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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Thanks @Malkizid- Very happy to hear that!
  2. Steenamaroo

    Server Startup

    Hi, This is built in because most often when servers wipe they change map, and any custom profiles which aren't parented to a specific monument aren't going to make sense on the new map, which would mean npcs failing to spawn, or spawning in strange places. By default BotReSpawn turns these profiles off to prevent that problem but for cases where you're recycling the same map you can just set Global setting `Disable_Non_Parented_Custom_Profiles_After_Wipe` to false.
  3. @Malkizid- Yes, this shouldn't be a problem. I'll include it in the next update.
  4. @william long - Sorry, I overlooked your support request. I've replied now.
  5. Steenamaroo

    still learning

    Hi, That's something I haven't looked into - The vehicle thing. I'll take a look and see what a practical solution might be. Yes, there is info built in to the UI - If you click on any of the labels in the UI a description window will pop up with more information.
  6. Steenamaroo

    what is attack noob?

    Hi, You can click on any of the option names/labels in the UI and you'll be presented with a description of how that option works. For "Target Noobs" it will show you "If this is set to false then npcs from this profile will not attack 'noob' players. This setting uses Rust's built-in sash system and is automatically disabled if NoSash plugin is installed." The vanilla sash system, as far as I know, works on whether or not you've handled a weapon or tool, excluding the default torch and rock. Once you have handled anything else - A gun, knife, farming tool etc, you are marked as no longer being a noob. Essentially this setting will protect newly spawned players from otherwise hostile npcs.
  7. Hi, Thanks for reporting. I've added an additional null check which may solve it. If it doesn't then it's possible it's a carbon specific issue - I'll speak to Raul in that case to see what we can do.
  8. Thanks Pookins. Just to elaborate, custom spawn points set for vanilla/default monuments will transfer properly even if you change maps so if, for example, you place a custom spawnpoint right at a specific doorway in LaunchSite and then you change maps and the Launch Site is now far away from where it used to be, that npc will still spawn in the exact spot you placed him, relative to the launch site. For custom made profiles it's tricker - If the profile you've made is meant to be at or near a particular default monument, you should set "Parent_Monument" to that monument before adding your spawn point, then BotReSpawn will treat it like a default profile and automatically migrate the profile, and custom spawn points, if/when the monument moves due to map change. You must set the parent for a custom profile before creating your spawnpoints, if you want to do this. If you think you've ever likely to change map but will want your custom profiles and their spawnpoints (placed at or near vanilla monuments) to migrate automatically, then you may want to use the parent option now to save more work later. Directly answering your question, though, when recycling the same map everything should just work automatically across wipes. Just don't wipe any of the BotReSpawn data and be sure to set 'Disable_Non_Parented_Custom_Profiles_After_Wipe' to false in the global settings page.
  9. No worries. Consider it done for the next update.
  10. I was actually wrong about that - Activity rewards are checked every 60 seconds. It is still hardcoded but not every 15 minutes as I thought. AFK time is not taken into account, though. It's just simply working on the player's connected time. I could build in some AKF detection in the near future, I'm sure.
  11. Hi again @Trenyc Sorry, you're quite right - RustRewards is not currently notifying players, by chat, of activity rewards. I changed something a few versions back which impacted that and didn't realise until now. It'll be fixed in the next update. Thanks for flagging it.
  12. Hi, Yes, that should be all that's required. Giving out the permission is only needed if Use_Permissions is set to true, but it wont do any harm either way. Have you only recently enabled this setting? If so it may be important to know that the plugin checks every Reward_Seconds, so every 15 minutes, but that can be out of sync with the activity any given player has. I.E. If a player joins a few seconds after a check they'd only have 14:58 at the next check - Not enough. They'd have to wait 30 minutes (two checks) to see their first reward, at which time they'll have 29:58 of playtime. If you made the changes manually by editing the json you may need to unload the plugin before doing so, and if you made them via UI I think you'd need to reload the plugin afterwards to get the new timer to start running. If that doesn't get it running please just let me know.
  13. Hi, I'll take a look and see if I can get that added in. Thanks for letting me know.
  14. Steenamaroo

