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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi @Jacob Rain Are you finding BotReSpawn npcs fight eachother within safe zones? If so, that's unintentional - I'll take a look at it soon and stop that from happening.
  2. Steenamaroo

    Output to discord

    Hey, I hadn't really thought about it but, yeah, I'm sure I could do that. When you say leaderboards, what data, or options, would you be wanting specifically?
  3. Steenamaroo

    Call To Position?

    I'll see what I can do.
  4. Steenamaroo

    Call To Position?

    Hi, It's not an option in the plugin right now, but it's something I could add in no problem. I'll take a look at that soon. Thanks for the suggestion!
  5. Steenamaroo

    Headshots changes

    That shouldn't be the case, no. It never was before but perhaps something's changed? if you're seeing a kill contribute to both PVPKills and PVEKills, I'll get a look at it soon and find out what's happened. Thank you!
  6. Glad you got sorted. Yeah, you can add as many or as few spawnpoints as you want, but that doesn't relate to the number of npcs you actually want to spawn. If you create 'too many' spawnpoints, then you have randomisation - Less predictable for players. If you create too few spots, then BotReSpawn uses them all then spawns the remaining required npcs at randomly found spots around the area.
  7. Hi, Factions: Yes, that's right. The idea is that npcs who share a faction, or subfaction, will not fight each other. Having two layers like that is just to allow for more complex group relationships. Reactions: Yeah, that's something I really need to get sorted soon, especially with the factions thing in place. The opens up the idea of not only having nearby npcs respond, but also npcs from farther afield could get involved in defence of an ally. I think it would be particularly good if npcs positioned as snipers were smart enough to pick up on fights between players and their npc allys, providing sniper support!
  8. Steenamaroo

    Bots Aim overkill

    Hi, There are already some options for this. Each profile has a Bot_Accuracy_Percent that you can adjust lower for lower accuracy, then behind the scenes that accuracy setting is rolled off even lower over longer ranges. If you were to set accuracy at 50 so the npc can hit you with exactly half of his shots, he'll actually hit you with fewer than that if you're, say, three or four hundred units of distance away.
  9. Hi @Jacob Rain You're quite right - I put in hardcoded protection from fire in a recent update because npcs using flamethrowers died very quickly due to the fire on the terrain. I don't think there's a way for me to know whose fire is whose so I think it's an all or nothing option, but I'll make Fire_Safe an option per-profile in future versions.
  10. Steenamaroo


    Hi, When you reload CustomLoot do you see an error or warning printed in console, telling you there's an issue with some loottable?
  11. Hi @Lei_Wong The different configurations thing sort of exists. If you change Data_Prefix in the config file, (it's usually "default"), then new files with new names, using that prefix, are created. That was to allow people to have multiple sets of data files, maybe for different maps, and switch to them reasonably easily without having to copy+paste and rename files. That functionality was created pre-UI, though, so fair comment...A UI solution for easily saving and recalling different setups would be great. Putting BotReSpawn guys on the cargo ship is a little more complicated than in most other places, but it is in the longer term plan. If I get it done I'd cover all the vanilla npc areas - CargoShip, Excavator, OilRig, etc.
  12. Give this a bash? Each loottable should now have a Spawn_Vanilla_Scrap option which you can set to true. You'll still need to have the probabilities set up so scrap spawns, or add it to the Always_Spawn_List. CustomLoot.cs
  13. I think I understand. Basically you want CustomLoot to have an option to put vanilla scrap amounts in containers, instead of you specifying some other amount? If that's what it is then yeah, I think we do do that.
  14. Sorry mate, I don't understand. Can you clarify?
  15. Steenamaroo

    player ranks

    Everything looks fine there. To be honest, I'm not aware of any issue with it, and someone else asked the same question recently but they had useTimedTopList false and setting it true fixed it, so I'm thinking maybe it's a conflicting plugin...something that handles chat output, maybe? If you have the luxury it might be worth unloading all plugins (o.unload *) then reloading PlayerRanks alone, to see if it works then.
  16. Steenamaroo

    player ranks

    HI @killachris In the config options have you got useTimedTopList set to true? If so, under categories in the config, have you got some categories enabled?
  17. Steenamaroo

    Headshots changes

    Hi, Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Note made. Thank you!
  18. Glad it turned out to be something simple. Thanks for letting me know.
  19. I see the issue. Looks like you've changed "type" for a bunch of profiles. From overview - "Type" is an internal use variable - Users should not change this option. Regular monuments should be 0, biomes should be 2, and events should be 3. There's never a need for users to change this value.
  20. There are profiles with no Respawn_Timer, but these are profiles where the npcs do not respawn. Any 'Event' profile will be like this - Airdrop, CH47_Kill, PatrolHeli_Kill, APC_Kill, LockedCrate_Spawn etc - NPCs from these profiles don't respawn when killed.
  21. Sorry, I don't understand. Can you pick an npc that's respawning quickly after death, then approach him and type /botrespawn info, then tell me what profile he is from?
  22. Would you be able to check a specific npc who is respawning quickly, and confirm his profile using /botrespawn info chat command? Looks like all the "Substation 0" though "Substation 9" (excluding 4) are all enabled with 1 minute respawn timer.
  23. Hi, Can you tell me the name of a profile that's affected, and share your two data files with me, please? Also, might be relevant, there's a /botrespawn info command that you can use when looking at an npc, to confirm he's from the profile you think he's from. Alternatively you can use the 'reload profile' button for any given profile as confirmation, as that will make that profile's npcs immediately despawn, then respawn shortly afterwards.
  24. Steenamaroo

    toplayer works different

    Oops. I see the mistake. Thank you for reporting this - It'll be fixed in the next update.
  25. I'll look into both of those things. Thank you. The Mountain profile...That's new to me. Monuments are automatically detected by the plugin so if Facepunch adds new ones they get picked up automatically. I guess maybe Facepunch removed, or renamed, so new 'monument'. I'll find out, though.


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