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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi, No, there's no provision for that at the moment. Any multipliers which exist are global - They apply to everything.
  2. Picking this up on discord.
  3. Hi, The npcs will only heal if you've put medical syringes in their kit belt so, to stop them healing, just remove those. The weapons they use is set up the same way - Just put whatever you want them to use in the kit belt for that profile of npcs.
  4. Nah, unexpected end-of-file means the .cs dile is damaged, modified, or incomplete. Sometimes seen with FTP transfer where oxide picks up on, and tries to compile, the file before transfer is complete, but given that we see the error twice here, and the reference line numbers aren't the same each time, I doubt it's that. Either way, delete PermissionsManager.cs, and delete all copies from your downloads folder, just to be sure, then re-download from Codefling and install.
  5. @PoolsPats Do you see any other relevant messages or errors in rcon/console immediately after reloading the plugin? Looks like the plugin will unload itself immediately if ImageLibrary isn't loaded, for example.
  6. @Stark @Infidel PermissionsManager kicks you out of UI if some plugin is loaded or unloaded, because the info you're looking at may have changed. To be fair I should have made it refresh the UI instead of just kicking you but it never really came up often.
  7. As long as the conversation remains respectful all opinions and comments are valid, and helpful. There is an expectation that submitted content will be supported and maintained however we do understand that people's circumstances can change and that's not always going to be possible. We're also aware that content creators may not always be in a position to let us know they'll be absent for X days, or weeks, or whatever. The discussion around this has made it clear that this is a popular enough plugin and that a lot of people would like to see it working so my understanding is that it will be fixed/maintained, for now, by a willing developer. Hopefully the original author, Marat, will be willing and able to return at some point.
  8. Steenamaroo

    Interactive NPC

    Hi, Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you're getting good value from it. This is a tricky one - I've had similar requests in the past but never really wanted BotSpawn, or BotReSpawn, to go down the HumanNPC road, in terms of having greeting/info/quest npcs and that kind of thing. They were always meant to be a hostile force. I suppose in cases where an npc is peacekeeper:true and you're not hostile it might make sense to have them bark warnings, or maybe if they're attacked by a player they could have some remark to make. That might make sense. The idea of being intractable, though, might not be great in terms of performance. I'll have to look into that and see what the options are.
  9. Steenamaroo

    custom profiles

    Hi, Sounds like you need to set Disable_Non_Parented_Custom_Profiles_After_Wipe to false. The default is true because when map is changed to some other map, the existing custom profile + spawn point locations aren't going to make sense. In cases where you're wiping but the map is staying the same, setting it to false makes sense.
  10. Steenamaroo

    Unable to add Zones

    Hi, Do you have ZoneManager plugin installed, and some zones created with it?
  11. Sounds like you just need the latest copy of PlayerRanks @kmgaijin Make sure you don't have old copies in your downloads folder or, at least, sort by date created to make sure you're taking the latest one, and make sure the name hasn't been automatically modified to allow for duplicates - eg PlayerRanks(1).cs
  12. Steenamaroo

    Under Water Bots

    Oh, ok. Try setting Short_Roam_Vision to true, under the 'Other' tab. Let me know if that solves it.
  13. Hi, I made a note in the plugin to do this but haven't done it yet. Sorry about that and thanks for the reminder.
  14. Steenamaroo

    Under Water Bots

    Hi, That shouldn't be a thing. Can you tell me a bit about the circumstances under which this is happening, please?
  15. Hi, You can type html colour tags for each individual title in the PlayerRanks.json config file, like this "Title": "<color=#d4d3d3>Killer</color>" or, if you want all titles to be the same colour, you can add the opening tag to TitleStart and the closing tag to Title End, like this "TitleStart": "<color=#d11d38>", "TitleEnd": "</color>",
  16. I'm not sure. That might be related, or might not, but it seems more likely to be a server issue than a plugin issue. Might be worth confirming your server is on the up to date version, and the same for oxide/carbon.
  17. Hey, You can select a container type to get the loot from in the BotReSpawn UI or, if you prefer to go fully custom, you can use CustomLoot plugin. If you use CustomLoot, it's all handled at the CustomLoot end - You don't need to do anything in BotReSpawn for that.
  18. Hi, I'm not aware of any major issues right now. Can you check that the profile isn't set to Stationary : true ?
  19. Thanks for the info @ZaphireZA I've already made the changes described above so I'll try to get those out before the next forced wipe.
  20. Hi, If you're unable to revoke a permission from a group then, most likely, the plugin itself is overriding your decision. It's possible to do this - Maybe that plugin has a config option where you set up permissions/groups, and it maintains them? That aside, note that every player is in the default group by...default. if default group has permissionX then it doesn't matter what other groups a player is in, they will always have permissionsX. With that in mind, even if you do successfully revoke that permission from your VIP group, the members of the group will still have that permission, because they are also members of default group. You should only grant permissions to default group that you want every player on the server to have, regardless of their status.
  21. Nevermind - I see you posted an error, confirming it's this plugin. Are you still seeing the same error, or something different?
  22. Working fine for me the last few days. Maybe you have UpdateChecker, rather than UpdatesChecker (this) ?
  23. Thanks for the detailed answer @NooBlet!
  24. @Yuki @GamingHQ @LosGranada @J2 There was, indeed, some down time for Codefling's API. Seems like this is resolved now. Thanks for reporting.
  25. Steenamaroo

    Does not compile

    Hi, It compiles just fine although there was an interruption to Codefling's API which, I believe, is now resolved. Thanks for reporting.


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