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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Even if there were no groups it should still show you the "Permissions Manager V2" header, at least. That makes me think there's an error that's being missed. oxide.unload PermissionsManager delete /oxide/config/PermissionsManager.json delete /oxide/lang/en/PermissionsManager.json if the language you're using isn't /en/, delete the one that's appropriate for you. Hopefully that should sort it.
  2. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Sorry that's not something I know anything about. You'd probably need to ask the author of Rust Server Manager.
  3. What about when you reload the plugin. Most likely there's some issue either with your config or lang file. if there's an error when you reload that would confirm, or you can just back them both up and let the plugin recreate fresh ones.
  4. Oh, it's completely blank. Are you seeing an error in your server console, when you open that PermissionsManager page?
  5. Hi, PermissionsManager fetches the groups from oxide each time you open a page that should list them, so it can't really be out of sync. Any possibility BetterChat's group system is its own, and separate from oxides, or perhaps some plugins is auto-removing the groups you've made? To test you could go to server console and type `oxide. group add SomeNameHere` then check in PermissionsManager to find that the new group is listed.
  6. Hi, Not sure what's happened there. Do you see any errors in console when you reload PlayerRanks? I'm thinking maybe your config file has an issue?
  7. Hi, PlayerRanks doesn't give out RP. Are you looking for support with RustRewards?
  8. Steenamaroo

    bug sir

    I can do that. Thanks for letting me know.
  9. Steenamaroo

    putting flashlights on npc

    Hi, You just put the attachments into the weapon attachment slots, the way you normally would in game. The npcs will be smart about the lights, so they'll only turn them on when it's nighttime, unless you set AlwaysUseLights to true for their profile. The lasers...I think they just have those on all the time.
  10. Steenamaroo

    Console error

    Thanks for reporting. I'll get a look at that soon.
  11. Hi, As the moment if you want to make manual edits to the json data files, the plugin needs to be unloaded first. I was always meant to add a 'reload from file' option to facilitate loading in edits without reloading the whole plugin, but I never got around to it.
  12. Hi, Most should be easy to find online, or obvious - If you just google 'rust containers' a few of the top results aren't bad. There are a few outliers, though. Because the plugin gets its information for the config directly from Rust assets, that means there can be containers listed that aren't actually used in game. That might seem pointless but custom map makers can place these containers, and plugins can spawn them. For any you're not sure about you should be be able to use f1 console in game to spawn one in and see exactly what it is. It'll spawn where you're looking, so best to look down towards the ground when you're doing it. Hope that helps.
  13. Hi, If you haven't set any item probabilities greater than zero yet then the items you're seeing are not coming from CustomLoot. Most likely you're just looking at the vanilla loot or loot from some other plugin. CustomLoot can Clear_Container_First before giving out its loot but it wont do that while all item probabilities are at zero - It just wont do anything.
  14. Steenamaroo

    Remove NPC

    Was there a custom plugin provided with your map? If you think some other plugin is deliberately messing with BotReSpawn npcs that would be for the developer of that plugin to rectify. Unfortunately it's not uncommon. Some of the copy-cats have to code to just indiscriminately destroy any npc within X radius of their npcs, which is pretty inconsiderate.
  15. Steenamaroo

    Remove NPC

    Hi, No, there's nothing like that I'm afraid. I don't really like the idea of BotReSpawn killing off npcs from other sources. I'm not a map maker but I think you should be able to remove the spawnpoints in RustEdit, no?
  16. HI @Papa Bear Glad to hear you're having fun customising your npcs, between NPCKits and BotReSpawn. If you're placing a custom spawnpoint up in that tower the npc should spawn exactly where you placed it, as long as there's navmesh up there. You can check to confirm by using the check navmesh button in the BotReSpawn UI, when you're placing/moving spawnpoints. If there's no navmesh then you'd have to set the profile for that npc to Stationary : true in order to force him to spawn there. The tradeoff is that if Stationary : true is required the npc won't be able to navigate around. It'll just stay in that exact spot.
  17. Hi, To ensure that the npcs drop vanilla loot you'd need to make sure that Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent is 100, and Rust_Loot_Source is "Default NPC". To prevent contents of the main container of the kit being lootable from the npc's corpse you'd set Wipe_Main_Percent to 100. You can, alternatively, just remove the unwanted items from the kit. These options are all per-profile and can be found in the UI for any profile under the 'Death' tab.
  18. Steenamaroo

    Stop Cactus Damage

    Hi, Yes, the PVE_Safe option set to true will prevent the npcs from taking damage from cacti.
  19. That's a great idea @Evan Mayo I'll take a look at that soon. Thanks for the comments!
  20. Hi, You need to update to the latest version of BotReSpawn - V1.2.5
  21. @Stark You can use it to prevent event profiles from taking place in close proximity to some monument/profile so, for example, you could have npcs spawn when a PatrolHeli is taken down, but you you could set up your airfield profile to prevent the above, if it takes place near the airfield.
  22. No, not yet. The last update was just a patch to stay up to date with Facepunch changes at wipe. I always list all the changes in update notes so you'll see it added, most likely in the next version.
  23. That'd certainly do it. Thanks for replying so other people know.
  24. @william longThere isn't really a default, with reference to vanilla, as there's multiple different npc types within vanilla Rust, all with different behaviours, weapons, clothing etc. BotReSpawn doesn't spawn a vanilla junkpile guy, or heavy scientist, or whatever - Its AI and specs differ from the vanilla npcs and there are behaviour customisations and various difference. The default settings provided for things like health and aggro/deaggro are just a sort of middle ground, just trying to avoid making any particular setting extreme.
  25. It's all there in the UI, although I guess I could include a document too. There is no standard vs heavy in BotReSpawn - There's just npc. You customise how they look and what weapons they have via kits, and modify their health and behaviour via the UI options.


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