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Everything posted by Steenamaroo
Thanks so much for that. I totally understand both sides - A lot of people are frustrated about issues which slipped through in the rush to get this live ASAP, and they're entitled to be - I understand that. A huge number of people have been tremendously supportive too, and some people have been both! I appreciate the kind words and support. If you have any issues at all, don't hesitate to let me know.
Hi, Thank you for reporting. This is the outstanding rare-ish issue that I spotted about 10 mins after the last public update. Very few people seem to be getting it so I'm DMing you the fix right now.
Hi, Yes, you are correct - The option means that 50% of npcs would have full loot, rather than all npcs having half loot. it might be difficult to change now, as the current functionality is known and established, but maybe I can add an additional option in future? Yes - All of the npcs spawned by BotReSpawn are of the same kind - They're a kind of scientist. If they're given melee weapons only they will use a 'dumb' AI and just run at you and swing wildly, a bit like the old murderers did, but they are scientists under the hood. I've had a few people asking about this, as it affects the kind of default server loot which is given out. I'm hoping to look into that and see if I can offer other options - maybe the option to change the loot to what you would get from some crate, for example.
Hi, I've found the difference. It looks like timing changes I made mean that the data file are not re-saved after the initial setup. They would get set eventually, but not right after initial setup. I don't really understand why the changes, despite not being committed to file straight away, aren't coming into effect on the live server, but certainly changing the timing/setup procedure can make the files auto-save after setup again, as would have been the case in BotSpawn. I'll make sure this is in the next update. If you need it sooner DM back to let me know and I'll send you pre-patched copy.
Hi there, In BotSpawn a lot of people said that the item naming convention I used wasn't the easiest, or most suitable. BotReSpawn accepts the item shortname, which should be much easier to find. https://www.corrosionhour.com/rust-item-list/ In your example, you'd want "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": ["rifle.l96","rifle.bolt","rocket.launcher"],
Pookins, Thank you, and apologies. I'm DMing you right now.
Custom Profiles falsly overwrite Default Info
Steenamaroo replied to Hakkai's Support Request in Support
Ok, I see. No, this is fine. The health for the profile is stored in the CustomProfiles.json. What you're seeing there, stored with your spawnpoint, is a set of override options for that specific spawnpoint. This allows you to have a specific npc stand out from the rest, with a different kit or more health, for example. These are disabled by default, and you can enable them via the UI by clicking 'Edit Overrides' for that spawnpoint, in the "Edit spawnpoints" menu. -
Hi again, I'm just looking at the code here - This is one of the few areas that has barely changed from BotSpawn. As far as I can see it should autopopulate migration data for any new profile that has a valid Parent_Monument and no migration data to go with it. That, actually, was always the expectation, because users would have been adding Parent_Monument in json then reloading. One thing that has changed, though, is that any existing custom spawn points for a profile are deleted if Parent_Monument is added, or changed, because those existing spawn points would no longer make sense. Obviously if you're prepping ahead they do but in real use when people have added custom spawn points, then added Parent_Monument, those existing points get relocated and would be somewhere you don't want them. Anyway - If I've misunderstood, or it's not doing what I think it should do, let me know. Feel free to get me on discord, if you use it.
Custom Profiles falsly overwrite Default Info
Steenamaroo replied to Hakkai's Support Request in Support
Hi, I'm afraid I don't understand what you're describing, however I did see your post before the edit and the suggestion you made makes a lot of sense. I intend to add a 'clone from' option, to copy all values from one profile to another, which might be a good solution. -
Hi - Yes, I might be able to do that. I'll take a look shortly, then get back to you.
Just so I know, what would be the total number of npcs you'd have on average? You can do bot.count in console to find out.
Hi, The upper end of performance isn't something I know a lot about - I relied on the 'power users' with top hardware to let me know how BotSpawn performed. I'd have expected performance to be better than BotSpawn, in terms of how the plugin is written, but the AI is totally different to what BotSpawn used and much smarter. I do intend to find out if I can have the npcs 'sleep' when there's no one around to see them. The old npcs in BotSpawn were subject to the ai_dormant server setting, where it seems these new ones are not. I expect that would help on many servers. I'll have a think, and a look, to see if there's anything else I can do to improve it. Thank you for the message!
Just purchased, booted up server and....
Steenamaroo replied to JessieJane's Support Request in Support
@JessieJane- Please accept my apologies - I don't know how I missed these follow-up questions. I *think* I've replied to every single support request but these last message slipped through, possibly because the original request was resolved. With peacekeeper false and aggro range 30 you're right - They should certainly be shooting. If this is still an open issue with V1.0.4, please let me know and, if possible, please let me know what weapons the npcs would have been using or, better yet, send your kits data file and the name of the kit they were wearing. For the substations and harbours questions - There is a 'Show all profiles' button in the UI to make it easy to differentiate between similar ones, and duplicate ones. I recommend flying up in the air a bit first, as it makes it easier to see what's what. You say "there aren't enough gas stations, supermarkets...for what I have on my map." Are you saying that some of the monuments you have on your map aren't automatically showing up under 'default monuments' in UI? Copying and pasting as you describe wouldn't work, as there's more to it behind the scenes, but certainly creating custom profiles at those locations would. However...you shouldn't have to - If these are default monuments, and there's less than 10 of them, they should be auto-listed. If this is an open issue and you'd be willing to share your map seed, or link, I'd like to load it up and get this sorted. -
Hi, That's an internal-use value. You never have to change that yourself. My pleasure. Thank you very much!
Heavy Scientists and Excavator scientists fail to have loot customized
Steenamaroo replied to ChogChey's Support Request in Support
Ok, that's great to know. Thanks again for the info. -
Good idea - Thank you.
DM sent - Thank you!
That's a good approach. Thanks for that. I think I'm going to make the increment adjust dynamically, for example if the value is 80 and click up, it goes up 10, but if the value's over, say, 300, maybe it goes up in 50s, and up in hundreds if it's over 500. That, along with an option to create a new profile by cloning an existing one, should help to keep a lot of people in the UI.
NPCs with meele weapons stand still and dont roaming
Steenamaroo replied to dIMjIM's Support Request in Support
Found and solved - Thank you very much for identifying this. I'm planning to update later today - That update will include this fix. -
Hi Pookins. This is addressed in the update I'll be releasing later today. Thank for your reporting it.
NPCs with meele weapons stand still and dont roaming
Steenamaroo replied to dIMjIM's Support Request in Support
Hi, Thank you for reporting. I'm looking into it right now. -
Ah, yes, of course. Setting the suicide timer to 0 would result in almost instant death. The explains it. With regard to seeing one or two missing, on occasion, that's most likely just down to the terrain in the surrounding area and failure to find suitable spawnpoints. Whether or not there is suitable terrain is, of course, just luck, because the position of the supply drop could be anywhere. You can improve the odds a bit by increase the AirDrop profile's spawn radius, but it's probably fair enough if it's a couple of npcs short, once in a while. Thanks for following up with detailed info!