Airfield.
  7. Hi, I'll take some time and have a look around these areas. Custom spawn point npcs should spawn and move around as long as there's navmesh, but I've no idea if these areas have navmesh or not. I think I remember the train tunnels having it but I'm not 100% certain so, as I say, I'll check and see. Thanks for asking.
  8. @BetterDeadThanZed@pookins The actual names of your kits are never used. The update synchronises the kits you specify with the botnames you specify, if possible, the same as BotSpawn did, So if you have three kits listed and three names listed, kit 1 will always be paired up with npc name 1. @Tofu Ninja- Yes, you can add custom profiles but keep UseCustomSpawns false, and BotReSpawn will just find suitable random spawn points near that profile. @KingSizeKevin Glad things are going well. Thanks for the comments, and patience this last few weeks. I'll be adding events relating to patrol heli and CH - I can certainly look into the possibility of augmenting the CargoShip compliment. Thanks for the suggestion. @JagsterWintermute- I remember your BotSpawn review! Thank you for the support.
  9. Steenamaroo

    Auto fill MigrationData?

    Hi, Glad that initial change worked, at least. The way spawnpoints and custom locations are stored relative to monuments did change at some point, because for a long time custom spawn points did not migrate - Just the centre location of custom profiles. I think I used to store custom spawn points as real world positions, then also store the required information to relocate those positions to where the user wanted them, whereas now I actually store the custom spawn points as relative positions, which means there must be a valid parent monument before adding custom spawn points. I'd need to look into it tonight, to make sure, but I think that means you'd need to A: be storing the custom spawnpoints as positions relative to the monument and B: You'd need to store the rotation of the monument in offset data. Off the top of my head I think monument rotation is the only thing needed in migration data, for custom spawnpoints. I'm not sure if that renders your tool useless or not but if you want to get me on discord we can talk it through when I'm home (6 hours or so).
  10. Sure. I didn't realise that wasn't possible. I'm out all day but I'll rectify it tonight. Thanks for letting me know!
  11. Oh, wow. You're quite right. I don't recall implementing withdraw/takepoints if value is less than zero. That may be MalS' original code. That makes life much easier. I can add Suicide (and/or others) quite easily, and just allow for setting negative values with the UI. Thanks for the info!
  12. Steenamaroo

    Drop Weapon Percent

    Ah, phew. Glad to hear it. Thanks for confirming.
  13. Steenamaroo


    My pleasure! Sorry it took so long - It's been an unusually busy couple of weeks. Thanks for understanding.
  14. Steenamaroo

    Drop Weapon Percent

    Ooh, just re-reading this - Are you saying you can't set any of the percentage values to zero via UI? You should be able to - if 5 is the lowest possible this is a mistake.
  15. Steenamaroo

    Drop Weapon Percent

    Hi, Yes, I made the UI go in increments of 5 for percentage settings for convenience, but if someone manually changed the value to any whole number, 0-100 inclusive, it'd work just fine. Has to be a whole number, though. Decimals would cause an error loading the json file.
  16. Glad that sorted it - Will definitely be looking into the names thing in the near future. Thanks for all the info on that.
  17. @Jaws@Baron Von Finchus Sorted now in V1.1.7 Thanks fellas.
  18. What the heck? I didn't change anything relating to the data structure. Just just compared v1.1.5 + 1.1.6 in editor to make sure nothing got changed by mistake but it's all good. Would you mind throwing in 1.1.6 again to see if it was some weird coincidence?
  19. Ok, thanks. I don't think I could have it listed as a separate item easily, but you can already specify custom skins so I guess I could have a means of adding custom skin/name records, that way if battery.small with skin 2598774373 is chosen, it would apply the name. That do?
  20. Hi, That might be a little trickier than it sounds, because CustomLoot automatically changes to be in sync with Rusts current item list. What all is entailed? These are regular items but re-skinned and renamed?
  21. Whales? This came up with someone else - I suspect maybe a translation issue. Do you mean Kits? If so, BotReSpawn uses "GetAllKits" or "GetKitNames", API (either), and "GetKitInfo" API. Any Kits plugin supporting that API should work, but it's only tested and guaranteed to work with Kits from uMod.
  22. Hi, I'll take a look at that, but I'd need to add a way of deducting Economics/Server Rewards, which isn't currently in place. The "default" permission is there for applying multipliers to people who are in groups. Your server has a 'default' group, so you could use RustRewards to give a points multiplier to anyone in that group. It's useful for VIP groups, or rank/progress groups, and that kind of thing.
  23. Ok, thank you. I think I see where the issue is and have patched accordingly. Thank you for pointing this out!
  24. Hi, The only one I haven't checked so far is the Military Tunnel npcs. Planning to do that, and release an update, today.
  25. I've had a couple of reports of config file issues resulting in seemingly random errors. I need to look into what happens if there's a config mistake, and ensure that the data isn't wiped or left null, as I think that's what's happening. Might be unrelated, but would you mind checking your RustRewards config and data files, to confirm their not null, and/or to confirm they're valid? https://www.jsonlint.com is really useful for that.


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