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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Yeah, same issue in two plugins. Updating now.
  2. Not sure what to tell you. Could you DM me either of those loot table data files, please?
  3. The plugin only updates loot tables which mentioned in the /config/CustomLoot.json file. I bet your files which aren't updated aren't actually in use.
  4. Which new items, that you know of, are missing?
  5. None, sorry. I just checked and all my files on the local test server have updated. Do you see any errors in console when you reload CustomLoot?
  6. I hear what you're saying although if what you're really looking for is a way to see the current leaders, couldn't you just use the UI to show you that? I know that means you have to have the client open but it's better than sifting through a json, no?
  7. V1.3.0 just released should address this.
  8. Strange one. I'm not 100% sure but I've pushed a patch which I think will address it. Would you mind letting me know if that's not the case? Thanks for flagging it!
  9. I can't see having it save a snapshot every time the main table is updated, because that's very frequent. That could be a few hundred entries a day, depending on your save settings. Making it automatically save a leaderboard snapshot at wipe time would be easy enough to do, though.
  10. Hi, PermissionsManager does offer a backup and restore option but, of course, that'll only work if you used the backup command in advance. For normal use PermissionsManager doesn't rely on its own data record but, rather, oxide's permission system and storage. On oxide servers they're stored in /server/data/oxide.users.data, as far as I know. Maybe you deleted that by mistake? If so you should be able to shut down the server and restore that file from backup. oxide.groups.data is stored there too.
  11. You can't just reload CustomBradley? There'll be an update for BotReSpawn shortly.
  12. Hey, There's no bug. The leaderboard table is there to hold leader board snapshots that you take. It serves no function in the plugin. It's just there as an optional tool allowing you to keep records of player stats at a specific time - Say the end of some event you're running, for example. If you use SaveLeaderboard console command, it will record down the #1 player for every category into that table.
  13. I've never placed npcs there but I can fire up a map and check it out. Any chance you could fire me a screen shot for reference?
  14. Hey mate, I'll do an update for this later. For now just reloading CustomBradley should work around it. Thanks for letting me know.
  15. Hi, That's a different error. That one looks to be an issue with your RustRewards lang file. Maybe you made a mistake when editing it? You can prove by taking a backup then just deleting the file, then reloading the plugin.
  16. I can only really reiterate what I said before, because I don't know that plugin, but my assumption would be that if you already have CustomLoot set up to put loot on the type of npc that plugin spawns, then the option provided would let you prevent that from happening for BossMonster npcs. It sounds like when I had 'Allow_Alphaloot' in BotReSpawn. I had dozens of people asking 'where do I put the loot table name' when, really, the option was preventative and should have been called 'Prevent_Alphaloot'. Maybe the author would consider adding "CustomLoot_Profile" as a string option, and making their own call for loot to CustomLoot if that's not empty. That would give more control.
  17. I can only guess, without knowing a bit more, but if true/false is the only option I'd assume it's giving you the option to prevent CustomLoot from filling some container/corpse, in the event that you already have CustomLoot set up for that container/corpse type.
  18. Unfortunately it's not just BotReSpawn npcs. I've seen the message with other npcs and, even sometimes, with real players. I wrote a small patch plugin to make the vendor flat out ignore any hostile npcs. I'll send it to you.
  19. Steenamaroo

    Bot names not working

    I updated BotReSpawn 10 days ago to address this issue. All names would have worked again upon install of V1.2.9.
  20. Yes, I understand, but BotReSpawn just asks Kits plugin for the items then puts them in the npc's inventory. If the items are incorrect in some way that's going to be a question for the Kits plugin developer, rather than me. To prove that, one way or other, strip your character in game and redeem the kit yourself. Are the items you receive correct, or do you see the issue?
  21. I'm not sure I understand properly but if you're somehow putting custom items into Kits and then finding that when the npcs get those items they are just vanilla, then I think that would be a Kits.cs plugin issue rather than a BotReSpawn one. If that's not the case, tell me more.
  22. Hi, CustomLoot can give out custom items (custom names and skins for vanilla items), but you have to set up those items using a chat command. From the plugin description Dec '23 1.2.2 update. Customloot now supports treating specific skinned items as if they are unique items. For example you could create skinned paper as ‘Money’, and it will be treated as unique, with totally separate settings and options from regular paper. The format for creating items is that you hold your skinned item and type /CustomLoot ExistingLootTable Category CustomName so, for example, if you want to skin paper with skin 012345 and use it as ‘Money’ in a loottable called ‘AirdropTable’, hold some paper with that money skin and type /CustomLoot AirdropTable Resources Money You can also specify “All” instead of a specific loottable /CustomLoot All Resources Money
  23. Thanks for the answer @Luuxen I wouldn't have known that - You saved me some time.
  24. Ah, ok. That makes some sense. I'll take a look into it soon. Thanks for letting me know.
  25. Steenamaroo

    custom items added break

    Hi, What is itemtext used for in the other plugins? Is it just a clone of the custom name, or does it need to be something you can edit/customise separately? I'm sure we can sort it out, either way.


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