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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi, What kind of thing do you mean? You can kit them out with armours as well as any weapon (I think) in the game, and flashbangs, grenades etc. You've also got control for the amount of damage they deal and options to make nearby npcs assist, so they kind of gang up on you.
  2. Thanks @Mals I've had that one reported before but struggled to replicate it. Any idea who called what at that particular moment? Logfile might have a record of it.
  3. Hi, Would you be willing to give the attached copy a whirl? It's a bit of a hacky solution but I believe it should work, giving unique listings for spawners which were previously ignored, due to having the same name/stats as others. Initial confirmation would be seeing multiple crate/barrel spawners at the Dome where, before, you would have seen one of each. MonumentSpawnControl.cs
  4. Steenamaroo

    UI interface

    Hi, RustRewards doesn't keep any records of its own but I think there are plugins out there that will display SeverRewards or Economics. Listed against other users...I'm not sure. My free PlayerRanks plugin will do it but that might be too much plugin for one small feature, unless you were interested in other ranked stats too.
  5. Steenamaroo

    Probabilities Example

    No, you can't use decimals but probabilities are relative so there's no need. Two items with 0.1 and 0.9 would be the same as two items with 1 and 9, or 10 and 90, or 10000 and 90000.
  6. Steenamaroo

    Probabilities Example

    Hi, There isn't really a way to make a category always be chosen, other than having it as the only category set with probability over zero. If you want a specific item to always be included in the loot then it's best to use the "AlwaysSpawnList" at the top for that.
  7. Steenamaroo

    Day/Night Crews

    A lot of people use this dual/multiple profile approach to have a boss at the centre of a monument, then soldiers all around, or maybe two different tiers of npc with the easier ones around the outskirts and the harder ones inside buildings, or closer to the centre.
  8. Steenamaroo

