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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Great news. Thank you both for testing and confirming. I'll do a public update for this tonight, then.
  2. Oh, I see. I misunderstood. I'll have a think about that.
  3. Hi, It's unlikely these would be added to the current PlayerRanks but I had been working on a rewrite of it which does expand on resources farmed/gathered by type, as well as introducing some other new categories. I could add a function that saves the SQL database with a unique name (date+time in it) when auto-wipe happens. That shouldn't be too tricky.
  4. Any issues with this version @Mabel @Neighigh, other than the noted "Exception while calling NextTick callback" ?
  5. Steenamaroo

    Console spam

    I've posted a quick patch for this.
  6. Just tested - Seems to work perfectly. Vanilla NPCs with NPCKits just fire constantly (which I might look at) but BotReSpawn npcs with minigun fire in sensible bursts.
  7. HI @Viktorvill I don't think I tested mini gun support - I assumed it'd just work. Does it not?
  8. I've added an option `Give_Scarecrow_Loadout` for the next update. It will give out one of the four scarecrow loadouts, selected randomly. The behaviour will remain the same, though, as that's custom. The npcs will try to chase you down and melee attack, and will throw their thrown weapons if you try to hide from them.
  9. Steenamaroo


    I'll check this and @DeadGirl's issue tomorrow.
  10. Steenamaroo


    Hi, You know there's two separate profiles? There's APCScientist and APCScientistHeavy since the last version.
  11. You more or less can already. If you give them a kit with appropriate clothing and weapons (melee only) they'll act more scarecrow-like. Not 100% the same but they'll certainly chase you down swinging.
  12. That depends what crates Facepunch used there. The plugin differentiates between crates by name. Many of them are listed in the description but, as noted, there will be more than that in the plugin as the plugin automatically adds them to your config as Facepunch add new crates to the game.
  13. Steenamaroo


    Hi, I'll test at my end today and see what they're doing.
  14. Hi, You're right in that your rollbacks aren't going to be a PermissionsManager issue, as PermissionsManager doesn't work from its own data. It's just a front end for the existing oxide system. I can't speak for how Carbon's equivalent works but if there's any issue I know Raul will want to hear about it. The load and save options in `/perms data` work from a single backup, stored either in local file (/server/oxide/data/PermissionsManager.json) or SQL, depending which you choose. Choosing to load will pull the copy of the data from the last time you saved. There's no facility for multiple copies, for dated backups, but if you need that you could save using the data menu then unload PermissionsManager and rename that data file (PermissionsManager0524.json, for example) The plugin will always restore data from PermissionsManager.json, though, so keep that in mind.
  15. Steenamaroo

    Cargo ship

    I'll add it to the ever growing list.
  16. Steenamaroo

    Cargo ship

    Oh, sorry. I misread. NPCKits doesn't control the damage that npcs can deal. It just does things like giving them kits, setting their health, clearing/not clearing their inventory containers when they die, dropping/not dropping their held weapon, etc.
  17. Steenamaroo

    Cargo ship

    Sure it can.
  18. Steenamaroo

    Cargo ship

    Hi, No, BotReSpawn doesn't support adding npcs on the cargoship I'm afraid. It only supports static areas with navmesh, for spawning moving npcs. You can, however, use free NPCKits plugin to customise the vanilla npcs which spawn there.
  19. Hi, Not sure if it was just a typo or not, but Player Rankings is a different plugin. This is PlayerRanks. Regardless, I think BetterChat treats the entire set of titles from PlayerRanks as one. If you want to limit the number of PlayerRanks titles which are shown, you'd need to do that in PlayerRanks config, rather than BetterChat's.
  20. I'm not sure that's within my control. That's probably down to whatever libraries oxide are using, no? If you think that's wrong, do let me know!
  21. Hi, That's not a bad idea. I'm sure I could add a profile that leverages the same spawnpoints that real players would get. The npcs can use rocks as their weapon so, yes, that part's already ready to go. For the second part, I could do partial so if, for example, the npc has five pieces of attire, you could set 80% so that, on average, only four of them are available to the looting player. I'll make a note of both of those suggestions.
  22. My advice and information was directed at the author.
  23. For object return hooks there is no right or wrong answer but it's generally accepted in the community that we use true or null. true is used to cancel the vanilla behaviour, and null is used to allow vanilla behaviour to happen. The hook are written such that any value that isn't null will cancel behaviour - You could return true, false, 1, 100, "some string"....anything that isn't null, but the problem is that if multiple plugins try to cancel the behaviour and use different non null objects, oxide will complain about it. In short, if you change your instances of 'return false' to 'return true' in object return hooks such as OnNpcTarget, the oxide complaints will no longer happen. Note, this is not related in any way to the npc's taking damage. OnNpcTarget governs whether or not the npcs will attack any given player or entity.
  24. Could you check some of the vanilla npcs, or npcs from other plugins, to see if they are doing the same thing? If you mean the npcs are navigating around but there's no animation (like they're gliding) I've only ever seen that where the server's under some pretty serious pressure. How many are you spawning in total? The `bot.count` console command will tell you.


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