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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    Guarded crate inclusion

    Ah, I see. Ok. Just fyi there is still a Scarecrow type in game, although I don't think it does much right now, but the option will be left in NPCKits+CustomLoot. It *should* re-add itself, if you deleted it. About the guarded crate npcs - Who makes that plugin - Is that Krungh?
  2. Hi there, CustomLoot doesn't spawn in any crates or barrels - It's just fills the ones which already exist. Hopefully someone else might know something and be able to help, but I'm afraid it's not a CustomLoot thing.
  3. Steenamaroo

    Failed to run 1.00 timer

    No trouble, Glad you found the problem.
  4. Steenamaroo

    Failed to run 1.00 timer

    Hi, Json.Serialization error suggests that something is wrong in one of the data files. https://jsonlint.com is very useful for checking json validity or, if that doesn't help, you can attach here or DM it to me and I'll find what's wrong.
  5. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Some of the npcs types do need changed but I just tested Scarecrow and it seems to be working fine. Just make sure that you have "Default_Rust_Loot_Percent": 0 if you want to prevent the Rust loot from being in the corpse, and "Wipe_Main_Inventory_Percent": 100, if you want the plugin to remove items placed in main by a kit, or other loot plugin.
  6. Steenamaroo

    Team reward

    Hi, Sorry this didn't get a response - Thanks for taking the time to write your idea. I've never really thought about a feature like that but I don't think it would be particularly hard to implement. I'll have a think about it and see what I can do!
  7. Great! It would, of course, be nicer to make the npcs walk around the thing, which I might do in future versions, but it's good to know APC isn't killing them now. Thanks for checking, and letting me know.
  8. Sorry for the failure to reply here - Been quite a week. For anyone reading, the update last Thursday should have solved this.
  9. Looking at this now - Pinged you in CF discord.
  10. Hi, Sorry it took a while to get testing this. I just took a look and I'm getting rewards for both kill types. I tested CH47, APC, and Patrol Heli, and each of them worked fine. Is it possible you have some multiplier set to 0, cancelling out the reward? Maybe a weapon multiplier, or zone?
  11. Steenamaroo

    does not credit

    It does auto-change the setting to scrap if Economics+ServerRewards aren't loaded. Could that be it? To be honest I think I'm going to change that - It's a pain. I think people would prefer no rewards and a warning in console, than scrap being given out and having to change the setting back.
  12. Steenamaroo


    Looks like it's just a name change. I'm flicking through now to test as many as I can.
  13. No, it's much easier than that. Just do `/botrespawn add *profilename*` and then the UI will pop up at your new profile, ready for customising. From there you can add kits, spawnpoints, or change almost all of the settings, right in the UI.
  14. Hi PapaNo, There are some areas where BotReSpawn can't find random spawn points, due to them being tunnels/underwater/underground. The current system of finding random spawn points doesn't work like that, but I do hope to add something different for these particular monuments in the future. For now, you can place some custom spawn points in those areas if you'd like BotReSpawn npcs there.
  15. Hi T-Nuts, There are some options which users can override per spawnpoint, meaning those settings apply only to that one spawn point, but the spawning of a hackable crate isn't one of them. If you want a single npc to spawn a hackable crate on death, you'd need to create a custom profile for that one npc and enable the hackable crate option.
  16. Steenamaroo

    Guarded crate inclusion

    Hi Pookins, I'm not sure I follow. You should have a global config option called `corpseTypePerBotReSpawnProfile`. If that's false you should have one main config entry for BotReSpawn, and if it's true you should have a main config entry for each and every BotReSpawn profile. Is that not what you're seeing? Thanks!
  17. Steenamaroo

    does not credit

    Hi Pinky, Has the server currency setting changed? Out of Economics, Scrap, or SR, only one should be true. I had a few reports of the currency changing or resetting, which I'll be looking into.
  18. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Thanks for reporting. Yes - This is solved. Trying to space out updates a little so as not to spam but, yes, this is fixed. I'll be pushing the fix, with some other additions, but I'll DM you what I have right.
  19. Hi, Thanks for the follow up information. That's interesting - Those guys should not respawn at all. I did make some changes to how respawn works, mostly to make timing more predictable, in V1.04, and did a fair bit of testing including "toplayer" and AirDrop. I think any issues there should be solved now but if you're finding that's not the case please let me know!
  20. I believe any issues with AirDrop event overspawning should now be resolved in the current public version, which is V1.0.4. If it's still an issue, or you notice anything else at all, please don't hesitate to let me know.
  21. I had a few requests to change the increments system because a lot of people set health of several thousands and going up in tens was a bit of a nightmare. The current solution is to go up in tens to 100, 20s to , 20s to 300, 50s to 500, then hundreds thereafter. It seemed like a nicer solution than having to choose your increment, or having multiple buttons for +10+20+50 etc. I suppose I could make it go up in tens until 200...
  22. Thanks for all the good info. If it's 1 npc vs a specific player, then that's easier to track down. I do crank the aggro range through the roof if someone snipes an npc, so that the npc can lock on and defend. Perhaps player A has sniped an npc, upping his aggro range, then later that same npc has locked on to some one else in line of sight, but far away. if that turns out to be the case, I'll improve it.
  23. Hi, What plugin is being reported as having an update? As UpdatesChecker works on names, it's possible to have a plugin from another site, with the same name as one from Codefling, then get erroneous messages. If, for example, you had a Kits.cs from uMod, our UpdatesChecker might tell you an update is available because there's a Kits.cs on Codefling. If this is the case, I'd recommend adding the plugin name to the config block list, so you're no longer notified for it.
  24. Alright, thanks. I'll do some testing over here but so far all looks well. I have a custom profile, 1 custom spawn point, peacekeeper false, and aggro/deaggro at 10. I'm standing pretty close to him and being ignored. Once I hit him he doesn't care how far away I am, as it was in BotSpawn. I don't suppose those 5 players are cheeky snipers?
  25. Thanks for the additional info. If it's a rare case then it's most likely a player who aggrod the npc then ran/drove/flew/teleported away. The npc giving up does work on deaggro range, but it also requires a break in line of sight, to make the npcs seem a little less stupid, and to stop people 'glitching' the threshold.


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