    Day/Night Crews

    Hi, There's no direct way to do that, within one profile, but you can just have two profiles with one set to Day Spawn Amount zero, and the other set to Night Spawn Amount zero, then set them up accordingly. To do it just create a new custom profile then set its option for "Parent Monument" to the default profile you're intending to complement. From that point on it will behave the same as its default parent monument - It will relocate automatically when you change maps, and you can use custom, or randomly generated, spawnpoints.
  9. No worries. There was a lot of updates that weekend!
  10. Sorry, what version of PlayerRanks. 2.3.1 is current. 2.3.0 removed debug which was accidentally left in.
  11. What version? I'm pretty sure I updated for that already, although it could be another one I missed.
  12. I think the {0} and {1}, name placeholders, were backwards in the PlayerRanks lang file but, if I recall, I've since corrected that. The problem is that lang files only update for new entries - not amendments, so any users who had the plugin before that fix would need to switch those around in the lang file themselves.
  13. You know, I forgot NPCKits is slightly different, until your post. It's the same, but different. If BotReSpawn wants inv main (or any) wiped, it does it immediately after it gives out the kit. NPCKits waits until the npc is killed, and chooses not to move those contents from npc to corpse (which are two different things). I think I'll change that, some time, so it's the same as BotReSpawn, for the reasons mentioned earlier.
  14. Yes, that's correct ^. In terms of functionality CustomLoot is perfect for the job, using it just to handle BotReSpawn npcs, and letting AlphaLoot do everything else but, admittedly, it's no where near as easy to use/understand. Still - It's there as an option. I just looked - I may be wrong but I think AlphaLoot has new or different API since I last checked. It looks like maybe I could set up 'AlphaLootProfile' as an option per BotReSpawn profile. If I write it in would you be willing to test?
  15. This is how it works ^. If you make a Rust Loot Source selection in BotReSpawn's UI, that npc will get vanilla rust loot of that source. It's always vanilla - It's not related to, or subject to AlphaLoot. If you want the npc to get AlphaLoot loot, then you'd need Allow_Alphaloot true, then you'd go to AlphaLoot and set up a loot table for scientistnpc_roam, as you found out. You can do both, assuming neither plugin is set to wipe inventory first, and you will get whatever Alphaloot is pushing, plus whatever vanilla loot you asked for. If you want custom/modified loot per BotReSpawn profile the only option, at least that I'm aware of, is CustomLoot.
  16. Is the confusion coming from the fact that these are wipe-on-death options, but I actually carry out the wipe on spawn, immediately after the kit is given? If that's it there's a few reasons I do this. One is that it's possible for other plugins to force the npcs to fall wounded, which would mean if you have some item that you want with a 1% chance of being lootable on death, players could get it 100% of the time from a wounded npc if I'm doing my wipe code at npc death time. Another is that when the npc dies, there's more going on. At that point vanilla loot is happening and third party loot plugins are likely to be doing their thing. Running wipe_main at that stage is likely to trip over what they're doing and mess up vanilla or third party loot. For those reasons I put the wipe code straight after the kit give code, so I can be confident that I'm only wiping npc vanilla gear and/or stuff that was given via kit. For people who want to control % chances of vanilla loot that is given, there's the Allow Rust Loot % chance, and for anyone who wants to control % chances for third party loot plugins, well, that should be configurable in the third party loot plugin. It's done this way so you have maximum control and minimal interference.
  17. "I already do this with the Trainyard NPCs. I use a kit that has a matching M249 to the clothing it wears. I don't want this NPC using the M249 against players, but I have a 1% chance that it will drop for the player if they are lucky. I have this set by using the setting for Main set to 99 and it loads from the Kit 100% of the time. At no time does it not load." Wipe main/belt/clothing happens the moment the kit is given out, so if you have a kit with m249 in the main container and wipe main set to 99% for that profile, and you're able to peek in vanish to see that m249 100% of the time, I'd say that's the problem - Not the other scenario. Would you mind double checking that profile to make sure you don't have its wipe main option to 1 instead of 99 by mistake?
  18. I'm sorry, I'm really not understanding the problem. Maybe someone else can clarify, or we can simplify down to bullet points or something? I'm more than happy to help, I just don't see where the issue is. My understanding so far is that you want to give these npcs a kit. The belt should contain x/y/z the wear should contain a/b/c and the main should contain 1/2/3 "I want the player to have a 10% chance to acquire what's in the main inventory. " so you've set "Wipe_Main_Percent": 90 to achieve that. The result is that "They always have the Wearables, They always have the Belt, but only sometimes have the Main." That's exactly what I'd expect, and what your settings are meant to do. "Now, I don't know under what situation someone would want to put something in a kit, only for it not to always be there when you spawned in the NPC, but what I want to do is have it only sometimes be lootable by the player when the NPC is killed." You don't understand why someone would want kit main items to not be there 100% of the time, but that's exactly what you want? There must be a a terminology issue or one of us is making an assumption - I'm sorry, I can't make the leap.
  19. You're describing what that function does. Setting "Wipe_Main_Percent" to 90 is going to erase the contents of the npcs main inventory container 90% of the time, so if you're giving npcs a kit with items in belt, items in clothing, and items in main, 90% of the time those items in main won't be there.
  20. Oh, ok. I see. It's because you've got "Wipe_Main_Percent": 90. Set that to zero to preserve the contents of their main inventory all of the time upon death.
  21. BotReSpawn npcs can't open doors or, at least, I didn't code them to do that. If they do it's a vanilla npc thing that I'm not aware of.
  22. Hey, Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. Are you saying the npc no longer gets it kit and, therefore, has no weapon to fight with, or that the loot you expect to see on the npc's corpse is not correct?
  23. Hi, I've already got that patched for the next update. Thanks for reporting it.
  24. Steenamaroo


    it's /perms.
  25. No worries. Thanks for the back and forth on it. Can I ask, was your test server a totally fresh install or a clone of existing? I know you said no plugins but I'm thinking oxide/carbon data, player data, etc. Does it have any harmony mods or dll extensions installed? Was it running Carbon or Oxide?


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