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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    To clarivey all Timers !

    Hi, Yes, all the timers are in minutes in BotReSpawn.
  2. Steenamaroo

    Send to player not working

    As I just found out myself. Thank you for flagging this. It's now fixed and will be in the next update, today.
  3. Hi @Solarix Thank you for the report. Do you have the global option for Supply_Enabled set to true - This option would mean Airdrop profile gets spawned every time a user calls in a plane via supply signal. If not, I'll have a dig and see if I can find anything. The CH47 profile isn't hooked up yet, I'm afraid. I didn't actually mean to make that visible in the public release, so it's coming soon.
  4. Steenamaroo

    Hackable Crate?

    Hi, I didn't actually mean to make the CH47 profile visible in the public release - It got through the cracks. It will be hooked up in the very near future, though. Thank you for reporting it.
  5. Hi, This isn't something I've seen happen on my server, or had reported. Is there any chance you have a plugin that might kill npcs for being too far away from navmesh, or anything like that? I know there were a few patches/fixes floating around, to try to prevent issues with some of the vanilla npcs spawning off-nav, and causing console spam. If this isn't the case, please let me know and i'll do some more digging. Thank you for the report.
  6. Oh, this worked in BotSpawn 2.1.2? I don't think I was aware of that. Yes, I plan to have some kind of protection against them being run over in the next update. Thank you for flagging it!
  7. Hi, This is something I hadn't considered - That people may have liked the old murderer prefab's loottable. At present there's no in-built option to customise what loottable is used, but I intend to look into it and see if I can offer some of Rust's defaults as options. Maybe different loot crate contents, or something. My CustomLoot plugin does allow you to create completely custom loot tables which will apply to all BotReSpawn npcs, or, alternatively, can apply on a per-profile bases (custom table for every profile), but, admittedly, it is a little complex to set up at first. If you want to try CustomLoot feel free to get in Codefling discord or my discord for live support, should you need it. If not, I'd hope BotReSpawn might have some in-built alternatives in the near future.
  8. DM me, please. You're on pre-release.
  9. Hi, For now there isn't really control of this in BotReSpawn, but there will be. Ideally I'd like to have control for whether or not they attack each other, other profiles and ZombieHorde
  10. Hi, I still need to go through CustomLoot and NPCKits to see what's what, after the Thursday update. Normally I'd be much quicker but with the release of BotReSpawn I have a lot of support requests that I don't want to leave hanging. Things are settling and I anticipate getting a good look at NPCKits and CustomLoot very soon. Just on the offchance that you mean they are getting custom loot *and* regular vanilla loot, there is an option per CustomLoot profile to 'ClearContainerFirst' which would solve the problem. If they're not getting CustomLoot at all then that's just something I need to fix. Thank you for letting me know!
  11. Steenamaroo

    Console errors

    Hi, I'm not sure what that is but I don't think it would be related to CustomLoot. That's related to the in-game RF/radio items, somehow?
  12. Hi, Not yet -I dmd a copy to the other guys seeing this, to get confirmation of fix before updating. Seems good so far. Public update to follow today.
  13. A few people have mentioned setting very high numbers and wanting bigger increments. Thanks for bringing it up - I might place 5/10/50/100 buttons to let users choose their increment on the fly!
  14. Thanks for letting me know. Got a lot of BotReSpawn stuff coming in, as you can imagine, but I'll get back to this pretty soon.
  15. All good to know. Once I get the initial kinks all ironed out, I'll be looking into this.
  16. Steenamaroo

    Default Profiles UI

    Oof, wow. I didn't anticipate that. Consider it noted - It'll be sorted it the next update. Thank you.
  17. Some of these other weapons are unpredictable and can cause errors, so I want to make sure I've implemented them properly, and tested thoroughly, before allowing/recommending them. It's going to be fun, though, if they're running around shooting rockets!!
  18. Steenamaroo

    1.0.3 Current Problems

    Hi, 1: Do you know that Remove_BackPacks_Percent is a global option? I think you might have it set to true. 2: I've been working on this all night. I believe I have the timing sorted and that'll be in the next update. 3: There's no exemption for L96 or other weapons, but I think the scaling is slightly different to how it was in BotSpawn. 50% would be considered normal, to allow room to decrease and increase. I always tried to avoid making people wait for features and especially fixes, but now that the plugin is paid you're right, there's a responsibility - That's very important to me. "Thank you so much for keeping the best plugins of all time in Rust." My pleasure! Thank you for the kind words. If any of these questions aren't solved (barring 2: which will be in the next update), please just let me know here!
  19. I've been working on this tonight @Baron Von Finchus Think I've solved it. Thanks for reporting it to me.
  20. Steenamaroo

    Bots spawn delayed

    Working on it right now - Thanks for the support, @Venedas
  21. I'm not being facetious but while you're in, compare old to new. It's a rewrite.
  22. Steenamaroo

    Wipes Server

    I can imagine - Apologies, again!
  23. Hi, That sounds correct. My CustomLoot plugin allows you to have a customised loottable for BotReSpawn npcs all as one, or on a per-profile bases, but admittedly it's not the most user friendly of plugins to set up. I'll investigate if it's possible to call in other Rust default options in the near future.
  24. I'm looking into this as we speak. Thank you for reporting!
  25. Hi, That's for internal use. You can ignore it.


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