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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo


    The permission registered by the plugin is tugboatpirates.admin - pirates...not event. Looks like just a typo in the description.
  2. Hi Pookins, Can you DM me the full log for that day, please? Thanks for reporting.
  3. Is that the free plugin on uMod? If so it didn't need an update this wipe so I guess the change you're seeing is either something in the Rust update, or something I've changed in BotReSpawn. I can't think what, off the top of my head, but I'll have a look and see what I can turn up. Thanks for reporting.
  4. Hey, Thanks for reporting. You're quite right - I misread a condition. if you wouldn't mind just leaving it at zero for now, then I'll push a small update to fix it shortly. Most likely I'll leave it a day or two in case anything else is reported, to avoid repeat updates.
  5. Steenamaroo

    tempspawn issue

    I'm afraid not, no. The custom spawn points are reserved for the maintained population of the profile, although I may be able to make Off_Terrain work for finding random points in underground areas. I'll take a look at that. As a bit of a work around you could have a second profile with custom spawnpoints down there and very long respawn time. Instead of using tempspawn, you could reload (or enable/disable) that profile when you want additional npcs down there. Reload profile would have to be done via UI, but enable/disable can be done as a command.
  6. Yeah, Shouldn't be a problem. I've made a note of it.
  7. Steenamaroo

    tempspawn issue

    Hi, The tempspawn command doesn't use your custom spawnpoints - It just spawns npcs at randomly found points around the profile's location. Setting Off_Terrain to true for the profile may let it find random points underground rather than on the surface, although I'd have to test to be sure.
  8. It always worked - It was a release for *after* yesterday's forced wipe.
  9. Where were the missing items meant to have come from? Kit, or a loot source?
  10. Hi, If the option NPCs_Damage_Armour is set to true, there's a 97% chance of them hitting the chest and 3% chance of a headshot. I don't think a particular body part is hit with that option false, to prevent damage to any armour the player is wearing.
  11. Hi, I'll have to check that out tomorrow. It's possible something changed in Rust with the update. Are all those items provided by your kit, or are some coming from a loot plugin?
  12. This BotReSpawn update is for post-wipe.
  13. Are you on staging?
  14. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Looks like the file has been modified or damaged somehow. Just re-download it from here and install again. I'm running staging and can confirm it's compiling without any issue right now.
  15. Steenamaroo

    spawn oil

    Hi, I don't think there's navmesh over at the oilrigs so the only way would be as custom spawn points set to Stationary: true
  16. Hi @XianSeho If you place custom spawnpoints underground they certainly work, and I made it that events taking place underground (like hacked crates) should look for spawnpoints where the crate was hacked...I.E. underground. I *think* I recently made it that any profile created underground should be able to look for random spawnpoints underground too but I'd have to check to make sure.
  17. Thank you! I didn't realise that was a thing. I'll take a look and see what I can do.
  18. Almost - There's a 'toplayer' command. You can either use console to do /botrespawn toplayer "Profile Name" PlayerName or use the button in the UI, on some profile's page. If using the console command profile name must be 100% accurate, but player name can be partial.
  19. Just looking at the description again, his example config has a section called "Send In Npc BackUp Settings" and it has an option called ""Loot From CustomLoot Profile Name": [], so it looks like maybe the plugin already supports CustomLoot for its npcs' loot.
  20. CustomLoot won't be aware of (have a specific profile for) the npcs from that plugin. You can see the recognised npc types in CustomLoot page - In terms of npcs from specific plugins it only recognises BotReSpawn + Zombiehorde. I can see from the JetEvent page that Razor supports CustomLoot for the heli_crates from JetEvent, though. Maybe he'd be willing to add the same for its npcs too?
  21. Hi @Thunderchile You can use CustomLoot for specific containers/barrels/corpses without altering the rest. If, for example, you wanted to use CustomLoot exclusively for BotReSpawn npcs and leave all your other containers and corpses alone, you could.
  22. Steenamaroo

    SQL use

    Hi @ZEODE I think I covered it pretty well a few posts back? Go in to the /perms data menu and you'll see the options there. You have the option to save permissions, or groups, or both, to SQL, and the option to load the same from SQL. Nothing about it is automated - You'd have to go in to the /perms data menu and tell it to save, or load. Note if you're loading perms/groups from a backup, it doesn't wipe the server's existing groups + perms clean. It just creates groups that exist in the backup and grants them the permissions from the backup, and/or grants permissions to players from the backup,
  23. Hi, Sounds like you're making your changes with the admin UI open in game. When that UI closes (as it would on unload/reload) it saves whatever is in memory to config file, so that any changes you made in UI get committed to file. If you make sure you close out of the UI before reloading the plugin there shouldn't be a problem.
  24. Hey, Not sure what could be causing that but I'll have a dig. The decision to issue/swap titles doesn't even reference the main data collection - Instead I maintain a separate collection just for title holders, Category / Name/Score. so every time someone gets a PVPKill, for example, it checks that person's total against the current PVPKills title holder's score, and if it's higher it updates the title holders' record and does the change title code. I guess something must be wrong if that's the behaviour you're seeing, but I can't spot it...at least not yet.
  25. Steenamaroo

    SQL use

    My pleasure. Let me know if you run in to any trouble.


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