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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. That's good to hear. CustomLoot does use way more memory than it needs to and I have done a bit of work to alleviate that, hopefully, in the next update. Glad to hear it's not as extreme as it first seemed, though. Thanks for following up.
  2. Hi, It's probably expected for both of those plugins to have fairly high ram usage since they both do a lot. The player count at any given time wont make a difference for those plugins since there's going to be the same number of npcs and loot crates getting refreshed either way. I did do some work on CustomLoot recently because there's a lot of areas where that can be improved on my end. I haven't released a public update for it in a while but will do soon. You can ignore the two warnings.
  3. Auto Pickup Barrels...That was it. https://codefling.com/files/support/12348-shotgun-problem/
  4. Hi, I've had this reported a few times - It's coming from another plugin. I'm sorry, I can't remember the name of it but I'm pretty sure it was BarrelSomething, or SomethingBarrels.
  5. No trouble. I'm glad it was something simple. Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any other issues.
  6. Hi @JimmyFalcone Any chance you're testing as admin with allowadmin set to false?
  7. Is there an issue you want to report?
  8. Hi, I'm not sure I can really help with this, I'm afraid. I don't know if BetterChat is aware of the difference between PlayerRanks sending one title or many titles. Certainly from your example it appears BetterChat is processing many as if they are one, but I don't think it's something I have any control over. I think you'd have to talk to the BetterChat author to be sure.
  9. Better to continue the support here rather than restart in private message, so anyone with a similar issue can see the outcome. Your console errors suggest someone modified the default-DefaultProfiles.json and made a mistake when entering Kits for the 'Airfield 0' profile. If you're manually editing the kits entries in data files the formatting should be ["name1"], for single or ["name1", "name2", "name3"], for many. It needs to be perfect - No missing brackets, commas or quotation marks. For convenience kits can be edited via the UI instead although, in your case, you'll need to manually fix the issue in the data file first, while BotReSpawn is unloaded.
  10. Hi, This issue is resolved in the next upcoming update, but thank you for reporting it. Unless then it is of no consequence (doing no harm) so you can ignore. Player_data.json isn't my data file. That's from some other plugin.
  11. Hi, The plugin will only show you settings for monuments which are on your current map. It doesn't delete any data when you change maps, though, so if, for example, you set up custom settings for barrel spawners around the Dome then switch to a map with no Dome, the Dome won't show in your UI anymore, but your Dome settings will remain in the config file and will be used (and displayed) the next time you return to a map with a Dome.
  12. Hi, Did you recently make manual modifications to your config file, or any of the data files? Most likely there's an issue with one of them and BotReSpawn can't load them. You could probably confirm this by reloading the plugin and watching console to see if it spits out some red.
  13. Steenamaroo


    I'm afraid I don't know. It could be from vanilla, or it could be coming from another plugin. If it's a RaidableBases spawned npc, that could be giving it loot, or some other loot plugin....BetterLoot, MagicLoot, CustomLoot, etc If it turns out to be vanilla loot and you don't want it there, NPCKits does have an option for Default_Rust_Loot_Percent, which you could set to zero. A good test, maybe, would be to make sure there is nothing in your kits main containers, for that npc group, and set Default Rust Loot Percent to zero, then test. If there's loot in a dead npcs main container then it's coming from some loot plugin. I do also have a Wipe_Main_Inventory_Percent but I can't guarantee that will override loot plugins, as it becomes a matter of timing. If the loot plugin uses a brief delay so it's filling the container after I wipe it, then there's not a lot I can do, although you can always work it out then just disable the loot plugin for that npc type.
  14. Steenamaroo


    My pleasure. Thanks for the kind words! Yes, there are options there per profile for Wipe_Default_Clothing and Wipe_Default_Weapons. That gives you the flexibility of being able to give additional weapons/attire via a kit, or start from a clean slate. Note that to give kit attire to hazmat wearing scientists you will need to have Wipe_Default_Clothing true, otherwise it wont work, the same way you can't drag tshirt/trousers on to your own player whilst wearing hazmat. I've just updated to V1.2.1 which allows melee/tools to be dropped, and introduces APCScientistHeavy profile. If you're not 100% sure about your kits, it's a good idea to strip your character 100% then redeem the kit, or if you're using a Kits plugin with UI you should be able to see the contents in full when editing (even if you don't intend to make changes).
  15. Steenamaroo


    Oh, I think I might know what it is. Right now NPCKits only makes them drop their weapon if it's a bullet weapon. It doesn't make them drop melee/tools. If that's what the problem was, I can easily make them able to drop either in the next update.
  16. Steenamaroo


    No, the belt wipe chance doesn't affect weapon drop chance. The weapon drop % chance makes them drop the weapon they're holding in their hands to the ground or, at least, it should. I'd unload all other plugins to test - not just ones you think might be relevant. I'll test on my home server too, in case something's changed in Rust.
  17. Steenamaroo


    HI @DeadGirl I'm not aware of any issues. Maybe test with all other plugins unloaded to see if the problem persists?
  18. Thanks for reporting. I've seen this in a few other plugins recently. I guess FP changed Unity versions or something. I'll get it patched.
  19. Steenamaroo


    Hi, No, there's no control for that but you can increase their health, give them better armour, increase the amount of damage npcs can deal, or give them more damaging weapons, like MGL. Is explosion_take_damage_% something that would be useful to people?
  20. @Neighigh- Last line was your request ^^
  21. There are some changes which aren't thoroughly tested yet, but you're welcome to be that guinea pig, if you want. Improved initial setup efficiency. Added day/night multipliers, and options to set custom day/night start times. Added option to use real world time for day/night and happy hour, instead of server time. Added day of week multipliers. Using npc displayname where possible for notifications. Created 'None' default option for currency, to prevent defaulting to scrap in the event of an issue. Fix to prevent negative fractions of SR and Economics, as well as positive fractions. Fixed PatrolHeli changes. Added config option Add_Multipliers - default false. Adds all multipliers together instead of multiplying them together. I.E.multipliers 5,5,5 would equal 15, instead of 125. Added config option Use_Highest_Multiplier_Only - default false. Allowed SamSites/Turrets which aren't .deployed (static) Fix for activity rewards chat notification not being sent. Added Activity_Reward_For_AFK to config - default is true. Included 'Position' in default notification preferences. Added fixes for cases where corpse type can't be determined. OnPlayerDeath keynotfound fix Added auto purge of player preferences if player hasn't been online in X days - Delete_Player_Prefs_After_Days RustRewards.cs
  22. Hi, It is scientistnpc_roam, although there's a chance other plugins will be using that. BotReSpawn has API so other developers can identify it's npcs. That might be something the authors of the plugins you mentioned would be interested in using?
  23. Steenamaroo

    Bot spawn with no kits

    Hi, I think when you're creating your kit there's an option there for "Copy Paste File Name" or something similar. If memory serves, just make sure that field is blank for kits that you're giving to npcs.
  24. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.7
  25. Hi, Reload the plugin in console then watch to see if there are any errors shows. If there are, paste them here and I'll take a look. If there are no errors, are there definitely vanilla monuments on your map?


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