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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi, You can try setting 'Off Terrain', under 'Other' to true for that profile. If it's a custom profile, make sure you were at the desired spawn height when you created the profile, or go to that location and use the UI to move the profile to where you are. That should work.
  2. Steenamaroo

    no damage

    Perfect. That's great to hear. Thanks for letting me know. If anything else comes up don't hesitate to ask.
  3. Steenamaroo

    no damage

    In your third screen shot, set Target Noobs to true.
  4. Steenamaroo

    no damage

    No trouble at all. Glad to help. We'll get you up and running, either way. I'll be heading out for the evening in about half an hour, just so you know.
  5. Steenamaroo

    no damage

    I'm not sure if server pve settings would prevent your players from being hurt by npcs, but it seems like something worth checking. You say they're not firing at you - They must have been before, I guess. Were any settings changed? A brand new, or unchanged, profile should produce npcs which will attack you if you're a hostile player, so simply spawning a brand new profile of npcs, and firing a weapon, should result in npcs attacking and killing you if you're fairly close to them. I notice you have Aggro Range set much higher than Deaggro Range - That should probably be the other way around. Possible that's causing problems? Other than that I think everything looks OK.
  6. Steenamaroo

    no damage

    Hi, Unless you've set Bot_Damage_Percent to zero, I'd guess you have some other plugin mitigating the damage. Maybe some PVE/PVP controlling plugin, or perhaps a setting of a zone you're in? A quick and easy test would be to just unload all plugins, then load BotReSpawn. If they start wrecking you then my guess is right ^.
  7. Hi, Thank you! There's no provision for that, I'm afraid. The titles are issued and announced as soon as they change hands. You can issue rewards to the title holders at any chosen time, or upon wipe, but the assignment of titles through the wipe happens automatically the moment someone exceeds the current title holder's score.
  8. Yeah that’s just carbon team being dicks. you can ignore.
  9. I added additional null checking as per reply so, yes, hopefully that should be resolved.
  10. Hi, BotReSpawn isn't written to attack player buildings. I suppose there could be collateral damage if the npcs happen to be equipped with grenades or rockets or something, but there are no controls relating to this. If you're finding that npcs stray grenades and that kind of thing aren't causing damage where they should, I'd probably be looking at pve/pvp plugin settings.
  11. Hi, Looks like I could use a few additional null checks in that method. I'll be releasing an update shortly for other reasons so I'll add those in. Thanks for letting me know.
  12. I think oxide's output is truncated which will confuse matters. Using PermissionsManager is probably a better way of assessing what groups exist and what groups don't. For PlayerRanks a group should exist for every category that's enabled and doesn't have "" (blank) for the title. Certainly the code is there to remove all players from x group before adding the new title holder to it. Maybe some errors has been happening, stopping that code? Although, saying that, the emptying of the group happens first so if there was some error then the new player wouldn't be added. Not sure what's going on, to be honest, and kind of difficult to test with only myself. You *could* set DestroyGroupsOnUnload to true, and EnablePlayerTitles to false then reload PlayerRanks, and that would delete every PlayerRanks group then not create them again. That would give you a chance to look at PermissionsManager and see if there are old groups with similar names through some previous error or something?
  13. ...You'd need to make sure that config / titles / AddTitleHoldersToGroup is set to true for the above to happen.
  14. Hi again, When someone is given a title the group is completely emptied before they are added to it. Are you definitely on the most recent version, 2.2.6?
  15. You're right - CustomLoot doesn't create the crate, or the marker, but recent changes in Rust code mean that the vanilla marker gets destroyed if anything is moved into, or out of, the crate. I've written a workaround for that which I'll drop here for testing asap, although my rust computer's not likely to be up today. Maybe tonight...if not tomorrow.
  16. Hi @KayKay Yes, each title can have a group and the player who holds that title will be the only player in that group, so you could enable all that then give that group the permission and achieve what you're describing.
  17. Oh, ok. The marker issue. Apart from the marker not showing, the plugin should work fine. I have a fix for that that someone was testing but I never heard back. As far as I know it should work well, though, so I'll publish that soon. Thanks for the reminder.
  18. You miss it? As far as I know it's working fine, no?
  19. Hi, What isn't printing to chat? If it's the stats that print on a timer, make sue useTimedTopList is set to true in you config options, and make sure that some of your categories have "IncludeInChatBroadcast" set to true. It's also possible for players to opt out of seeing chat messages by using /pr chat to toggle on/off, so give that a check too.
  20. Steenamaroo

    how to add zombienpc

    Hey, For detecting ZombieHorde npcs you can check if player.Categorize() == "Zombie" and for BotReSpawn npcs there's bool IsBotReSpawn(ulong and bool IsBotReSpawn(NPCPlayer Someone asked me about BotReSpawn with this plugin so I thought I'd leave both details here.
  21. Two years, almost to the day! Hard to believe. I appreciate the support. It was a bit of a polarising thing and my handling didn't help. I understood and accepted both sides then, and I do now. The amount of feedback, suggestions, and offers to test over these two years has been fantastic and BotReSpawn has only benefitted from that!
  22. Steenamaroo


    Hi @carlness Are you making manual edits to the file? If so, unload the plugin first or just use the UI in-game to add kits.
  23. I see what's changed. Should be a quick and easy fix. I'll see about getting it public either tonight or tomorrow. Thanks again!
  24. Thanks for reporting this. I guess something that CustomLoot does, and some other plugins do, must now trigger a refresh or something like that. I'll see if I can recreate it on a test server and work around it.
  25. That's correct ^. The normal monument and custom profiles are capped - There can only ever be X npcs, but event profiles aren't capped so if you have hundreds of airdrops, you'll get 100X npcs. For that reason I built in a suicide timer to ensure that npcs spawned by event profiles get killed off after a reasonable period of time. As @Malkizidsaid, just make sure Suicide Timer is turned up to some reasonable number of minutes.


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