    grant permission

    Hi, That's not something RustRewards does but I do have another plugin that rewards based on time. I haven't released it yet but as far as I know it's ready - I'll see about getting that out to public.
  15. Hi, Are you 100% sure? Looking at the code here and Suicides are subtracted from Deaths before working out KDR, if that option is set to true. It is, however, only updated each time the player records a PVPKill so if you changed KDRExcludesSuicides from false to true, players who haven't had a PVPKill since would still have their old stat, taking Suicides into account.
  16. Hi, PlayerRanks doesn't gather that information at present but it is something I'd planned to add in in the reasonably near future.
  17. Steenamaroo

    Question about cargo

    Hi, I'll take another look but it's unlikely just on how the cargo ship works and how BotReSpawn is written. If you're not aware you can use free NPCKits plugin (mine) to customise the vanilla npcs which spawn on the Cargo Ship. It's not the same, of course, but might be helpful.
  18. I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe some other plugin is putting loot on these npcs? Saying that, "Random" as your selection isn't the best for determining that something has changed. When it's set to Random the npc could get loot normally found in literally any container/barrel in the game, so they could have top tier guns and ammo on one corpse and junk on the next. I haven't checked but maybe Facepunch have added new loot container types, or changed some of the loot tables? BotReSpawn would catch that and add them to the list automatically. Certainly it's not something I've changed or, indeed, can change. The Rust Loot Source option is just a selector, letting you pick a different type of vanilla loot, but it is vanilla loot as issued by the game. BotReSpawn doesn't get involved in loot tables or balancing or any of that. Making changes in AlphaLoot wont affect the vanilla loot I've been talking about above ^, as far as I know. That would only affect the loot on the corpse if AlphaLoot is putting it there, and that would only be the case if Allow AlphaLoot is true, and you've got AlphaLoot set up to put loot on scientistnpc_roam.
  19. Hi, The only loot handling BotReSpawn does is if you're manually selecting an alternative container/source type for their vanilla loot. If Facepunch removed or renamed some container that would cause a problem, most likely reverting back to vanilla scientist loot. If "Rust_Loot_Source" option is something you use for those profiles, check them in BotReSpawn UI to make sure they're what you expect them to be. If you use some other loot plugin to give these npcs their loot then, most likely, something has changed over there.
  20. @eov-dev- Most likely some plugin is giving those crates and OwnerID - Probably so they're tied to a certain player. CustomLoot ignores crates with OwnerID not zero, as it usually indicates some other plugin has spawned, or is modifying, that crate. If you use a plugin that locks loot to a certain player, take a look at its config and see if it has any options relating to CustomLoot.
  21. Hi, I get that quite a bit but that was never really on the roadmap for BotReSpawn. As you say, that's what ZombieHorde does. BotReSpawn was always about placing bots to protect or defend their spawnpoint.
  22. Plugins should only reload when you tell them to via console, or less commonly by some timed plugin - Say auto switching from main to purge or something like that. If some plugin is frequently reloading check your console logs to see what it is. It may have console output to tell you why.
  23. If everything works under oxide but not under Carbon then that's most likely something Carbon devs would want to know about. It's meant to be 100% compatible, I believe, so something like that seems pretty clear cut. My understanding is that free Kits and Mevent Kits both work fine with BotReSpawn under oxide, although I only test and guarantee compatibility with the free one.
  24. Hi, Yes, you can enable settings for npc corpses only without affecting any loot crates or barrels, if you want.
  25. Oh, OK. It's something for Mevent to look at then, assuming they want to maintain API compatibility with the free Kits plugin. Sorry for the ping, Raul. Misunderstanding.


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