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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi @COSMO If the title for that category is blank, or there are no stats recorded against that category, the group won't be created. Could either of those be the case? PlayerRanks relies 100% upon local data file. SQL is completely optional and enabling it/disabling it has no impact on the functionality or workings of the plugin.
  2. Steenamaroo

    Failed to run

    It'll only ever change to false for custom profiles which don't use the Parent_Monument option, because if you change maps those custom profiles will no longer make sense and you'll have npcs in strange places, or failing to spawn. If you're recycling the same map and want to disable that feature (keep Autospawn true), you can set Disable_Non_Parented_Custom_Profiles_After_Wipe to false in the global config page.
  3. Steenamaroo

    Failed to run

    Hi, Looks like you've made a mistake when editing the default profiles data file. The error message is pointing you towards 'AutoSpawn' for the Dome profile. Check that area to make sure you're not missing a comma or quotation mark, or that you haven't used capitals like True or False. These should be lower case.
  4. Hi @Mortis No problem here for me. The hard coded "pr" chat command was removed some versions ago, in favour of using whatever is specified in the config under chatCommandAliases. Have a look in your config file and make sure "pr" is included there.
  5. You take a look, @Raul-Sorin Sorban Sounds like maybe plugins.GetAll() or permission.GetPermissions() isn't returning what it should?
  6. @Stigiec@httpsfour Update 2.2.7, released a few minutes ago, fixes this issue. With AddTitleHoldersToGroup set to false, auto-created groups will be removed and will not be recreated automatically.
  7. Hi, As far as I can see it should be working? Have you double checked the config to make sure? I can't remember - It's possible you might have to unload the plugin to make config changes, then reload it again after saving your changes.
  8. Understood. Thanks for the quick reply.
  9. HI @Kk I think MuB is concerned because there's no purchase for this product associated with your account. Could you elaborate, please?
  10. Ignore. Was easier than I thought. Proper use of seeking missiles will be in the next update.
  11. Hi @Viktorvill No, unfortunately not. They run around firing it but it doesn't have a target so the missile just flies off. I'd have to write a custom behaviour for it but I'll look into that.
  12. Hi, No, this doesn't apply to all npcs. You can click on any of the option names in BotReSpawn UI for a popup with more information. The popup for SuicideTimer shows this "Event profile populations are kept under control by causing the npcs to suicide after X minutes. (Airdrop, Crate hack, Crate spawn, Heli kill, etc) This setting allows you to adjust the number of minutes before the npcs will suicide. For default/custom/biome profiles, this setting only applies when /toplayer command or button was used, as those are additional npcs outside of the regular maintained population." This safety is in place because there are many very low pop servers with very frequent airdrops and without some sort of automatic cleanup there'd be hundreds, if not thousands of airdrop profile npcs running around after a while. You can effectively disable it, if you want to, by just turning up the timer to the point of being meaningless.
  13. Steenamaroo

    Custom Spawn Not Working

    Make sure you're on the terrain when checking, not flying or standing on any obstacle, and try moving around a few feet. Sometimes it can be fussy. If that doesn't help then it just means there's no navmesh at that location, so you can't have free roaming npcs there. You can either look for another location, or set stationary to true for that profile, to have non-moving npcs.
  14. Steenamaroo

    Respawn times

    Hi, Yes, there is a Respawn_Timer in the 'Death' category for every profile. The timer is in minutes and the default is 1
  15. Hi, Yes, I ignore vehicles with assigned OwnerID intentionally, so that RustRewards doesn't give out rewards for vehicles spawned or managed by other plugins. It means that developers managing vehicles would have to manually opt in for RustRewards if they want, rather than having to opt out if they don't. I have API the dev can call, if they want to use that RustRewards?.Call("GiveRustReward", attacker, 0, amount, apc); Ideally amount would be a user configurable value. The 0, here indicates reward type kill.
  16. If it's suddenly happened across multiple servers with no errors then I'd be inclined to agree. @Raul-Sorin Sorban= Is this a carbon thing?
  17. Do you see the plugins listed if you view permissions for a player, rather than a group? Not the point, I know, but it could help with troubleshooting.
  18. Do you see any errors in console when you open that UI? If so most likely there's an issue with the config, data, or lang file for PermissionsManager. If you see an error paste it here and I'll tell you which.
  19. Actually, ignore the NPC part. Corpses are handled by a different hook.
  20. Hey, Thanks for the info. That's not good. I've no doubt performance of CustomLoot could be increased; It's an old plugin but OnLootSpawn is firing 150000 times in your 17 hour uptime which works out at 2.5 per second on average. That seems excessive. I'll use debug to check the rate on my own test server but assuming that reveals nothing I'd guess some plugin is mass creating/killing crates, unless your server has a super fast rate of npc spawn+death?
  21. @httpsfour- That's a known bug which will be addressed in the next update. It's fixed and tested. I just haven't released the update yet.
  22. From HunterZ's description it sounds like they're manually adding new categories, which isn't a thing, whereas the chat commands allow you to add new items which can appear as loot. The new items, created by you, have a custom name which you assign when you use the command, and then use existing in-game item name plus a skinID to make them unique, and separate to the original vanilla item. Are you having issue with the loot that you get inside a Christmas present? If so, CustomLoot doesn't support those, currently, as they work differently to normal lootcontainers, although I have had a few requests to support them and intend to add that in soon.
  23. Hi @HunterZ This doesn't really sound like a bug, as such. You're not meant to be able to add new custom categories. The plugin works from the item categories defined by Rust vanilla game and every item in the game 'knows' what category it is in. You can have custom items, added via chat commands but, behind the scenes, that's really just assigning unique probabilities to X item with some specific skin., treating that as separate to the vanilla X item.
  24. @Diesel- Sounds like you don't have auth level 2. The plugin will allow you to use the commands if you have the permission, or if you are auth level 2. You can see your auth level in console when you join your server.
  25. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Most likely the plugin isn't installed or hasn't loaded properly. Watch your console and issue the command 'oxide.reload PermissionsManager' to ensure it loads correctly. If it spits any errors out let me know.


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